Early to rise Wednesday
Good afternoon Vickie and everyone.....
Let us know if you go to see another house....hope you like it!
Christie is a heck of a quick painter. I am glad she is helping you out. I am so happy you spent time with Benny and Budder!! I am sure you had a fun time!! They love you so much!
NAUGHTY BUTCH!! I hope he listened...next time may be to late. Breaking a hip, leg or whatever while on Chemo is really bad. It takes so long to heal. He will end up in a care center. Ask him what is worse...breaking a bone or walking with a cane/walker. I hate using my walker...I feel so old. I had a broken a hip....I never want to go through anything like that again!!
My friends have a chiminia....it is awesome. I had to chuckle about Benny's reaction to the fire. He is smart!!
As for me....I had to get up at 7:00 to get ready to grocery shop. That almost kills me!! Now I am really exhausted. By the time I got it all put away it was time to go down to lunch. I think I will have to take a nap!
Yesterday I did a couple loads of laundry. I hadn't planned on it. I got up and sorted it for my cleaning fairy. She didn't come. Her car wouldn't start. I believe it as the temps w/wind chill is harsh!! I could have left it but I had gone ahead and pre-treated some things. I couldn't leave it like that.
We started a new puzzle this morning. It is a snowman with all kinds of children sledding and things on it. It is so cute!! I love snowmen!!!!
I am wishing you all a happy day!!!
Prayers for our wonderful Off Family and their families. I will be sure to keep praying for Trish's SIL's dad.
Loads of love and buckets of hugs to all....connie d
Yey! I got the boot off! Well, I get to transition from it. Which means I can wear regular shoes for an hour today (so that's what I have on now) and then two-three hours tomorrow, etc. So happy! That's the only happy dance I'm doing, honest. Knees won't take it. So after PT, I went back to the grocery store because there were frozen dinners on sale that I like, then came home. Going to watch a couple movies I got from Redbox. "Captain Phillips" and "The Butler."
Well, I need to do laundry. Have a good night.
Eileen...I am happy for you...finally some relies from the boot. It won't be long and you won't need that boot at all!!!!
Yes, please be careful doing the Happy Dance!!!! No falls for you!!
I have never seen the Butler....I need to one of these days....ENJOY!!!
Love and many hugs to you.....connie d
I'm back. Trent's Grandpa is on hospice at the hospital. He fell and hit his head, drove himself all the way into Lansing, to the ER, and then went unconscious. He has a brain bleed, and they don't operate on 93 year olds, because they'd have to put him on life support to do that. Too risky. So, they put him on hospice. Trent said he's not in any pain. He's had a good life, and loved the Lord. He and Grandma were missionaries in Africa when Trent's Mom was a little girl. They had to come home because one of their children were sick. He built houses, and apartments, sold some, rented others. He bought bakery equipment, and started baking bread, to give away. He baked rolls for Trent and Colleen's wedding. He also would visit shut-ins to deliver bread, and see how they're doing. I've done it with him, as recently as a few weeks ago.
I have the Children's program to get to. Spent the day with the Frankie, then picked up Izzy and Lincoln from school. Then took Izzy to piano.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish... I am so sorry about grandpa. You have mentioned him. You took him to doctor appointments and such. I remember too about the baking oven and all he did for others.
I will continue to keep him in my prayers. I am so sorry. I will keep Trent and all of you in my prayers too.
It is amazing what can happen with one fall. Not to mention driving himself to the ER. God Bless him.
It is wonderful that you are able to take care of the kids for Trent and Colleen. Them not having to worry about the kids is a huge relief for them.
I love you my friend.....HUGS....connie d
Evening OFF family!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!! I just cannot take this cold any more!!!!!!!!!!! All the left over food from yesterday is in the clubhouse and danged if I am going back for some!!! LOL I will send Rick after it for me!!! If I have to lock up tonight HE can bring me food!!!!!!! Why do I have to lock up? Because Bandit has to go potty walk...my dog I get to walk him last time for the night. Darn dog will not poop outside the door unless he has the "runs" GRRRRRR.
Got my recert leases done today...need to get them signed yet...waaay to cold for me to go out to get them signed today!!! Wind blowing the snow all over...OMG!!!! Hopefully tomorrow I can get them done and sent in. Due December 1st!!! YIKES!!!!! My next move in is December 3rd. Unless my METRO tenant gets her SS card to me she will be my next one before that. She called me today and said her daughter would bring it right over...that was 9am....I am still waiting for her to bring it to me....this woman has only her daughter to bring me her info...moved out of her apartment that she WAS in...now living with her daughter...wanted in here really FAST...been 2 months now...paid her deposit and now still waiting. ????????? And I have no phone number to reach her...she called me PRIVATE number this morning...number on her application no longer works.
Then I have another tenant moving out...
oh sorry...said they can't get into their new place til about the 3rd or 4th now...I told her MY boss said IF they are still here ANY time in DECEMBER they HAVE to pay for the MONTH of DECEMBER as it IS a new MONTH and RENT IS DUE HERE! This tenant said but we are moving out...I said I know but you will STILL BE HERE. They do NOT give FREE RENT. Told her to see if they can do her inspection after they move in the new place. I am closed the 27th THROUGH the 30th HERE. Open again on the 1st of December. NOT MY PROBLEM. These people have been nothing BUT problems since they moved in here. Its been a LONG year here with them!!!!!
So tomorrow I hope to get my office back to normal as possible. HAHAHAA its been so long that its been torn up I have no clue where anything is at now!!!!!!!
Well my food is here... time to warm it up and see if that helps me get warmed up some!! Thankyou Rick!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Hi Judy....you must have the food in a refrigerator in a locked room over there....otherwise it would be gone!!!
I am glad you got the recerts done. One less thing on your long, long list of things to do!!
I am glad that tenant is moving out, you need less headaches too!!! I am happy your office is closed the 27th-30th!! Too bad if they have to pay for December rent!! They should have planned better!
It will be so good when you have your office all set up as you like it!! It has been a long wait!
Love and many hugs to you.....connie d