Happy Sunday!

Connie D.
on 11/30/14 11:19 am

Thank you Eileen.....I am still just so excited. I hope I can sleep.

Tyler is such a sweetheart. He is a very romantic guy and does so many special things for Amanda. She does the same for him. They are such a sweet couple!!

Love you....HUGS....connie d

Cindy P.
on 11/30/14 8:04 am

Connie:  That's is wonderful news about Amanda and Tyler.  How exciting for your family.   I know how much you love them so I can imagine how overjoyed you are! 


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 11/30/14 8:11 am

Thank you Cindy.... We are all stiil pretty excited!!!

Love and hugs...connie d

on 11/30/14 4:25 am - Bradenton, FL

Oh Connie That is so exciting!!!!!

Carl is staying home and cat and dog sitting!!! He cramps my style when I take him with me!!!! 


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Connie D.
on 11/30/14 7:27 am

Carla...you always make me laugh....your funny remarks about Carl......LOL!!

Thank you....I am still floating on cloud 9 over their engagement!!!

Lots of love and hugs too....connie d

on 11/30/14 9:52 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello my sistas!

Bringing up the rear tonight.  Let's see--Connie!  Congratulations on Amanda and Tyler's engagement!  I know that makes you so happy.  I hope it works out where you can move closer to them eventually, too.  Wonderful news.

Judy--glad that things worked out okay for Chase and his family.  So glad the baby is okay.  I think Rick will love being surprised by his flying monkey--whatever the heck it is!  LOL!  When I hear "flying monkeys", I think of the Wizard of Oz.  Is it one of those?

Carla--safe travel wishes for you as always.  Vinnie is going to be so happy to see you again!  A granny's gotta do what a granny's gotta do!

Cindy--I remember you posted something, but I can't remember what!  Ack!

As for me, it's been an intense weekend and I'm seriously starting to doubt the wisdom of having both my mom and Butch together with me on the same property.  OMG.  They are the TERRIBLE twosome!  They are driving me bats!  They just egg each other on, and I feel like I'm in a cartoon with crazy old people surrounding me!  LOL!  

We drove over to Seguin yesterday afternoon to show Mom the house we are trying to buy.  (More on that later.)  Then we drove around the little town of Seguin for a few minutes, just to get a look at things.  OMG.  You should have heard the two of them: "Is there a Sonic?" "Do they have a Walgreens?" "Is there a barber shop?" "Is there a Big Lots?" "Do they have more than one bank?"  It just went on and on.  It's a town of 25,000 people just outside of San Antonio.  YES!  They have at least one of everything you can name!  Crazies! (And why do they think I should know all these things?  Seguin is new to me, too.)

Then today they wanted to know where the sun sets on the property.  The front?  The back?  The sides?  And they both look at me like I should know!  How the hell do I know?  I've been there twice and the first time it was raining.  I have no idea where the friggin' sun sets!

It's like dealing with toddlers, I tell you!  Un-freakin-believable.  I'm not sure I can handle the two of them together.  Butch has pretty tough skin and I can snap at him when I get fed up, but Mom just sulks and pouts if I hurt her feelings.  So I have to tread very carefully.  I'm not good at that!

Anyway, I pulled a bunch of guest house plans off the internet this morning and gave them to Mom to look over.  She, of course, found something wrong with every last one of them.  Ooookaaay.  I didn't say we had to build that exact house plan.  I said, "Look at these and see what you think."  They were just for ideas, that's all!  Geez.  

And then she said she would just rather move into an apartment or assisted living.  I just looked at her.  I've been trying for two years to get her to look at some of the lovely retirement communities here in New Braunfels or San Marcos.  She wouldn't have a thing to do with them.  Both of those cities are 2 or 3 times the size of Seguin, but now she thinks she's going to find something to suit her THERE?  Sure, Mom.  I'm sure little ol' Seguin, TX, has the ideal retirement community for you to live in.  

Then she got upset because Butch said he didn't want to pour a slab for the guest house.  He wants to put it on pier and beam.  She said she only wanted to live "on concrete".  Well, hell.  I just had to walk away.  I can see myself doing that a LOT in the future.

Oh, well.  It will all work out in the end, I suppose.  But I may be a fruitcake before it's all said and done.

So, then, we are supposed to carry Mom home to Nacogdoches next week.  All along we've been saying we would go on the 2nd and spend a week there at the other lakehouse.  Then yesterday Butch decides that we are leaving tomorrow on the 1st.  Did he ask me about it?  NO.  But did he get on the phone and tell my SIL Judy that we are coming tomorrow?  YES.  And she is planning a damn party for us on Tuesday the 2nd.  Well, that's all very nice, but he didn't run any of it by ME.  I need to be HERE tomorrow.  I have a big delivery from Amazon coming tomorrow via UPS.  It's big Christmas presents.  I cannot go off and leave over $500 worth of electronics and appliances lying out on the front porch!  And I need to stop the mail for the rest of the week.  AND we need to drop off an earnest money check at the realtor's office in case we manage to make a deal on that house in the next few days.  I NEED A WORK DAY TO TAKE CARE OF THINGS BEFORE WE LEAVE!!!  I had it all worked out just right for us to leave on Tuesday.  

But no.  And SIL Judy has already set everything in motion for this damn party on Tuesday, and she's been calling and inviting people, and it would just be too much to ask her to reschedule it.  We have to go tomorrow.  I really could just shoot that man.

Well, it is what it is.  We have to go tomorrow.  I'll just have to try and work around all the rest of this crap.  Maybe one of my neighbors can help me out with the UPS delivery.  

So, still no word from the sellers on our offer on the house.  I'm sure it will happen next week while we are out-of-town.  Natch.  Anything to make it more complicated than it already is.

Well, I'm in a pissy mood (as I'm sure you all can tell), and I'm going to log off now.  Maybe I'll go crochet awhile if I can find a quiet hidey-hole in this house to get away from Mom and Butch!  LOL!

Love you all!






Connie D.
on 11/30/14 11:40 am

Vickie....you know I love you to the moon and back, but I can't help but laugh at your post!!! The more I read the harder I laughed. Sweetie you need to write books. This post is so "Erma Bombeck"!!! The world needs another Erma. She passed away long ago and I have never found anyone with her wit until I met you!!!! You make everything sound so funny. Please, I don't mean to make light of your situation. I can't imagine putting up with those two together. Bless your heart!!!! Maybe it just hit me this way because I am still so happy today!!!!

I would  drop your mom off at her place. Then drop Butch at his sister's. Then you go on to the lake house. Tell Butch you will see him the next day as planned!! Maybe the next time he will remember to discuss plans together. Just kidding I know you wouldn't do that, I would!!! Maybe that is why I am single, I am very independent, and I like that way....LOL!!!!

I hope you get everything done for the trip. I will be sending prayers for your safe travels. You know how much I care about you....don't take my yapping seriously!!

I sent you two text messages today...I must have your home number and not your cell phone. I was just telling you about Amanda and Tyler. 

Much love and oodles of hugs.....connie d

on 11/30/14 11:14 pm - Cibolo, TX

Connie,  I checked my "smart" phone and I did get your messages.  I only have the one phone number now.  BUT my damn smart phone doesn't tell me when I get a message!  I don't know how to make it do that.  I'll have to ask one of my daughters how to get the "signal" that there's a message waiting.  Sigh.  That phone is too smart for me!  LOL!


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