Good morning Tuesday!
Good morning sweet sistas!
Well, another day, another dollar . . . wait! Where's my dollar? LOL!
I woke up early. Don't know why. My eyes just popped open and refused to go back to sleep. So I'm up. It's dark and cold outside. Even the puppies won't get up yet. LOL!
Well, like I posted last night, the big house hunt ended with a whimper yesterday. Honestly. Why can't Butch and I ever stumble across one of those foreclosure deals? That house sold for $143K last June. Oh, I wish we could have gotten it then. It had so much potential. I could have made a really lovely house out of it with money to spare. Oh, well.
Chris and Mike are both off today, and they'll be out later this morning to do some more work. And Butch's PT is coming today. I need to fold and put away laundry today. And I want to start scoping out "deals" on the Christmas presents I plan to buy. I usually try to have all my big Christmas bought by Thanksgiving.
What's going on with everyone else today?
Love you all!
Good morning Vickie and everyone....
First is my Gracie's 8th birthday!! I love that little girl so much I can't even describe it all. Her love for me is overwhelming!!!
HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY GRACIE!!!!! sorry about the house. I know the right one will come around in time. Hey that is what everyone says about the right man for me...LOL!!!!!
I am glad the kids are coming over to help you out. That seems to be working out well!
I had another breathtaking, heartwarming, tearful surprise yesterday!!! A special friend found out I wasn't sending out Christmas cards this year. I received two books of stamps in the mail! I was just overcome with emotion!! God works in mysterious ways. I feel so blessed and so loved!! I feel a little guilty too. I still don't know who sent my Nook last year!!! God bless you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! See I am crying again!!
I will check in again later. God Bless you all!!!!
I love each and every one of you!!!!! Have a wonderful day!!
Prayers for our amazing OFF Family and their families.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Hi Vickie and Connie and my OFF family to come:
Sorry I've been AWOL lately ... busy with work. Yesterday we had early deadlines. They get a little snow down here and close schools and get all excited. And I do mean a little. Four inches. What wimps. In South Dakota, 4 inches is nothing ... it's a dusting. By the time I left for work, most of the roads were clear and the rest of the snow was melting from the grass.
Vickie, my Christmas shopping will be done online or in CVS by buying gift cards. One for my brother, two for my grandnephews, something for my mom and then something from Amazon for the two grandnephews in Texas. That's all I buy for. We don't do a lot of Christmas gifts in my family anymore. I'll get one present from my brother. And I won't get home again this year because I have used up my vacation time. No tears, just the facts. I'm grateful to have a job. I don't need lots of things. I would like to be with my family, however ... but that's not happening. So hopefully we can Skype.
Connie, it's so nice to have a secret Santa. Lucky you! I was planning on sending you a card anyway. Just because I like you ... you didn't need to send one back.
I have an appointment this afternoon with my psychologist and then my chiro. Then I'll stop off at the grocery store to pick up a couple of things they have on sale that I want/need. I don't have a lot of money and I want to get my hair cut tomorrow (it's a mess). Tomorrow I have PT on my foot ... I hope they'll get me out of the boot because it's awfully clunky with the ice and snow that's left. Plus, it's hard to keep my foot warm.
Have a good day.
Hi Eileen.....4 inches of snow is nothing.....I can see them all panicked now!! I know you didn't bat and eye over that amount!
I only have Grace to buy Christmas gifts. Everyone else gets $$$. I don't have the energy to shop and worry about mailing gifts. I do the best I can.
I think it has something to do with our age and health that holidays just aren't that important anymore. Christmas is all about Jesus. Thanksgiving I can do here. I just don't travel well right now. If everyone was in town I might do more.
I hope your appointments went well today. I hope that you got rid of the boot!!!
I am so excited to send Christmas I need to see whose addresses I don't have. I am so blessed!!
The one thing I finally understand now is why everyone needs haircuts all the time. Now that my hair is short, after a couple weeks I can tell when it needs cutting. I make it last at least a month, 6 weeks maybe!! I am not used to haircuts. My daughters have always done mine.
Have a good you my friend...HUGS....connie d
I'm in a hunt for a Rich Chocolaye Macaroon cookie recipie my step mother used to make! I cant find it. I'm going to ask my Aunt if she has it.
Im going to Alabama to visit Paulette on my way to Chicago and we are planning a baking day! I cant wait to see her new house! She is 12 hours from me and half way to Chicago! I'm going up to Chicago for about a month to play Granny Nanny!
