Good is Friday....what is new??
Good morning everyone.....
I am still praying for Judy....I hope you all are as well!!! She will explain this all later.
I ended up with a wicked stomach flu yesterday evening. It is going around here. I knew it was a matter of time before I got it. I pray you never get this one!!! WOW!! I am doing all I can to help myself. I am resting and more resting for the day!! I called and canceled lunch today. No way do I want that!! I sat with two people at lunch a couple days ago. They said they had the flu and came to lunch anyway!! Now how smart was that? They are still sick! Infecting everyone in the dining room....not a good idea. I reported that the guy smelled like I know why. For three days he came to the dining room like that. He even had to run to the bathroom during lunch!! Thanks a lot!! Everyone in the dining room will be lucky if they don't all get it!! They are told not to leave their apartments if they are sick...they don't listen!
Anyway...I won't be checking in a lot but I will when I can.
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!
Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.
Much love and oodles of hugs to all.....connie d
Good Morning Connie and OFF Family,
Well, Grandpa passed away yesterday, I think in the evening. I saw Trent and his Mom briefly last night. Needless to say, they were upset. Funeral will be after Thanksgiving.
I have errands to run today, plus cleaning. Not sure how much I'll get done.
Connie, I'm sorry you got sick. When I was teaching, the school would send home letters to parents asking them not to send their kids to school with a fever, during flu season. Yet, kids would arrive at school with a fever, and have to go to the nurse as soon as they arrived. There was no stopping it from spreading. I always got my flu shot, because of that. Plus, I have asthma.
I have to get going, or I won't accomplish anything.
Prayers for all involved.
Love and Hugs,
Albert Schweitzer

Trish...I am so saddened to hear that grandpa passed away. I am still saying prayers for all of you and Trents family too. God Bless you all!! I can't even image how you are all feeling. No one wants to lose those that are so special. Please know how much I care.
I know sick people just don't care about anyone but themselves sometimes. I am feeling pretty weak. Time to lay back down again.
I just got up to get more to drink and noticed you had posted so I wanted to get back to you.
Keeping you close...I love you....HUGS.....connie d
My phone number is 320 291 4979...if any of you need me call!!
I also have unlimited texting.
Hi Connie and Trish and my OFF family:
Connie, I hope you feel better. Stupid people who don't know to keep their germs at home. They could have had their lunches delivered to them if they really had to have them.
My coworker's mom died last night. She had brain cancer for awhile. She was in hospice for the past few weeks, so it wasn't a surprise. She was a prominent educator in our city. He wasn't at work yesterday as her breathing became shallow, so we all knew the time had come. We had to pitch in to make last night work with one less person, and we'll have to do the same tonight. But we have a good crew.
Not much else happening. Need to get into the shower and have lunch. Made brownies to take into work ... turtle brownies. Just put together two box mixes (different brands, but they worked). I'm bringing them in to thank my coworkers for helping me while I was in that stupid boot.
Have a good day.
Eileen...yes...they can have meals delivered when we are sick. How can they even eat now. I am getting down broth and a piece of toast so far. I will probably have the same later. They were eating full meals!
I am so sorry for the co worker who lost his mother last night. I pray she wasn't in too much pain. God Bless him!
You are always so positive. I know you will have things covered and completed at work. You are such a hard worker!!!
Back to bed for me... tummy is toast. I am getting in my juice and water....very slowly!
Hope to have a easier night tonight.
Much love and many hugs to you always....connie d
OH Connie!!!! I don't know how people can be so stupid going to groups gatherings while they are sick!!!!!!!!!!!! They should know better yet they don't want to miss anything!!!!!! Hope you get over it quick!!!! HUGSSSSSSS
Trish so sorry for the loss...but glad he didn't suffer long...HUGSSSSSSSSSS
Eileen sorry for the co-workers loss also...and happy that you are so thoughtful for taking those brownies in to thank them for helping you!!! HUGSSSSSS
Gosh did I miss anyone??? Sorry if I did!!!! CRS you know!!! HUGSSSSSSSS
Well I STILL can't talk about what is going on with me yet!!! GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! All I ask is please keep me in your prayers....Thanks!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSS
Rick's mom is in the hospital right now. Not sure what all is going on with her. One time he was told she had a blood clot in her lung? She is ok...then he is told more tests...keeping her...then told she is going home...far as he knows she is still in hospital?? Prayers please. His family is sooooooooooo unreliable!!!!!!! Can they give him a pin number? HAHA yeah right. Talk to the wall for that one!!! He has even talked to her and yet knows nothing!!!!!!!!
I am trying to do my new I getting the help I was told to get? NOPE!!!!!!!! Will this new lady be moving in Monday? I doubt it. Seems everyone is leaving for holiday all week. My only guess is tell her December. I just plain give up!!!!!!!! I asked for help at 3pm today and she calls me at 11 while I was tied up in another town!!!!!!! So screw it!!!!!
My mom called me today to wish my happy birthday and cried because she didn't send me a birthday card...had me crying...I know she can't afford things.....I told her stop it. I understand. She said she was so sorry she didn't get me a card...and she cried and son texted me at 6:30 am to tell me happy birthday!!! Just when I was finally sleeping good!!!! Oh well...His birthday is coming up in February!!! LOL My younger brother I haven't heard from...doubt I will...after all it takes a PHONE CALL and he is too busy to call me remember. Nothing yet from my older brother...he probably isn't drunk enough to call me sister...she might be on FB saying happy birthday...I haven't been there yet today.
Bingo with the tenants was fun made me a birthday sent a card around for everyone there to sign...couple others gave me gifts!!! One had me in tears...the card she gave me was so touching!!! I love her to death!!! Couple others called to wish me happy birthday...
Rick gave me a new jacket...camo winter boots...again camo to match and gloves in camo!!! He also gave me I needed that!!!! Now I am going to be nice and warm!!! Watch out!!!
Well better get to FB see whats going on there....
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi know I will keep the prayers coming for you.....sorry it has to go on.
Poor is hard to have your mom sick and no one will keep him updated. Isn't it fun having a dysfunctional family???? I have a crazy too!!!
I am glad your mom called and sorry she felt so sad. I can relate. As we get older things change and our lives just aren't as easy anymore. Maybe for a gift you could buy her an assortment box of cards and some stamps. Just an idea. Sorry you haven't heard from your brothers...I never do....not even my twin. Oh Well!!
That was sweet of your tenants to give you a birthday card, a few gifts and birthday wishes!! Some of them are good people!!!
Rick gave you camo gifts...I hope it was the girly pink ones!!! The others are great too. What a thoughtful gift!!!
Love you much....HUGS....connie d
Connie...nope the camo is not the pink I couldn't find it in the winter one so he got me the guy kind...oh well...I like it anyhow!!! better than wearing the Indians that I bought when i first moved here!!! that coat is what 6-7 years old now????? OMG!!!!!!
yes I am thinking of doing that card thing for her...she was so upset and all...
still nothing from my brothers or my sister....oh well...
going to bed you!!! HUGSSSSSSSSS