It is Wednesday....have a good one!!!
Good Morning Connie,
Sorry I didn't get to post yesterday. I never heard of Shopko. All we have here is Sam's. I'd like to check out Costco, but the closest one is a long drive from here.
I'm glad Butch's chemo is improving his numbers. Praying the increase in it doesn't have bad side effects.
Sorry to hear about Judy's test result. Praying it gets resolved soon.
Glad to see Robin has joined us. Welcome to our group. Hope she sticks around.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish.....there aren't too many Shopko's out there anymore. There is so much competition with WalMArt's, Sam's,Targets and such. There is always word going around that they may be closing. I sure hope not. It is such a clean and organized place to shop. Not to mention great deals!!! Our KMart in town closed last week.
Love and lots of hugs.....connie d