Happy Tuesday....Happy Veterans Day!!!

Connie D.
on 11/11/14 3:32 am

Good afternoon everyone....

Well, we got our 16+ inches of snow. It is still snowing periodically. I am not sure how much more we will get. The winds last night really made some nasty drifts. I felt sorry for those that had to go out and shovel off and out their cars. I felt guilty, like I should have been out there helping. I knew I couldn't. The snow was really beautiful last night. Everything was so sparkly and pretty. I wished I could have made snow angels in it!! 

My cleaning fairy is here....she sure does a great job!!!

I will check in again later to see who else posts.

Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.

Loads of love and many hugs to all....connie d


Judy G.
on 11/11/14 4:37 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon Connie and OFF family!!!!

OMG 16 inches???????????????? WOW!!!!!!!!! Snow IS pretty but I just can't deal with what goes with it all!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! And the cold is on its way here now....yuck!!!!

Well our bake sale went pretty good...made $40 plus so that is good!!! Have some left overs and will put them out tomorrow yet to sell!!! If they don't sell...They go out for treats then with my coffee in the morning!! LOL

Should go shopping for turkeys and things needed for our dinner Tuesday next week before all this cold weather hits...but I don't know if Rick will want to go or not. Will have to ask him when he comes back in again. I took rest of afternoon off due to NO FLOOR BEING DONE AGAIN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus another thing I can't talk about right now that has me worn out.

Need to eat something I think...been so darn busy today I haven't eaten anything yet. DUH!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 11/11/14 6:58 am

Judy....hang in there sweetie...it will all work out!! Sending more prayers!!! GOD is listening!!

It sounds like the bake sale went pretty good. Maybe you will make a little more tomorrow.

I am going to lay down....probably in bed early.  am so fatigued and in pain I can't even concentrate on anything else!! 

Yes,  this cold and stormy weather is consuming me. There is so much snow they can't figure out what to do with it all. I am so glad I can stay inside and just keep warm.

I love you....HUGS....connie d

on 11/11/14 5:52 am - Bradenton, FL

You guys can keep your 16 inches of cold snow up in Minnesota!!!!! I am hoping I dont entail any snow storms driving to Chicago after Thanksgiving! I'm leaving sometime After December 3rd! Miss Vinnie needs Grammy Nanny!

I was talking to my daughter on the phone today. She asked Vinnie if she was going to be good for Grammy when Mommy went to work,Vinnie told her No! Plain as day! I was laughing so hard!!!!

i was at Quest today getting blood drawn fora follow up from being in the hospital in September, I waited an hour and a half before I was taken back!!!!!! Crazy!!!!!

well back to stitching!!!


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Judy G.
on 11/11/14 6:13 am - Galion, OH

Carla how is your BP doing? Hope it is BETTER!!!! You and all that traveling!!! LOL Hope you have good traveling weather!!! AND safe!!

We are hoping to go to Michigan for Christmas....not staying very long because we as usual have to stay in a motel. IF Bandit and my sister's dog would like each other we could stay at her place but NOOOOOOOOOOOO they hate each other!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR darn dogs!!!!!! Oh well....

You asked about sending Christmas cards this year...I can't afford to...if I sent to one I would have to send to all on here...its how I feel about it. So answer is no. I love you ALL the same....with my whole heart!!!!!  

That was a LONG wait for blood test!!! Were they that busy???? WOW!!!!!!! Hope everything is OK after that wait!!!


Connie D.
on 11/11/14 7:02 am

Carla....I don't want this SNOW either!!!

I hope the weather is better when you need to travel. I am sure Vinnie is happy you will be there soon.

So how was the blood draw? I hope it was good.

Love and hugs....connie d

on 11/11/14 7:03 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sweet sistas!

OMGosh, I swear, I just could never live up north!  I could NEVER handle all that cold and snow and ice.  Having lived in Texas all my life, if it gets into the 40's, I'm cold!  I was watching on the weather channel earlier today and I kept telling Butch, "I have a friend that lives there . . . and there . . . and there . . . "  I don't care how sparkly and pretty it might look when it first falls, to me it looks just awful.  I'd much rather deal with triple digits in July and August, I think.

Connie, I was really kinda worried about you when you first gave up your car, but now I'm so glad you're not having to mess with all of that snow and ice and moving your car in the middle of the night, etc.  That was awful for you.

Well, Chris and Mike are here and they are working hard.  Chris is painting my hallways today.  Oh, they look so much better!  I can't wait until she paints the living room!  Mike has trimmed all the hedges today and they were out of control.  Texas sage grows like wildfire here.  They are a silver gray color shrub and kinda shaggy, but 10 days after it rains, they burst forth in an abundance of gorgeous purple flowers.  Really spectacular when they bloom. Otherwise, they're mostly blah. Not my first choice for landscaping, but they were already here when we bought the house.  And the deer don't eat them.

