Blessed Sunday
Good morning sweet sistas!
Wow, what a day we had yesterday! For those who are not on FB, our daughter Christie had an accident yesterday morning at work. She was up on a ladder rearranging some art display (she works at Hobby Lobby) and the art began to fall off the wall. She jumped off the ladder to avoid being hit in the head with a big frame (really just a short jump) and landed wrong and sprained her ankle! She and everyone else (customers included) though she had broken it. They took her to the hospital in an ambulance, but thankfully it was NOT broken! It is a severe sprain, however, and she's in for some rough days.
Well, naturally Butch and I went to the ER as soon as we got the call. Mike was working and the boys were at the babysitter's. We had to take Chris to have a drug test since it was work related (they wouldn't do that at the hospital? We had to go to some urgent care place to have it done), and then fill her prescription, and then we took her home. Butch had to drive her car, which worried me some since he hasn't been driving at all since he got sick last summer, but we all made it there just fine. Chris just wanted to lay on her couch and sleep. I kind of wanted her to come to our house so I could take care of her, but she said no.
Anyway, we left her settled there and then went to the babysitter's house to get the boys. (First time for me to meet Meredith and I liked her very much. I feel really good about the boys staying there.) Budder had already had his nap, so I knew we were in for it. Plus it was raining, so we had to stay in the house. Oy vey! What a day. By the time Mike got out to our house to pick up the boys around 8 p.m., I was exhausted! I love those little fellas, but Budder is at an age when you have to watch him every second! (No, no, Budder! Stop that, Budder! Don't touch that, Budder! Come HERE, Budder!)
Anyway, I made a big batch of spaghetti and meat sauce, fed the boys, and packed up the rest to send home with Mike for their supper. Mike is a great guy, but he doesn't cook. I knew Christie would appreciate a home cooked meal, and hopefully leftovers for today for the boys.
I don't know what they'll work out for the next couple of days. Butch and I are leaving for Houston tomorrow and we'll be out of pocket all day Monday and Tuesday. We can help again on Wednesday, but that's a long 48 hours for them.
Well, we still haven't made an offer on that house! Our realtor Jenny is trying to find out how they arrived at their list price of $268K, which she feels is too high. She says our bargaining position will be stronger if we know why they are asking that. She's looked at the comparables for the area and says that nothing quite like this house has sold recently. The price is too high for the sq footage of the house, but there's also the acreage and outbuildings and pool to consider. Hopefully we will be able to make an offer on it today. I'm ready to tie it up! I'm worried someone else will sneak in there and snatch it out from under us. LOL!
(Plus once we have a contract on it, I can post pictures on FB!)
So today I have a LOT to do. I didn't get one darn thing done yesterday at all, plus I now have to clean up all the mess from yesterday, too! I had planned to do some baking for Thanksgiving yesterday and freeze it, but I guess that will have to wait. Too many other chores are hanging, and I need to leave the house ready for company.
Carrie is bringing my mom here on Tuesday, and I'm sure they will arrive before us. Butch and I are planning to drive back home from Houston Tuesday evening, no matter how late it is, so that I will be here all day Wednesday to prepare for turkey day. And we might be taking care of the boys on Wednesday, too, but at least Carrie will be here to help with that.
I got quite a bit of my Christmas shopping done on-line with Amazon yesterday morning before the crisis struck. I love shopping, but this year, it's just easier to do it all on-line.
Well, I'd better get going. Love you all!
My orthopedic doctor told me that ankle sprains are harder to heal than a break. He said when all the soft tissue is involved, it takes so much longer to heal than if it's a bone. Also, the ankle carries the weight of the body so it is harder for it to get rest. I hope your husband's treatment goes well. My husband's prostate cancer and all his treatment that followed with radiation implants and later radiation and chemo almost killed him. Every time he hurts or feels bad, I fear that his cancer is back. We are also looking to buy another house. Our daughter lives on our little farm and it is paid for so she doesn't have to worry about payments. We are wanting to buy something up here in NWA. My husband wants to get a little house with some land; I want to buy a condo. I hate the idea of lawn care and that stuff because his health and vision is tenuous at best. He, like your husband, gets motivated and there's no stopping him. I remember the no stage. Poor babies but that is how they learn. Safe travels.
Hello wonderful to see your post!!
I am so sorry things didn't go well with your husband's treatments. That had to have been really scary for both of you! I don't blame you for feeling it might come back. After going through what you did I would be leery too!!
