Saturday Morning

Patricia R.
on 12/5/14 11:30 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF,

Well, I sat down to check in, and forgot my coffee.  Be right back.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 12/6/14 12:06 am - Perry, MI

I'm back.

Well, I got to sleep in this morning.  I was at Colleen's till close to midnigh****ching TV, while the kids slept.  She, Trent, and a couple in-laws were at the church setting up for Baby Hunter's birthday party.  She couldn't get into the room to do it till after 9:00, because another family at the church was using it.  I watched TV, and crocheted.

Vickie, I love the idea of roasted pecans, but also thought of something else.  If you go to, and use their Search by Ingredient feature, you could find tons of pecan recipes.  I've used it when I couldn't remember the name of a recipe, but knew what went in it.  Just type in Pecans, and see what comes up.  Could be fun. 

Judy, I'm sorry you are losing the good tenants.  It sucks when the bad tenants seem to outnumber the good ones.  Stay focused on the good.  Don't let the bad ones bring you down.

Connie, I'm so glad your new doctor understands your pain issues, and is helping you.  It's such a shame it took so long.  That just isn't right that you had to suffer so long.

Vickie, I love your new place.  It's perfect.  I have always wanted a place with a pool and fireplace.  My ex's house when he was growing up had one.  It is perfect.  Now his Mom also has a hot tub too.

Eileen, I'm glad your foot is healing so nicely.  It's a shame you'll have to deal with the knee pain regardless of the surgeries you've had.

Now sure who I'm missing right now.  Oh, Cindy, glad your remodel is almost done.  I'm sure it'll be gorgeous.

Love to all,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 12/6/14 5:29 am - Galion, OH

Trust me Trish I stay away from the mean ones...LOL

Birthday party today? Have fun!!!


Connie D.
on 12/6/14 6:23 am

Hello Trish and everyone.....

Tri****hought I already posted to you...hmmm...I can't find it....gremlins again!!!

It is wonderful you got to sleep in this morning. You got to relax anyway with the munchkins in bed. 

Good idea on the Pecan Recipes for Vickie. Pinterest is another great place to go!

As for screams please...I did four loads of laundry and changed the linens on my bed this afternoon. Yes, I am tired!! Pam is coming in a bit. We are going to Burlington's Coat Factory. We have coupons for $10 off a $10 order. Can't miss that!! 

I finished up on the last bit of paperwork I needed to gather together. Lots of forms to fill out like always!! Now I can relax and enjoy tonight and tomorrow!! I will be writing out Christmas cards tomorrow. That is relaxing!! I feel so bad that I am so behind. 

Anyone have Jo, Cindi, Jennifer, or Francine's addresses? Anyone else on here , if I am forgetting please send yours too. CRS!!!!!!

Ladies if you see this will you email them to me ...PLEASE!!!  [email protected]

Thanks so much!!

Wishing everyone a good rest of the day!

Prayers for our blessed Off Family and their families.

Lots of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d


Judy G.
on 12/6/14 12:18 am - Galion, OH

Morning Trish...Where did you go for coffee?????? LOL

Well its raining here again/yet/still...GRRRRRRR wanted to get the tenants Christmas gift shopping done today but that looks like its now on hold til maybe tomorrow? POOP!!!!!! Oh well not really wanting to go get mixed up in the crowds today anyhow. Had enough of people all week anyhow. Tomorrow is another day. sounds good to me. LOL

Well my dress FITS!!!!!!!! Now for the shoes...Need to find either the ones I already have or get some flashy new ones with a low heel!!! Mom suggested some sliver ones? The dress has a rhinestone brooch at the shoulder that is why she thinks silver shoes...maybe...not sure yet.

Ordered Chinese food last night...yup I sure did!! I had General Tso chicken. Was very good. No problem either. WOW!! Am I able to eat this food again?? Hope so!!! I sure have missed it!!! I didn't eat a lot of it so maybe????? I know I have enough left over for 4 more meals? Rick said it was going to be HOT but to me it was not hot at all!!! Just right!!! He had beef broccoli.

Going to Bingo tonight. Not sure if I will be lucky or not just need to get away from this place for a few hours. Besides the Monthly drawing is tonight and the pot is HUGE!!!!!! Would be very nice to win that one!!!

Oh...called another insurance agent Friday and she has a couple plans for me to look at and she will be here Monday morning to go over them with me. Sounds promising. Keep fingers crossed!!! There might be hope after all for me to get health insurance!!!

Well that's is about it for me today. Nothing exciting.

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Cindy P.
on 12/6/14 4:48 am

Judy, we used to love Chinese food.  Don't have any good Chinese places here in town.  The few that we have focus on volume of food served and not quality.  So, we don't eat it any more. 

Good luck at Bingo tonight.  Hopefully, you'll take home the grand prize!!


Cindy P.

Judy G.
on 12/6/14 5:31 am - Galion, OH

Thanks Cindy!!!

Hope your hubby is feeling better now and also the dog!!! Sounds like your house is going to be so pretty when all done!!!

We finally found Chinese food I can eat without getting so sick on it  (I THINK!!!) Shouldn't say that too soon or I might get sick yet...lots of left overs to eat yet!!! LOL


Connie D.
on 12/6/14 5:35 am

Judy....I am glad you found something Chinese that you like!! I crave it too!!

I hope the insurance lady can find you a better deal. I will send some prayers!!

I hope you win BIG tonight at Bingo!!!!!

I am so happy your dress fits!! I did look it up online!! Silver shoes would look great with that dress!! Me, it would have to be very high heels!!! But, I know you don't want to tower over Rick!! 

Love you bunches and oodles of Hugs....connie d

Cindy P.
on 12/6/14 2:02 am

Good Morning!  It's rainy here -- but no wind so that's a plus.

Yippee!  The painter finishes up today.  Almost done!

Hubby had a bad migraine so we were up in the middle of the night.  I got up and kept him company while he tried sitting up with the heating pad.  Made him two hot mugs of coffee to try to alleviate the pain in his sinuses.  He took a long hot shower -- tried just about everything. 

Hope everyone has a good, relaxing weekend doing the things you enjoy doing.  We have a contractor coming over at noon to talk about a deck and then I think I'll drag hubby to the grocery store.  Actually, I don't have to drag him.  He doesn't mind going. 

Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 12/6/14 5:59 am

Hi Cindy....Yay on the painter finishing up....not much left for them to do now!!!

So sorry your hubby continues to have a migraine. It sounds like an awful one too!

Have a good evening!!

HUGS and more LOVE....connie d

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