Good Morning,
I am still without my laptop cord. On my phone.
Been babysitting a lot. I missed my Munchkins.
Tons of cleaning and unpacking to do. Then the visitation later this afternoon. Grandpa's funeral is tomorrow.
Tonight I have the children's program. I'm doing the lesson about the angel coming to Mary and Joseph about the birth of Jesus.
I've kept up with all the posts.
Vickie, I'm so happy for you guys. That's wonderful.
Connie, hope your new doc helps you.
It's colder here than PA.
Love to all.
Albert Schweitzer

good morning! I'm on my phone. We are sstill here in east Texas at the lake. But we are not staying at OUR lake house. Oh no. Why? Because we forgot our keys!!! LOL! We don't have the keys to our lake house or storage building or anything. They are all on Butch's key chain and that's hanging on a peg at canyon lake! So we are staying at our niece's lake house.
Anyway we will be here another day or two. Butch has a few people he needs to see. But we may go home tomorrow.
We are super excited about our new house. When we get home I will post pictures. Closing in January.
Well I have to close. Too hard to type on the phone. Love you all!
Hello Vickie....I feel bad that you only have your phone to use for now. It is a pain to post much on those little phone pads!!
Hey at least the forgotten keys were on Butch's key-chain! That was his responsibility to grab his keys. he couldn't blame anyone else for that. Sorry you couldn't get in your lake home.
Let us know when you do get home....which ever day!!
I will look forward to seeing the pics!!
Love you much.....HUGS....connie d
Good afternoon Trish and everyone.....
Trish...... I hope you can get your cord soon. I hate when I have to use my phone!!
I am sure the Munchkins were happy to see you come back. They must really have missed you a lot!
Keeping you and your family in my prayers. This will be especially hard for Travis. I know you will all be so sad. I wish there was something thing else I could do to help!
Enjoy the children's program tonight. I love to watch the children!!
As for me....I love my new doctor already!!! I met with her for about 45 minutes. We thoroughly went over everything. She looked at me and said, with tears in her eyes, "how have you gone so long in this condition". My last doctor wouldn't give me Vicodin. She didn't think I qualified for it. This doctor was outraged. She said you have a full history of doing everything your doctors requested. You have tried several kinds of treatment, PT, OT, Rehab, pain clinics, swimming etc., and nothing is working!! Why wouldn't she give you something for PAIN!! Yes, she had you on Cymbalta which is helping some with the Fibro pain. I see nothing besides Tylenol for other kinds of pain. I told her that was what I was tying to get my old doctor to understand. She immediately ordered me Vicodin!! I will be taking it PRN. I am sure that will work as that was how I was using it before. FINALLY someone understands!!! Thank you all for the prayers and good vibes!!
My new cleaning Fairy is here. No one has been here for 3 weeks. I used my little Swiffer and do some dusting. She said it didn't look dirty. She seems to be doing a good job so far!! Cleaning thoroughly for sure!! One less thing to worry about!
I have nothing else planned today. I need to rest.
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!
Prayers for our OFF Family and also their families.
Lots of love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d
Hi Trish and my OFF family:
I was so busy yesterday I didn't even get online to check things out, so I didn't know what was going on. And now I'm back at work after one day off. And I'm so tired.
This was yesterday: Got up at 8 a.m. (way too early) had breakfast and coffee, went out to get my hair done as the bangs were below my nose. Then went to Walmart and my bank in Walmart, got a few things there, then to Sam's, a few things there, then hurried off to my psych appointment across town the other way. Then after that, my chiro appointment. I was pretty tired after that. It was after 4 when I got home. Ordered some food (because all I had all day was an Atkins bar and coffee and water), started laundry, had to plunge my toilet several times because it overflowed (that didn't help my back). Eventually food came, I sat down to eat, rest and watch my movies. But the pizza wasn't exactly what I ordered so I had to call and complain (I'm getting a free one next week).
Laundry and movies were done by 10 p.m., went to bed, put laundry away, read for awhile, went to sleep about midnight ... phew, I'm tired.
Today, I had PT at 10:30 a.m. so I was up early for that, did some shopping afterward and had lunch, took a nap before work. Wanted to go to the retirement luncheon for the old-timers who are leaving but I was just too tired.
Connie, I'm glad your new doc understands you. It's hard to find someone like that.
Vickie, happy you're closing on the new home. Hope it works out.
Well, I guess I should do some work.
Eileen I can so relate to your being so worn out!!! Seems I have been going since 8am Monday non stop!!!!!! I AM BEAT!!!!!!!!!! Between move outs and new leases....rents due...WOW!!!!!!!! Also trying to decorate for Christmas yet.....I am not young anymore!!!
Man getting food ordered and then finding out its NOT what you wanted!!! GRRRRRRRR Atleast you get a free one next time!!!
Today I finally got supper!!! Yeah been THAT busy today!!!! LOL
Hope you get some rest!!!!