I finished my robe this morning and I can't wait to wear it this evening.  I have 1/2 a yard of the fleece leftover and I want to make myself a pair of fleece booties.  I also have some camo fleece and I think I'll make the boys some fleece booties/slippers out of that.  So I ordered a couple of patterns this afternoon.  I hope they arrive soon.  In the meantime, it's back to my crochet.

I made a hot rice and chicken dish for a late lunch to feed my "workers", so I've already done my dishes and I'm out of the kitchen now for the rest of the evening.  Hooray!  As soon as the kids leave, I'm getting into my new robe and settling down on the couch for some TV and crochet tonight.

OMG, I have a new vice.  It's Ben and Jerry's American Dream ice cream.  My SIL Karen served us some while we were at her house and I took a little, just to be polite.  Oh, get thee behind me, Satan!  I should NEVER have even tried it!  So I bought a pint of it and I'm doling it out by tiny spoonfuls to myself in the evenings.  So decadent!  If I could have one dream job, it would be to work for Ben and Jerry's or Blue Bell and create new ice cream flavors!  

I have made a small start on my Christmas shopping.  There's this company that sells scented candles and buried inside each candle is a gemstone ring valued at $10 to $10,000.  Now, granted, I'm sure the majority are the $10 kind, but I thought that would be fun for all of us girls this Christmas.  Usually I buy lottery tickets and we all try our hand at scratch offs, but this sounded like more fun.  I'll still buy the lotto tickets for the guys.

Chris says she wants a nice movie camera for her Christmas.  Mike wants a Blu Ray player.  I don't know what Carrie might want.  And I don't know whether to buy a present for Leo or not.  If he was going to be here at our house for Christmas I would buy him something for sure.  But I think he's not coming at Christmas, therefore, I don't know what to do.  Guess I'll talk to Carrie about it this weekend.  I was also going to buy a little something for his daughter Nicolette who is 2 years old.  I mean if Carrie and Leo do get married, I'll be getting a new little granddaughter as well as a son-in-law.  Seems like I should get her a present for this Christmas, too.

I asked Chris what she wants me to give the boys.  I usually give them a pretty nice gift.  She wants to give Benny a tablet.  I told her we need to go shopping together for that one.  Still no clue about Budder yet.

Anyway, I was looking at my Christmas "fund" money, and it's getting right on up there.  I save all the cash back points on my credit card and turn them all in once a year in December for money to buy presents with.  Got over $800 racked up already this year.  All those trips to Houston and all those hotel bills have added up!  Not to mention our trip to Belize.  

I still think I want a spinning wheel and a small loom for my Christmas.  I need to start doing a little research on that.  Butch said I should get a tablet.  I don't have one, but he does, and he loves his.  But I'm pretty happy with my little Nook and little Kindle for readers.  Then I have my phone and my laptop for when we travel.  I really don't think I need a tablet.

Well, that's about all I know for today.  Love you all so much!





Connie D.
on 11/11/14 7:43 am

Vickie....you can't even imagine how glad I am that I don't have a car right now!! What a mess out there!!

I have heard from others about that ice cream....I can't eat it so that is good. Every now and then I can handle a little frozen yogurt. It sure sounds yummy!!!

I have seen those candles with the rings.... on the internet. That will be a fun gift!!! I am sure your girls will love them!!

Good for you...having a Christmas fund....I used to do that....I do try to save at my bank.

I am not feeling the best now so I am going to keep this short. Early to bed as I am just so terribly fatigued.

I love you....HUGS....connie d

on 11/11/14 8:11 am - Cibolo, TX

{{{HUGS}}} sweet Connie!  Hope you sleep well tonight and wake up feeling refreshed tomorrow.  


Judy G.
on 11/11/14 8:20 am - Galion, OH

Vic it is raining here right now...looks like that is what we will get so far...I hope...haha!! I am NOT ready for this white stuff at all!!! Nor the COLD!!!!!!! But I can't stop it can I? Nope!!! Darn mother nature!!!

Let's see I would like one of those candle's with the ring in it...LOL Wonder if they are really good ring's? Sounds like fun gifts anyhow!!! As for the ones you are not sure about...something small would do I am sure if they are not going to be there. Its the thought that counts.

Ice Cream?? OMG there are times I love it...buy it eat a scoop then it gets freezer burnt...like the chocolate marshmallow in freezer right now. Sighs....just afraid I guess of getting the "runs to the outhouse" you know?

Your robe sounds so comfy!!! I have one here somewhere....hard telling where it ended up!! I love PINK!!!! My ex husband hated me in pink and purple...why? No clue...but I bought it anyhow!!! Especially PINK!!!!! LOL Rick loves me in both colors!!! He loves me in any color I like!!! He just loves me to death!!!

All of a sudden I have a HUGE headache...think I am going to take a shower and go to bed...oh crap I can't do that til I lock up this side...Rick is locking up the other side tonight because he is checking the empty apartments for heat being on. Sighs...half hour I can lock up...


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