

Judy G.
on 12/6/14 10:39 pm - Galion, OH

Be right back my coffee needs warming up...

Judy G.
on 12/6/14 11:02 pm - Galion, OH

Today let us remember Pearl Harbor.

Morning OFF family...not much happening here except the SUN IS OUT!!!!!!!! After the last few days of gloom and rain its nice to see Mr Sun again!!! Only 29* though BRRRR!!!! But I will take that over the rain!!! So today I will be doing the tenant Christmas gift shopping!!! Need to get that done and IF I feel like putting the tree up after that I will do that also...but I am sure that will get done more like tomorrow...lol.

Went to Bingo last night and didn't win again. My luck sucks!!! The monthly drawing person was not signed so that rolls over for next month...bigger pot!!! Should be over $4 grand!!! WOW!!!

Got a message from my son...he wants me in the dress and send him a picture...LOL I told him I was in my nightie last night and he could wait now til I felt like trying it on again!! LOL. He was bummed...rofl. So after I get my shower this morning and hair fixed and all the rest I will get the dress on and have Rick take my picture with the dress on and I will send him the picture via text message. Not sure how to put it on here...or FB. Wish I did!! This windows 7 is so touchy compared to the old windows I used to have...that I could do!!! NOT THIS ONE!!!!!!

Ohio State won the football game last night...59-0 WOW!!!!!!!!!

My hair needs cutting again so bad and so does Bandit's. Money money money!!! Gosh!!! And not to mention time to get this done also.

Thursday night we are going to see "EXODUS: Gods and Kings". I am so excited to be going!! our chiro dr rented the theatre for a special viewing of this just for his patients to see. This movie doesn't open to publi****il Friday. Pretty cool huh?

Well better get in the shower and dressed for the "camera" LOL then ready to shop til I drop...need about 25 or so gifts to buy then wrap. Yippeee!!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


Connie D.
on 12/7/14 1:29 am

Good morning Judy and everyone....

Judy....text me the pic....PLEASE!! You have my number right? I don't know how to post on Facebook or OH?OFF either. I am lucky I can even do this!!

Sorry you didn't win at BINGO....maybe next week....$4 grand would be an awesome win!!

That is really nice of your Chiro to show that movie for you. What a thoughtful man. I am sure you will enjoy it very much.

Have fun shopping for the tenants gifts!! 

As for me...I tired today. I did all that laundry yesterday and then went to Burlington's with Pam last evening. That in itself was a two hour process. I finally found a pair of navy blue leggings. They are so hard to find. Cost was $5. I also bought a large pump bottle of good hair conditioner for $8. I had a $10 off coupon so I spent $3....not bad!!! They don't have electric carts and it was a huge store. Then we needed to stop at the grocery store..UGH.

Today I am doing absolutely NOTHING. After lunch I will be on the couch, watching movies and reading!!

I will check in again later. Have a beautiful day!

I am praying Butch has considerably less pain today. Also praying for our sweet Vickie...LOVE YOU!!!

Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families.

Much love and oodles of hugs to all.....connie d



Judy G.
on 12/7/14 4:28 am - Galion, OH

Hey Connie...sent you the pic not a good one I am not all dolled up LMAOOOOOOOOO just the dress on...kids loved it on me...told them I would bring it home for Christmas so they could see it better. They said OK.

My chiro dr is very religious...love him a lot!!! Can't wit til Thursday night for this movie!!!! OH...I told him what you said about him by the way...he said he would take "cute'!!! LOL

Got all BUT 5 gifts bought today!!! OMG ran out of options for these people!!! I did buy one set of knives though!! Yes I am going to give it to the one tenant that is ALWAYS putting the knife in our back IF she shows up!!! LOL I was going to do it for 7 of them but then changed my mind...but I HAD to get one!!!! I just HAD too!!!!! I also got 3 bags of "coal" candy for a joke...LMAOOOOOOOO that will be fun to watch them open!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!

I am pooped out right now...stopped at local grocery to see if they had their famous fried chicken on sale and they DID!!! Oh lucky me!!!! I love their fried chicken!!! So guess what we are having tonight? LOL

Gosh I hope Butch is OK...just hope he over did is all...teasing Vic on her pecans...LOL

OK time to fix my chicken and some squash...YUMMMMMMMM!!!!!!


on 12/6/14 11:51 pm


I hope you have a blessed Sunday and a good shopping adventure. 

I was so thrilled for the Buckeyes. It was cool to watch them play so well. They have sure had a go of it this year. 

Hope everyone has a good day and finds some time each day to enjoy the season. 


Connie D.
on 12/7/14 12:43 am

Hi Francine....can you email me your address please?


Thanks...love and hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 12/7/14 4:29 am - Galion, OH

Thanks Fran!!! Love the Buckeyes!!!! Even if I am from Michigan!!!! LOL

Had a lot of fun shopping and now I am worn out!!! Lots to wrap now....blah!!! LOL


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