How is everyone this Saturday?

on 11/28/14 11:13 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning, sistas!

So, how is everyone doing today?  We are moving pretty slow around here today.  Butch had a pretty intense day of discomfort yesterday.  Sore muscles, achy joints, headache, etc., all from the chemo, I'm sure.  He says he feels a bit better today.

Talked to our realtor yesterday.  The sellers are out of town for the holiday weekend, so we won't hear anything about our latest offer on the house until Sunday evening.  Sigh.  Ready to move on that deal.

Carrie left yesterday, and Mike and Chris are working all weekend, so it's just us and Mom for now.  So peaceful!  

If Butch feels up to it, we're going to drive Mom over to Seguin to look at the new house.  The sellers are gone, so we can park and get out and look around a bit.  The realtor offered to meet us there so we could look at the inside of the house again, but I told her no.  I've seen the inside and I'm sold.  I would like to walk the pastures a bit.  Not sure if Butch is up to that or not, but maybe I can.  Haven't been all the way to the back of the property yet and I haven't seen the pond yet either.

Mike helped me get all my Christmas decorations down out of the attic, but I will wait to decorate until we get back from taking Mom home to Nacogdoches.  We plan to spend a few days there next week at the other lakehouse.  

Well, hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving holiday.  Connie, please do be careful not to fall.  Use your walker!  Eileen, I hope you are feeling better today--no headaches and no foot aches either!  Judy, hope you are enjoying your shopping and Rick.  Carla, I guess you're travelling?  Haven't heard from you in a few days.  Trish, I also have to assume you're in transit.  Hope you made the trip to PA okay.  Cindy, hope the remodel is coming along.  Still waiting to see pictures!  Francine, hope you're doing well today. Who have I forgotten?  Someone I'm sure.  Forgive me if I did!

Love you all! 


on 11/29/14 2:07 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi there,

We came home from Ft Lauderdale yesterday afternoon late. Stopped at the outlets for a bit and got trampled on!!!

i didnt buy anything!!!

saving my money for Vinnie!!!

Im leaving for Chicago maybe on Tuesday. I need to get my packing done.

Otherwise nothing else is going on!!!


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Connie D.
on 11/29/14 3:26 am

Good afternoon Vickie and everyone.... are brave shopping yesterday...not for me!! I wish you safe travel to Chicago Tuesday. I am sure Vinnie is anxiously awaiting your arrival!!!

Vickie....I am so glad the three of you are having a nice peaceful day!! It is always fun when family is around but nice when they leave too. 

Have fun it you go out to the property today!!I hope you get a better look. Be careful out walking in that pasture!!

It was nice of Mike to help you get your decorations down. I love putting everything up but hate taking it down! I will set up a small tree and a few decorations. I don't need much.

As far as I go....I am feeling much stronger today. I had a pretty good nights sleep last night. I am definitely getting stronger. I do need to do a couple loads of laundry. I think I will wait until Monday. I will feel stronger by then.

Other then that I will get some paperwork caught up. Then I am going to try to get some Christmas cards written out. I still have some of the cards I bought from St Jude. I want to use them. I have plenty of other boxes of cards too. 

Have a great day everyone!!!!!

Prayers for all our OFF Family and their families.

Love you much....HUGS....connie d

Cindy P.
on 11/29/14 4:02 am

Hi, Vickie, Connie, Carla, and all to follow.

Our remodel is 95% complete (not including a deck to be added a bit later).  Anyway, I don't know how to post pictures here but I could put some on Facebook.  I will wait until we are all finished and post them there.  The painter is coming this next week to hopefully finish up his part and then the kitchen backsplash is slated to go up the week after Christmas (provided there are no schedule delays).

Vickie, the property sounds wonderful.  I forgot how many acres you said were there.  A pond would be spectacular.  I wonder if they seeded it with fish?

Carla, I hope you have a good time visiting with Vinnie this next week.  Safe travels.

Connie, I'm so glad to hear you are feeling stronger.  I was getting worried. 