Man it is cold here about 50degrees and wants to rain on my parade!!!!
Good Afternoon Vickie and OFF Family,
I am slow moving today. It's freezing here, and I can't get warm enough. It's 22 degrees here, with a wind chill of 7, which pales compared to Connie, but once it gets to a certain temp, I just get sore and chilled. I knew it was gonna be a rough winter, but this is way too early for me.
My sister could use prayer. Seems she's got some sort of issue with the healing of her incision from her hysterectomy. She's still not back to work, and still can't drive. She needs to get an ultrasound of the area.
I'm still waiting for more pics of my great-nephew. He was a perfect size. My Colleen was about that size. So was Frankie. Lincoln was 9 pounds 3 ounces. My Chris and Sean were 10 and a half pounds each. Both born naturally.
I'm gonna do some tidying, and get my mail. I miss having my mailbox at my door. Now, I have to get totally covered in my coat and boots and walk to the street.
Must scoot.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi had two 10+ pound baby boys....I can't daughters were both a little over 7 pounds....that was plenty!! Colleen had large babies too...WOW!
I laughed about your going out to get the mail. I thought that you could get a pulley system going from the house to the street. Add a bucket for the mail and even decorate if for the holidays..... there you walking outside to the street...LOL!!!!!
I am still sending prayers for your sister. I will send some more. That poor lady....I hope she gets healed soon!!
We are all waiting for more pics of that new great-nephew!!
I agree this is going to be a very long and cold winter!!
Have a wonderful you sister!!
Lots more love and hugs to.....connie d
Afternoon OFF family!!!
OMG I AM BEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had the tenant Thanksgiving dinner today and it turned out great!! Only a couple people showed up that were not signed up BUT they DID bring a dish to pass!!! I made WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY to many potatoes though!!! OMG!!!! I have enough potatoes to last til Christmas!!! LOL What I am going to do is freeze them in freezer bags and thaw them out for Christmas and have them again along with my cheesy potatoes. Not going to make a lot of cheesy potatoes either!!! I got a standing ovation also!!! About made me cry!!!! MANY hugs too!! Told I was loved and thanked for ALL that I do for them!!! Seems the nay sayers stayed home today...
Also had ALOT of help cleaning up!!! Chase helped me clear out the closet where we store things found a lot of expired food in there that was there before we took over!! EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!! He took that to the trash!!! Now maybe we can actually FIND things!!!! I took the fall flowers out of the bud vase's and replaced those with the Christmas ones. Got a start already on I nuts? Yeah. Back is SCREAMING right now!! Snow is blowing and drifting and Rick said he doesn't want to drive that far to go to chiro tonight...he said he is hurting also...told him I have mammogram appointment in morning...then I have to TRY to get ahold of one of the managers for help doing a couple recerts that were done the old way and convert to the NEW way....which Holly said she would do for me if I emailed her the paperwork...I did and now she said I had to do them.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR OMG MY BACK HURTS!!!!!!!!!!! Just moved wrong...might go to chiro after all or maybe Rick will give me a nice back rub??????? hahaha Also got into it with one of the tenants over a parking spot that she thinks she has...mind you she DOESN'T drive...but thinks SHE needs this spot!!!! She told me she was going to have words with the new guys girlfriend!!!! Ummm that's his sister and she is helping him move in yet!!!! And I told her HER name is NOT on that parking spot and there is NO ASSIGNED PARKING!!!!!!!! She then says to me well the why do these two girls always get the same spots? Because they live here and DRIVE??????? I told her I was NOT at this dinner to argue over a fricking parking spot!!!!!!!!!!! Then turned and walked away!!!!! She came up to me again and I said I WILL say something ONLY when it is winter and the tenant CLEARS the SNOW OUT OF THAT SPOT THEN I WILL SAY SOMETHING!!!!! AND UNTIL THEN NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What part of it doesn't she get?????
OK That was my day...Rick is back and we need to go to the store to buy OUR turkey so its thawed out by thanksgiving morning...
So Vic what was wrong with that house???????
Connie love you to pieces!!!!!!
Eileen...sorry that you can't be with our family but on the bright side you do have the Skype!!
OK CRS just hit me can't remember who else posted....Carla?? The traveling grandma!!!!! you amaze me!!! If there was anyone else I am sorry...mind is blank...
Thoughts and prayers for ALL that need them!!!