Happy Sunday!

on 11/29/14 11:06 pm - Bradenton, FL

Welcome to Sunday,

Not much going on here in Sunny Florida!

Drinking my Coffee and thinking about packing!!!

i have Vinnies stuff in my car but that's it!!!

talk on I need to go warm up my Coffee!



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Connie D.
on 11/30/14 2:43 am, edited 11/30/14 2:44 am

Good afternoon Carla and everyone.....

Carla....the sooner you pack the sooner you will be seeing Vinnie....LOL!! I know you can't leave until Tuesday. I am just teasing you!! At least you have the important things in the car already...gifts for Vinnie!!!

So what is the temp in Florida???? It is 11 degrees now and with wind chill it is -5. The sun is shining brightly!! 

I am still using those dish cloths you sent me. That was at least a couple years ago or more. They sure hold up well!! I just love them. I think of you every time I use them!!

Have a good day!!!

Love you...HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/30/14 2:57 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon Carla and Connie!! And OFF family yet to come in!!!

Just got back from MORE shopping!!! LOL I got Rick's shaver that he saw in the Meijer ad!!! Now he is done!!! Yeah right!!! LOL I also drove in the opposite direction to the other town and got him that dam flying monkey he wanted!!!! SHHHHH I told him they were all OUT!!!! I got home and said damit I should have called to see if they still had any before I drove that far!!! He was sad...LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Now he has something he doesn't know about!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!

He put his little fiber optic tree up last night. That was our first tree together...ahh memories!!! Its so pretty!!! He said this is our tree this year!!! I said GOOD!!! Its what I had in mind!!!! LOL He put up on top of the fireplace in front of the window so everyone can see it when they pass by. Nice!! Now to get the gifts wrapped oh gosh...lol I still have the tenants shopping yet to do. YUCK!!!!! LOL

So that is my day today. Exciting huh?

Need to get dishes done so we can have crablegs. Yup I bought some that were on sale!!! So sick of turkey!!! Got turkey coming out our ears!!!

OH...I finished the afghan last night for Rick's aunt Peggy! TADA!!!!!!! Hope she likes it!!! Why do I say that? Because dummy me made it wider than it should have been so I ran out of yarn to make it longer...so it is more square than long...but that's ok because Peggy is SHORT...lol so it will fit her either way!!! Plenty big enough!!

Squad was here again while I was gone...Took another tenant out. Rick said it looked like her arm was cut??? Great!! Said the cops were here also. Nice. And I missed it. Now to wait til rent day to find out what happened to her. Seems about the only time I see her.

Carla I also use your dish rags you made!!! They are great!!!! I bet you are counting down the hours now to leave for Chicago!!! You going alone?? Be careful!!

Connie forgot what you said you were up to today!!! DUH......lol Dam CRS!!!!

Ok time to get those dishes done!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!


Connie D.
on 11/30/14 3:09 am

Hi Judy...we must have been posting about the same time!! I forgot to add my exciting news to Carla's thread. I am worried ...I tell you my thinking stinks!!

I am glad you were able to find something to surprise Rick with!! Wrap it in a couple boxes and add something heavy. He won't be able to figure it out! Now I need to know...what is a flying monkey???? I am old...I don't have a clue!

So glad you got the afghan done...I knew you would!! I am sure she will love it!

More squads huh? Never a dull time at the Funny Farm!!!

Relax a bit today while you can. Enjoy the crab legs!!

Love you much....HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/30/14 4:10 am - Galion, OH

LOL Connie...this flying monkey is a stupid TOY!!!!!! I guess you use your finger to propel it through the air!!! Sort of like a slingshot in a way?? Only its the whole monkey that goes sailing!!!! OMG will he EVER grow up????????? Oh I WILL get it wrapped up good so he will not know what it is!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

The tenant today has seizures so hard telling if that's what happened...she also uses drugs but denies that!!!

Dishes done...crablegs soon...YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


Connie D.
on 11/30/14 3:02 am

Good afternoon everyone....

I forgot to add on my news when I replied to Carla's thread. I am telling you my mind is going!!

Excitement for my family last night!! Tyler and Amanda went out to the Mall Of America to go through the Aquarium and then to have dinner. That is where they met for the first time. They were walking along and watching the fish as some divers came into the tank. Then the divers came to the front of the glass and held up a sign "will you marry me"? Amanda read the sign and looked at Tyler. He was on his knee with the an engagement ring, asking her to marry him!! She said "YES"!!! They called me...Amanda was so happy and excited....so was Tyler!!! I am so happy for both of them. Amanda then said, Grandy, I know you knew about this....she was laughing. Yes, I was the one Tyler called to ask what size ring she wore. I gave her one of my anniversary rings and it fit her perfectly. He said she never took it off so he could get it sized!! I have been holding this in for a couple weeks now. I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone. It was hard not to post it here! Tyler and Amanda have been in love for about 4 years now. They are so perfect together!! I am just as excited!!

Wishing everyone a great day!!

Prayers for our amazing OFF Family and their families.

Loads of Love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/30/14 4:07 am - Galion, OH

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Connie!!! I am so HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I have tears of joy for them and you!!!!! That had to be so exciting for her!!! And him!! LOL OMG!!!!!

Do they have a date set yet??


Connie D.
on 11/30/14 4:24 am

THANKS for the Congrats and being happy for them!!!! I almost emailed you a couple days ago....I was so excited and wanted to tell someone!! I made a promise so I didn't....that was hard to do!!

Yes ...we are all excited but especially the two of them!! Her ring is so pretty!! No date has been set. Amanda has to finish school and they want to buy a house. It will be a little while yet. They have been saving money for a few years now toward a home. They have done great so far!!

I love you my sweet friend/sister!!!!!!

HUGS....connie d


Judy G.
on 11/30/14 6:50 am - Galion, OH

OMG Connie I bet you were bursting at the seams!!! WOW!!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 11/30/14 10:16 am - Evansville, IN

Connie, that was so cool how he proposed. Congrats. You kept the secret very well. 

I love that aquarium ... I've been there once when I lived in South Dakota and went out to the Mall of America a few times. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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