Tuesday Morning

Cindy P.
on 11/25/14 12:25 am

Hi, everyone.  It's Tuesday morning and things are quiet around here.  (A good thing.)  We have a lull in construction this week and believe me we are enjoying it.

I'm off to a podiatry appointment. 

What's new with you?

I'll check back in later.


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 11/25/14 2:15 am

Good morning Cindy and everyone to follow.....

Cindy...I hope you podiatry appointment goes well. I am happy you are having a lull in construction this week. Relax and enjoy the quiet!!!!!  

It is quiet everywhere today. People are busy getting ready for Thanksgiving and all that shopping.

Me, I never shop on Thanksgiving or Black Friday.

I am laying low again. I try to walk some when it is quiet around here. No one is ever around past 8:30 or 9:00 PM. Decided to stay away from others as the Flu is really getting a hold of others here!! I am still extremely fatigued and sleepy. I hope I get over that soon. 

I am praying all is going well for Butch and Vickie today. I always have them in my prayers. 

Wishing everyone a peaceful day!! I will check in later.

Prayers for our amazing OFF Family and their families.

Tons of love and loads of hugs to all....connie d


Judy G.
on 11/25/14 5:46 am - Galion, OH

Connie you stay away from those people so you don't get sick again!!!!


Judy G.
on 11/25/14 5:46 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family!!!

WOW!!! I did it all by myself today!!! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Got the lease printed out and signed (when I finally got ahold of her and in here that is) and sent back to Holly!!!!!!!!!!! All I need now is the electric in her name and she is good to move in!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! All I needed was someone to show me SLOWLY how to do this and WELLA!!!!!!!!!!!! I got it!!!!!!!! HAPPY I AM!!!!!!!!!!

So another Happy Moment here....My son called last night AND........he is on the way here for a stop overnight on their way to Renee's grandma's house for Thanksgiving in the Carolina's. Again...HAPPY I AM!!!!!!!! Even if its for just a few minutes and then bedtime...

Still trying to get to Kohls to buy that purse for my granddaughter for Christmas. Yesterday was so windy and raining...today we are pooped out!!! Tomorrow we go to Chiro dr so we will make it double stopping...lol. Now hope they HAVE the purse she wants!!! So I am almost done shopping...ALMOST!!

Need to find something for supper tonight...not sure what to have...pizza? Maybe. Have to check in with David see what time they are going to be here if we need to feed them or not. If not we can eat now...if we need to feed them we will wait for them.

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 11/25/14 6:32 am

Hi Judy....I am so glad you know how to do that paperwork by yourself!! One less thing to stress about!!!

I know how you feel about the kids coming. Amanda and Tyler may be stopping by on there way to Amanda's dad's house tomorrow. Even a little time means so much!!!!

I am staying away from everyone!!

Have a good night together!!!

Love you...HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/25/14 7:13 am - Galion, OH

Connie when you know ZILCH about things and someone trying to show you how to do things and THEY know it ALL...they go so FAST!!!!!!! Like you can keep up with them!!! Oh hell no!!!!!!!!!! That is just like when we first started beginning of the year also...I told Holly long time ago SHE had to teach me as she went slow enough I could catch on!!!! But they wouldn't let her...so she claims. Well when I said I would just quit...guess who called me ASAP!!!!!!!!!! Holly did!!! Guess they want me here huh?? LOL Only thing I can't figure out is how to make a NEW form yet and attach that...GRRRRR but I will get that figured out after Holly comes back from holiday!!! But I AM getting there!!!

Kids should be here about 10-11 tonight...hope they don't run into any bad stuff...all these idiots protesting and such...atleast they don't have to come through Cleveland to get to us...there they are blocking streets off with their protests!!!! They found Ferguson not guilty give it a rest people!!!!!

Well pizza is here time to eat...yummmmmmm!!!!!!!

Enjoy your kids...



Judy G.
on 11/25/14 5:47 am - Galion, OH

Cindy...I know how you feel!!! My club house and office are getting back to normal...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOL


on 11/25/14 7:00 am - Bradenton, FL

Oh I'm so happy!!! I found my suade gloves! They were in my glove box in my car!!! I was rummaging around in there looking for my Ipass for the Illinois toll pass and low and behold to my heart my gloves were in there!!!!!

Now I dont have to go buy a new pair!!!!

I'm busy somewhat baking today. I need to go buy pies tomorrow at Fresh Market for Thursday. We r driving to Ft Lauderdale to our friends house. We will be there overnight. Then home cause I'm leaving to go to Chicago. But first I'm stopping to see Paulette.

my car is fixed! 

Pat least the little one!!! New brakes and a belt! Makes a big differance!


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Judy G.
on 11/25/14 7:17 am - Galion, OH

Carla I know you feel with a favorite pair of gloves!!! Glad you found them!!!! Have a good time at your friends house tomorrow!!!

Glad you got your car fixed!!!! Happy driving!!!! Be safe!! Another storm in the way...


Eileen Briesch
on 11/25/14 11:03 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Cindy and my OFF family:

Late again tonight ... I'm off today but seems like I never got a chance to get on here. I had a dentist appointment (just a checkup ... no cavities) at noon and then came home to do laundry, run the dishwasher and make my turkey dinner (just wings, stovetop stuffing and cranberry wine). Disappointed a bit that the turkey wings didn't have the tips of the wings ... that's my favorite part ... but otherwise, the wings were really good, very juicy. They were even a little frozen when I first put them in the oven, but still cooked pretty quickly (325 about 2 hours). Juliette got a couple pieces cooled off ... she didn't want much. Now if Diva were here ... she would've been all over me. Diva loved turkey!

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the foot doc on my toe (you should see how straight my other toes are now!) and PT, hopefully to be discharged. Then home again to rest. Back is still ouchy. 

We are expecting some rain/snow Wednesday into Thursday here, but I'm not going anywhere; I have to work Thursday. 

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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