I agree with you, a condo would be best. Only because of your husbands health.That outside work gets to be just too much!
I hope that your health is good. I am glad you stopped in. Please come by more often. I miss you!!
Have a great and hugs....connie d
Good morning Vickie and everyone.....
Vickie...those ankle sprains can be the worst. My daughter, Jamie had one. It is true it takes awhile to heal. My sister had one that hurt so bad she finally went back to the doctor. After the swelling was down they did see a small fracture. I pray Christie heals quickly!!! I will be praying for her.
I am glad your realtor is looking into the cost of that house. She sounds like a good realtor. She sure has your best interests in mind. I will be waiting to hear that you got it!!
I am glad that you met the new sitter for Benny and Budder. That will make you feel more at ease having them there. I am sure you are worn out as Budder is at that age where he can now get anywhere he wants to go!!! They are both such sweeties!!
Carrie will certainly be a big help for Thanksgiving. I am glad your mom decided to come too!! I know everything must feel pretty overwhelming right now. It will all fall into place, you will see.
I am praying all goes well for Butch this week. He seems to be handling this round of chemo really well.
Don't forget to stop now and then and take a deep breath!! I love you, sister!!
As for me....I am feeling better today then I have in awhile. I really did lay low and take good care of myself. It has paid off. I will stay in again today just to be sure. I don't want to get anyone else sick.
Wishing everyone a good day!!
Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Afternoon OFF family!!!
Just got home from shopping and boy did we get some good buys!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! Need to go back to that store again after pay day!!! LOL If I knew the final price was different than what was on the ticket I would have bought more when I was in there!!!! LOL It was the first time in this place...we will go back again for sure!!!! Trying to find some toys for the little guys...OMG how can parents afford kids these days?? WOW!!!!!!! Guess I need to find a BARGAIN store for kids...any ideas where I might find one?? Only have a few family gifts to buy now then I need to start on tenant gifts for the Christmas party. Oh goody!!! LOL
Weather here is 62* right now...amazing!! Last week we were freezing our butts off!!! But this will not last either...winds and rain are soon to arrive. Great!! Also falling temps this week again. Which also means more sickness. Thankyou mother nature!!! Witch!!
Rick is making a pork tenderloin roast today. Hope it comes out nice and yummy!!!!
Need to do some laundry. Hate doing it. Wish I had my own here...oh well can't have everything.
Vic hope your daughter is doing ok today...Butch also!! You hang in there!!! Do not over do it!!!
Connie you rest and do not rush into going out...just because you feel better!
Jeannie where you been hiding? You sure don't stop in much.
Well time to get busy here...Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Good Afternoon Vickie and OFF,
I had Toddlers this morning. Colleen and all the sisters went away for the weekend. Her mother-in-law started this years ago, taking all the daughters-in-law, and her daughter, shopping the weekend before Thanksgiving. The girls go now, she chooses not to. So, Trent brought the Munchkins, and so did one of his brothers, except the infant, coz she's nursing.
I am way behind on my packing. I started a reply earlier, and ADD kicked in. I have to go back out to church later, coz we have a business meeting after the service.
Better scoot. Lots to do.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Post Scriptum: Well, we submitted a bid on the house! I'm as nervous as a cat waiting to hear back. So I've been baking all afternoon. I made a new cookie this year. I adapted a recipe I found on-line. Haven't sampled one yet. I'm waiting until after supper to try one, but they smell and look divine. Then I also baked a loaf of pumpkin bread and another one made with cranberries, walnuts and orange juice. The second one is an experiment. We'll see how it turns out. Maybe it will be great! LOL!
But now I'm tired of being in the kitchen, so I just ordered a pizza for our dinner. No delivery out here, so I have to go pick it up in a few minutes.
I'll let y'all know what they counter back with!
Hi Vickie and my OFF family:
Congrats on the bid! Hope it works out. Sorry to hear about Chris ... ankle sprains can be bad (I was out of work for a couple days when I was in SoDak and a sports writer and missed a back step; then when I did come back I was stuck in the office with crutches and an air cast).
I am in a lot of pain today at work ... back hurt right away this morning and now my knees are acting up. Foot is not liking being in the shoe for now, although it was OK awhile ago. I marvel at how straight the toes are now that the little toe has straighten out. It almost looks normal.
Well, I should look for some stuff to do here at work. Have a good day.