Happy Monday, Everyone

Cindy P.
on 11/9/14 10:03 pm

Good Morning.  It's early -- still dark out.  Everyone is still asleep in the house and so it's nice and quiet.  When I worked, I used to love the early shift and would work that shift whenever possible.  I love the early morning hours.

Work will continue around here this week.  We did have a nice, relaxing weekend with no one here.   Enjoyed that very much. 

I am loving the floors and countertops and paint colors.  It will look wonderful when it's all done.  Did I say I can't wait until it's all done?  I'm so impatient.  We have dust everywhere at this point.  Carpet still has to be removed in the master bedroom and bath, the office, the hall bath, and the laundry room.  Those rooms still need to be painted as well.  Lots left to do.

I wish you all a good day today. 


Cindy P.

on 11/9/14 10:22 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Cindy and my sistas!

Oh, Cindy, I know it's a pain going through a renovation, but how exciting to see it all starting to pull together!  I'm so happy for you!

We have a whole week of peace and quiet to look forward to.  I am beyond relieved.  No doctors' appointments of any kind this week!  Butch is resting much of the day, but he'll get a spurt of energy every now and then.  I think he is doing just fine.  No major problems have cropped up with the larger dose of chemo.  He just needs to rest and take it easy.

As for me, I'm over my pity party of yesterday.  I think I get irritable when I forget to take my prozac and I realized yesterday that I haven't taken it for the past few mornings.  So I got back on it yesterday afternoon and I don't feel that anxious snappy feeling today.

I would like to start my sewing project today.  I haven't sewed in so long!  It would do me good to start and finish a new project.  Keeps the blue funk away.

Chris says Budder is doing just fine this morning, although he looks a sight all covered in ant bites.  At least he didn't have an allergic reaction to so many stings.  Poor little boy.  And yes, Judy, they were fire ants.  They are so horrible.  The best thing in the whole world for treating a fire ant bite is--are you ready for this?--fluoride toothpaste!  No, really!  It keeps those nasty pustules from forming on top of the bite.  I don't know why it works, but it DOES work.  #liveandlearn  

Chris and Mike have tomorrow off, so she said they would come out and paint for me tomorrow.  That would be great.  I am so tempted to do some painting myself, but I know better.  It will blow out my shoulder.  It's hard to accept growing old gracefully, isn't it?

Well, that's all the news today.  We haven't heard from Carla in awhile.  Hope she's okay!  I wish some of our other group would come back.  At least we also have FB to keep up with our AWOL sistas!  LOL!

Love you all!


Connie D.
on 11/10/14 1:07 am

Good morning Cindy and everyone.....

Cindy....I am so looking forward to seeing pics of your new updates....I am sure it will be beautiful!! Hang in there.....it will be done before you know it!! I am glad you had a nice relaxing weekend!! 

Vickie...I am happy to hear Budder is doing better today. That poor little guy!! Those fire ants are horrible!!! Enjoy your relaxing day today. I am glad the Prozac is helping you feel calmer. It is hard to do anything when anxiety is high. I hope you get to do a little sewing. You always seem to enjoy that. I pray Butch has a good day too!!! I am always here if you need me!!! I love you!! 

As for me....I slept pretty good last night. I woke up a couple of times but fell back to sleep quickly. I think it is because I know Amanda and Tyler are going to be here soon!! I felt more relaxed. I didn't even read before sleep and that is a rarity for me! Amanda called me last night again. They are serious about me finding a place to live near them. We will see, I told her I wouldn't move again unless the weather is warm.

Two Fire trucks here again this morning.We had a small fire in one of the apartments. It is just across the hall and two doors down. My apartment was so smoky I am still sitting here with windows open and fans turned on. I ended up having to use my rescue inhaler and did a neubulizer treatment as well. I sat next to the window for about an hour. Imagine that at 27 degrees! The high today will be 31. My apartment is still 70 . We had snow all night and will be falling until late tomorrow night. The blowing winds are causing big drifts already. They are saying this storm is going to be worse then the one in 1991. That was really bad!!! We will have well over a foot of snow, we have a lot right now! I am glad I have everything I need and won't be going anywhere for a couple days. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!! 

Prayers for our sweet OFF Family and their families. 

I will check in again later. 

I love you all so much....HUGS.....connie d

on 11/10/14 1:48 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi Cindy and All,

Im here just chillin and crosstitching!!! Went to an allday meet on Saturday. There were 50 women there and one man!!! Got to love it!!!

my car is going into the hospital on the 20th for brakes and a belt! 400.00 put the door! Man that hurts!!! I got to get that done cause im going to Chicago for a Vinnie fix!

