Judy G.
on 12/1/14 8:35 am - Galion, OH

Well I talked AGAIN to someone about health insurance for me. Ready for this one? $870.00 a MONTH!!!!!!!!!! Yup. Guess what I told them? KEEP IT!!!!!!!!! I will pay the dam fine at tax time!! I do not need this insurance. All I need is caterac surgery and nothing else!!!!! Paying this high cost each month is stupid!!!!!!!! Who in the hell does OBAMA think he is?????? He has a lot of money I DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for PPO's.......they are a joke!!!!!!!!! I have other bills to pay so there. I am still without health insurance!!!!!!! End of story!!!!!!!

Connie D.
on 12/1/14 9:36 am

I am so sorry about this insurance issue. $870 a month!!!!!! That is insane!!! How do they think you can pay for groceries, utilities, insurance and gas for your car and misc. other things? It really isn't fair to people like us that don't have much money and pretty much live paycheck to paycheck.

Same old thing...the lowest income always get hit the hardest. More and more benefits cut, less programs to help us, health wise we can't work much. I just had another  rent increase and insurance increase. There will be another increase after the 1st of the year. I just got all the paperwork to complete and send in. No more money just more costs. This is another reason I live alone. Being old and not much $$$ gets some help at least. Thank God for Medicare and Disability pay.  This is a big reason why I don't drive anymore. I couldn't afford the gas, insurance, tires, oil changes and all that.

I don't blame you for being so mad. It seems like the harder you work the less help you can receive. Those that lay around all day with nothing to do, buying drugs with their food stamps etc....they are the winners. there is a yeah right!!

I have no answers...they say you will be fined without insurance....why don't they fine all these losers driving around with no car insurance!! 

Our country is in such bad shape right now. I feel bad for those trying to start out and make a go of their lives. 

I love you and you know I am here for you....connie d

on 12/1/14 11:06 pm - Cibolo, TX

Judy, I will be in the exact same boat when my cobra insurance ends next fall!  I got a 15 month reprieve from stupid Obama care,  but then what?  We all have to pray that congress repeals that mess and offers an affordable alternative.   What is needed is a deregulation of health insurance.  Let the free enterprise system take over and things would become affordable quickly.   I'm sorry for your situation, hon! I plan to just pay the damn penalty too at this point.


Connie D.
on 12/2/14 12:05 am

Vickie...I agree...if I was in that situation, I would pay the penalties too!!! I hope this gets straightened out soon!!

I am glad to know you are still with us today and not locked up in a mental institution some where....LOL!!! That had to have been quite a ride!!!

Love you honey....HUGS.....connie d

Jo W.
on 12/2/14 12:03 am - Owosso, MI

When Steve retires in July  I will be without insurance for 2 yrs.   Oh  I have Tricare for life, but the secondary insurance is no good without a primary insurance.    All it will do is keep me from paying the fine because I can claim I have insurance.    Otherwise I'd have to pay 0ver 900 a month for insurance.  I do qualify for 1 rebate.   Because of Steves 36 yrs  in the military I get $3 a month rebate.  

Connie D.
on 12/2/14 12:07 am I just posted to Vickie....I sure hope this can be straightened out soon. It just isn't right!!!

Love you....hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 12/2/14 1:25 am - Galion, OH

Yup like the guy told me pay the dam fine its CHEAPER to do that if I am healthy!!!! Only thing needed by me is the dam eye surgery!!!!!!!!!! OBAMA KMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And any Obama lovers out there...same thing!!! You want to pay for my insurance?????????? Go for it!!!!!!


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