
Cindy P.
on 11/28/14 3:46 am

Hi.  No one has started today's thread so I guess I will take a turn. 

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.  We had a quiet day.  Hubby had a migraine from early a.m. until 8:30 p.m. last night.  I feel so bad for him when he gets them like that. 

We ventured out for a couple of errands and went to the grocery store and it was PACKED.  There wasn't a parking space to be had.  We wouldn't have gone had we not needed to.  I can only imagine the frenzied pace at the checkout lines on days like today.  I feel for the store clerks. 

It's raining cats and dogs and windy too.  Snow in the forecast for tonight/tomorrow.  It is still shocking to me that it can snow at the beach.  And, we've lived here twelve years now.  Every time it happens, I am floored all over again.  One year, we got six inches at once and you could hear the limbs of the pine trees snapping under the weight of the snow. 

Hope you have a good day today.


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 11/28/14 4:01 am

Good afternoon Cindy and everyone......

Cindy.....I am glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!! I hope your hubby's headache is better soon. Migraines can be so horrible!!

I am not venturing out to anywhere today. To many crazy people out shopping!! I an glad you made it out of the store alive!!!

We had freezing rain earlier. The trees are so pretty. We have so much snow. It snowed during the night again. I didn't check but I would guess about 3 inches. You can take all the snow you want....I would gladly give it all away! It is pretty to look at but that is about it.

I finally went down to lunch today. I was fine when I got there but was so week walking back. That tells me I need to keep resting. I will go out for a couple short walks later. I need to get my strength back!!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!!

Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.

Lots of LOVE and HUGS to all....connie d

Cindy P.
on 11/28/14 5:07 am

Connie:  Will you walk outside or inside? 

We lived in Boise, ID  for 20 years.  When we first moved there, I LOVED the snow.  Took about one winter season to get over that though.  Ha Ha 

You are wise to rest.  I wonder if the Noro virus is going around your complex?  Seems like whatever you had is clinging on for dear life.  Take it easy and try to resist the urge to get back in the groove.  Your body is telling you something.  Of course, part of the weakness you describe could be from eating so little. 

I took the dog out to go potty and it was raining.  (He's not fond of the rain.)  I put his raincoat on which protects his back but his head still gets wet.  Anyway, I was walking on the cement close to the house and under a small overhang to try to stay somewhat dry.  After quite a few steps, I looked back because I didn't see the dog.  He was on my heels -- also on the cement and under the overhang.  Ha  Ha.  I had to laugh to myself.  He's no dummy.

Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 11/28/14 6:13 am is a fact that dogs don't like going out in the rain because of the noise. Their hearing is so much greater then ours that the sound actually hurts their ears. Just an FYI. Yes....dogs are very smart!!!

I just walk inside...I still have to use my walker. It is too cold and icy out there. I don't need a fall. My balance is off. I did fall twice yesterday, in my apartment. I was okay. I broke my hip once....I never want to feel that pain again!!

I am not sure what virus is going around but I sure had it. Other people are feeling bad too. I never went to a doctor so I am not sure what I have. I am resting now. That going back and forth to lunch wore me out. I am too weak for anything!!!

I spoke with my granddaughter, Amanda. I told them they better not come here (driving from Oregon). I don't want them catching what ever this is. They won't get to St Paul (her dad's****il about 9:00 PM. Stopping here would make it even later for them. Plus, I don't want then coming here when there is so much illness going around.

Have a great and hugs...connie d

Judy G.
on 11/28/14 6:04 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...Well today was payday so we went to the bank and Rick said what the heck lets stop and shop!!!!! WTH?????? LOL So we shopped...I got what I I told him to look and see what he wanted for Christmas!!! He found NOTHING!!!!!!!! HUH?? Yes NOTHING!!!!!!!! Mr POWER TOOLS found NOTHING he wanted!!!! This is getting serious!! Now what do I do??? Time is running short here!!! I told him tomorrow we ARE going to the hardware and/or Harbor Freight to look and see if we can find something!!! This is not right for him to say he can't find anything he wants!!! He did say he wants a FLYING MONKEY!!! He is NOT getting a flying monkey!!!! Sighs....LOL

Got a snow squall right now...WOW!!!!! This can stop anytime!!! Like you said Connie it IS pretty but that is about all!!! People have no idea how to drive in it anymore...I know when I had drivers education we had to learn how to drive in the winter!!

Cindy sorry that your husband had that awful migraine again!! Wish they could find something to help him out!!! Had to LOL about the dog under foot!!! Sounds about right!! They sure aren't stupid when its raining!!

Well the tenant that forgot her coin purse and ID last sunday finally came to our door just now asking for it. DUH!!!!! Then she asked Rick where her phone was!!! OMG!!! I am about ready to call adult protective services on her!!!! I think come Monday I am talking it over with my boss and see what she says about it. This has gone on long enough!!

Thinking Sunday I am going to put the one Christmas tree up in the other club house. One where we will be having the dinner at. Not sure IF I will put one up in this one where my office is yet. See how I feel.

Well time to find turkey turkey...LOL

Thoughts and prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 11/28/14 6:23 am turkey, turkey!!!

I can't believe you and Jeff went shopping. He must be coming down with something!!!

Yes, you do need to talk to your boss about that woman's issues. She will forget she is cooking something and start the place on fire!!!

I hope you don't get too much snow. It is a mess around here!!

The way I am feeling I don't know if I will get decorations u*****t. I have to start writing out Christmas cards...I am so behind!!

I hope you have  peaceful and hugs...connie d

Judy G.
on 11/28/14 6:28 am - Galion, OH

Connie...who is JEFF??? LOL Rick is who I went shopping no he isn't sick just not finding what he wants or needs I guess...sighs!!!!

Weather is supposed to warm up and then we get RAIN!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR

Yes I am going to talk to my boss and I am sure SHE will tell me to call APS on her to be evaluated!!!

I got most of the cards signed and ran out...had to buy more...will do that tomorrow or sunday and put them out with the newsletter!!! One trip!! LOL


Connie D.
on 11/28/14 6:58 am

Judy.....I am sorry.....I have no idea why I said Jeff. My thinking lately really is bad. I am starting to get scared. I see my new doctor next week. Love to you!!!!!!

Judy G.
on 11/28/14 7:05 am - Galion, OH

Connie I am also thinking I am getting CRS at times for real!!! Don't worry I was teasing you...I know you are under stress!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 11/28/14 6:47 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Cindy and my OFF family:

Didn't get much done online at home; looked around a bit online at sales and paid a couple of bills. Paid off my washer. I had $19 left to pay so I said let's take care of it. It's one less bill to pay next paycheck. Now it's all mine. 

I don't go near a store (other than maybe a drugstore if I'm desperate for something) on Black Friday. If I need to shop, I'll do it online. I would rather shop online anyway. Much easier for me. 

Chilly out today but sunny, no snow. Still have a bit of a headache, backache, knee ache ... you name it. Not sure what's going on there. I think maybe the headache is sinus related. After I took the decongestant I had, it seems to have lessened. The knee, who knows? Felt fine until I got to work. 

Rick sounds like my dad. You'd ask him what he wanted and he said, "Beer and cigarettes." As kids, we'd end up getting him socks and underwear. When we got older, we'd do the beer and cigarettes ... although I'd never buy cigarettes. Beer, OK. When he could no longer have beer because he was on dialysis, he got a Jelly Belly habit, so I started buying him those. Or I made cookies. He just wasn't someone who needed a lot of things. I think maybe Rick is like that.

Have a good day. People are a little cranky at work tonight. Think I'll put the earbuds in and listen to Christmas music.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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