
Patricia R.
on 11/22/14 12:06 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF,

Busy day today.  Lots to do to get this house in order, and pack for my trip.  No more word on the arrangements for Grandpa's funeral.

Must scoot.  Will check back later.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 11/22/14 1:03 am

Good morning Trish and everyone......

Trish.... don't wear yourself out too much. You will be too tired to enjoy yourself with your family!

I am sure the funeral arrangements for grandpa will be made soon. You said they were going to wait until after Thanksgiving. There is still plenty of time. 

I was thinking last night about your Munchkins. This has to be hard on them. They had a grandpa right next door. I am so glad they have you!!!!  I have been praying for them and all of you. I feel so sad, this is so heartbreaking.

As for me....I am sleeping off and on all day. I slept last night about 11 hours. I feel sleepy again now. I am feeling somewhat better. Not so many bathroom trips .....thank goodness. I am letting myself get the rest I need. I am getting in my water. I had a piece of peanut butter toast last night and had no reaction. I am not rushing eating. I canceled my meal again today. If I feel good enough to eat I will have it delivered the next couple days. I want to be sure I am completely over this before I leave my apartment. 

I will enjoy the Hallmark movies again today. I will read as I can.

Wishing you all a peaceful day!!!

Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families. Special prayers for Butch and Vickie, Trish and her family and Judy. I love you all!!!

Lots of love and many hugs to you all.....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/22/14 1:38 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...well we had freezing rain this morning here and YES that tenant was out walking and Rick saw her actually in an almost run!!!!!!!! She saw him and went back in to a limping walk!!!!!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO Rick said he wished he had a movie camera!!!!!! Talk about FRAUD!!!!!! Let her turn this in!!! Hearing LOTS of accidents on the scanner and also seeing lots on my weather reports on FB. Me I am staying in til this is all cleared up!!!! Ofcourse there are some that just HAVE to go out no matter what!!!!!! IDIOTS!!!!

Might go to Bingo tonight not sure yet. Depends on the weather.

My son called my a little bit ago. He said my gift should be here Monday morning. Asked what it was...he said it weighed 14 pounds. I asked if it was my mounted deer head he had. NOPE. Those weigh 30-40 pounds. Oh. Wonder what he got me...LOL Then he said they have been looking at houses. Want to get a bigger one so when we come home we have a place to stay more motels!! AWWWWWW!!!!!!! Then I  asked him if he thought Bandit and Duncan would get along then? Don't know...guess I could bring the crate for him if he has issues!!! Bandit sure does in his home!!! Just talking on the phone and mentioned Duncan's name Bandit's eyes bugged out!!! LOL

Trish you travel safe!!! This weather is nasty right now!!!!

Connie be careful around those inconciderate people!!! I would wear a mask!!! Let them know how upset you are over their stupidity!!! Hope you feel better soon!!!

Well back to FB and my I am so hooked playing them right now!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 11/22/14 2:17 am to make this quick.....I am spending time with my bathroom all of a sudden again....YUCK!! I thought I was getting better...OH NO!!

You be careful if you go to BINGO is supposed to get very icy!!

I am so happy that you and your son are together again!! That is so sweet that he wants to get a home large enough for you and Rick to stay. What a great son you have!!!!

Love you much....HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/22/14 2:34 am - Galion, OH

Connie...after Gary and I split up and I moved here to be with Rick...we started talking online and then we got together at Christmas a few years ago...AMAZING!!!! Been wonderful ever since!!! So much better since I do not have Gary in my life (sorry he died) and even happier that David doesn't have Teri in his life anymore!! (divorced) I am on cloud nine that he found Renee who is  wonderful WOMAN!!!!!!!! Love this woman!! She is so good for him and his girls!!! NOTHING like the other one at all!!!!

Hope you feel better soon!!!! If you don' ER see what they suggest you do!!!!


Connie D.
on 11/22/14 4:25 am are so sweet to be concerned about me.

I do have all I need. I called a girlfriend that is an RN. She said rest and fluids....unless I notice congestion and trouble breathing....worse then usual. Then she said to go right in. She said not to take a chance on getting pneumonia like I had last year.

I am so glad you have Rick and that your son divorced Teri. Now you are both better off!!

I am going to try to take a shower...I tried to last night but just couldn't do it. It will be a quick one!!

LOVE and HUGS.....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/22/14 4:58 am - Galion, OH

OK Good...just be careful....HUGSSSSSSS

Eileen Briesch
on 11/22/14 2:14 am - Evansville, IN

Hi My OFF family:

Computer is giving me issues, not letting me change type size and font faces. Will have to do that after I write my post. I hate trying to read tiny type. 

Trish, hope all goes well on your trip and for grandpa's funeral ... it will be hardest on the little kids, because they don't really understand death yet. 

Connie, glad you are feeling better. Just take it easy and watch TV or read.

Judy, those tenants of yours are worth a book. What a group! 

Me, it's off to work again tonight. We were shorthanded again, but made it work. We are short again tonight so someone is coming in to work overtime. I've been asked to work a few hours on Wednesday and am considering it. I feel pretty good so if I can come in at 1 p.m. and work til 5 p.m. or so, it's extra money. I do have PT and my foot doc appointment that day but think I can swing it. With that and the Thanksgiving day OT pay, it would make a nice check that I could use for the few Christmas presents I do buy. I'd like to do something special for my mom ... put together a book for her of her birthday party photos that she could have when she goes into the home. Or something like that. 

Anyway, not much else going on. Back to work. It's actually 60 degrees here and we are having regular rain here. 

Oh, Judy, we had the Clydesdales here last night delivering beer to the taverns. Don't know if you'll be able to see the story, but here it is: They're coming back Sunday, too.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 11/22/14 2:25 am, edited 11/22/14 4:07 am

Hi Eileen....just a quick note for you...I thought I was better until about 10 minutes ago....WOW!!!

I hope all goes well for you at work....I always pray for that!! You are right if you feel you can work the overtime then do it. That extra money comes in handy!!!

That album for your mom would be a wonderful gift. She could look at that and all the good memories in it for years to come!! You are such a nice daughter!!!

I want to try to see the Clydesdale's too...they are my favorite. Such beautiful and powerful animals that are also so gentle!! I will try to get on to look later.

Have a good to go....lots of love and hugs...connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 11/22/14 2:33 am - Evansville, IN

I know you meant Eileen, Connie ... just a senior moment there.  I have them all the time. Can't remember certain words. 

Have a good day. Hope you feel better.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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