Liz needs child car for a couple of weeks.

I go for a weight check today! 

So I'm driving to St Pete. That is across Tampa Bay. About 20 miles frim my house. I think I'll go to the crosstitch store for a bit before I go to my appnt.

im making Christmas cards!


by the way are we sending each other cards this year?

image hosting site

Connie D.
on 11/10/14 3:00 am

Hi Carla....nice to see you post today.

As far as Christmas Cards go.....I can't afford to send cards this year. It isn't because I don't want to. I have cards....I just can't do all the writing and stamps are just more then I can afford. I hope everyone understands. I love each and every one of you, past and present!!!

So sorry you have to put more money into your car. But then, you must have it running safely to go to see Vinnie. You two will have such a fun time together!!!

Good luck with your weight check. I hope you find what you need at the craft store.

Love and oodles of hugs....connie d

Patricia R.
on 11/10/14 4:25 am - Perry, MI

Greetings Cindy and OFF Gang,

I've been at Colleen's playing with Frankie in the morning, then having lunch and folding laundry in the afternoon.  I'm going back over in a little while, for a couple more hours, so she can go teach.  She volunteers in the kids' classrooms during the day on Mondays.

I'm a little discouraged today.  My daughter is teaching three college classes, volunteers at the kids' school, teaches Sunday School, and keeps her house absolutely spotless, while raising three kids, the youngest being 2 and a half.  I don't do a quarter of what she does, and my house looks like a dump right now.  I have never been organized, and just feel like a failure today.

Tonight, I'm going to Bible study, and DVRing the Eagles game, but will catch up with it by the end of the game.  

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 11/10/14 7:43 am

Hi Trish....I am sorry you are feeling a bit discouraged today! You are you....you can't compare yourself to anyone else. We all do things differently. Your way is just how you have trained yourself to do things. It isn't wrong!! YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!!!!

Your daughter is more of a clean as you go person. I learned that from my mom. Busy mom's and dad's have to be that way. If they didn't things could be a mess pretty quickly. 

Don't be so hard on yourself.....you are a great Mom, a great grandmother, and always a great friend!!!!  

Remember....we aren't as young as our children. They have tons more energy then we do!! You are a very busy person!!! Plus you have serious medical conditions. You push yourself too hard. You need more time just for yourself. 

I love you....HUGS.....connie d 


on 11/10/14 10:53 pm - Cibolo, TX

Sweet Tri****'s your house and your mess.  So what?  You live by yourself (excepting Utley, of course!) and you need to feel okay where you live.  If things are a bit messy, it's okay.  As long as you feel comfortable there, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.  We all have our little idiosyncrasies.  

Now me?  I have areas of my house where things have to be clean, and then there are other areas where I let stuff pile up.  You should see my desk!  It's a wreck.  But my kitchen is clean.  My potties are spotless, but my bathroom counter is a jumble.  Well, it's my makeup and stuff there and apparently that's the way I like it.  LOL!  Don't sweat the small stuff, honey.

And I agree with Connie--you do DO an awful lot each and every day away from your house, mostly at Colleen's house.  In fact I don't know how Colleen made it before you moved there.  She may have a cleaner house, but she calls on you daily for support and help with the kiddos.  And you go every time she calls, even when you're not feeling well.  So you deserve a huge round of applause for all you do for your family and your church and your friends.  You are NOT a failure by any means!

(Of course, you ARE a democrat, but I won't hold that against you!  )

Love you, hon!  


Judy G.
on 11/10/14 5:30 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...

Well our floor is still NOT done yet today!!!!!!!! I am mad as all get out!!!!!!!! He even CALLED to say they WOULD be here THIS morning!!!!!!!!!!  I am so sick and tired of sitting in dust and everything all out of place!!!!!!!!!! Boss will be here tomorrow and I am really going to blow up about it!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow is tenants Bake sale also. LOTS of GOODIES!!!!!  Me buying some??  Well... maybe some...LOL BUT I am NOT baking anything!!! NOPE!!!!   

OK Rick wants to go someplace I think so have to go now...oh he wants food!!!!!!!!

So best get going here...LOL

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 11/10/14 7:13 am

Hi Judy.....I am sorry that the floor guys haven't shown up today.....your Boss needs to get a discount on their work. No wonder they are cheaper...that is terrible!! I feel bad for you dealing with all the dust and clutter. 

So how did their bake sale go?? I hope you are careful who you purchase baked goods from!!! 

Hope Rick took you out to eat...you deserve it!!!

More love, Hugs and Prayers....connie d

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