We had a big rain and wind storm last night.  Snow was in our forecast but we didn't get any. 

Hope everyone has a good day today. 

Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 11/29/14 5:32 am

Cindy....I am sure the update is beautiful!! I will be watching for pics on Facebook!!! Just let us know when they are posted so we don't miss them.

I am feeling stronger....but... when the afternoons come I just can't hardly function. I am so fatigued and really haven't done much but some paperwork. I can see this is going to take a longer time then I thought!! I felt so good in the AM....darn!!

Have a great rest of the day!!!

Love you much...HUGS....connie d


Judy G.
on 11/29/14 5:23 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...Gosh had that call from Chase and he is so worried about his daughter right now...(I posted separate post on it) We are waiting to hear back from him whats happening.

Watched the Ohio State-Michigan game...good game!! Ohio won!!! 42-28!! Wonder how my son will pay me my $10 this time?! Last year it was all in Michigan socks!! $5 in each sock!!! OMG!!!!!!!! He thought that was so darn funny!!! They are still in the socks too!!! Crazy kid of mine!!!!

Didn't do any shopping today. Bought the newspaper and saw that Meijers has electric shavers on sale starting tomorrow. He said he would like a new one of those. So guess what he is getting!!

Squad was here earlier also. Took one of the tenants out. Wonder what his trouble was. Mixing his drugs again or taking too many? He is the one that was into Sandy's when she lived here yet. And she was here at his apartment for Thanksgiving. Makes me wonder....

Not much else happening today...just relaxing and playing on pc.

Vic hope you get that careful wandering in that

Connie you take it easy...

Cindy hope to see your pictures also!!

Carla hope the weather holds out for you!!! Be safe!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 11/29/14 5:38 am

Hi our sweet Judy!!! 

I am sorry about Chase's daughter. You know I will be praying for them and the baby!!

You son sounds really fun....pennies in socks...pretty clever!! I can't wait to see what this year brings...LOL!

I am going to check some emails and then lay down. I  am so sick of being so damn tired all the time!!

Boy your residents just can't seem to stay away from your complex can they?? Sorry the guy was ill...I hope he will be alright.

Love you bunches...HUGS....connie d

on 11/29/14 6:07 am

I have been a bit busy since traveling to see my family. I am doing well. Jus****ched the OSU Michigan game. It wasa good game. Home TJ (the quaterback) is ok. 

Friday i met a friend for lunch after my workout and water aerobics.  I alsi stopped by to see the staff at the rehab center i stayed at three times. I also saw two residents that were there during my stays. I wrote about one of them in the Thankful notes. It was such a lovely day. 

Tomorrow i am meeting an other friend for lunch. She is bringing me two pairs of jeans that no longer fit her and she has not hemmed (they are Tall size ) so they should fit me. 

Oraying for all if you and for Chase's daughter and unborn grandchild. 

Connie D.
on 11/29/14 10:00 am

Hi was nice of you to stop in at the rehab center. I am sure they were happy to see you again!!

I wish I could exercise and do water aerobics like you do. I have no energy and with COPD trying to breathe is a workout! Believe me I have tried many times. Good for you I am proud of you!!

Have a great time at lunch tomorrow with your friend. I hope the jeans work out. If anything they will be too big!!

Love you....HUGS....connie d

Patricia R.
on 11/29/14 7:16 am - Perry, MI

Hi Vickie nd OFF,

I'm in Pittsburgh tonight.  On my way home after a wonderful holiday.  My great-nephew is absolutely adorable.  He's a Mini-Me of my niece.  I got to hold him for almost an hour.  My niece is a good Mom, and her husband is gaga over this boy. 

I left my laptop power cord at Kathy's, so she's gonna ship it to me when she gets back to her house from her trip to Maryland.  Right after I left her house this morning, she and my nephew left for a visit to her Mom's house in Maryland.

When I am back in Michigan, and have my laptop charged fully, I'll share more about my week.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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