Judy G.
on 11/9/14 12:22 am - Galion, OH

Morning OFF Family...ITS COLD HERE but not as cold as yesterday!!! Getting a little warm up before the real cold hits this week!!!!

Went to Bingo last night and only had chances once again...grrrrr

Making Beef Roast for supper it in the oven real slow along with potatoes and carrots and onions...yummm. makes all four apartments smell yummmmm lol!!!

One of my posts on FB yesterday my sister asked if I was working Thanksgiving and said she missed me so much...thinking now she wants me home for thanksgiving. Well I sure can't go both thanksgiving AND Christmas!!! Would love to but just can't afford both trips!!! Now if bandit and her dog would get along we would have a place to stay...but oh nooooooooo they hate each other so that's out of the question!!!! Darn dogs!!!! GRRRRRRR

Nothing else happening so will get off here Rick wants to go to the store for BEER and I have the debit card...LOL

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


on 11/9/14 1:36 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Judy and my sistas!

Judy, I am making roast beef in the crock pot today.  Great minds!  LOL!

Today I am feeling rather selfish and petty.  I just want a little time to myself.  I love my husband and I love my family, but I just need to be alone without anyone making demands on me for awhile.  Then I feel guilty for feeling that way because one day I WILL be all alone and I'll wish I had these moments back.  

Chris and the boys came out yesterday afternoon and I watched the boys while Chris painted in the guest bathroom.  She did a nice job.  It looks almost finished in there now.  Just a little touch-up painting needed here and there.

I was going to ask her to paint the front door, but I'm having paint problems!  I found an entire gallon of the red trim paint out in the shed.  I opened it and it looked salvageble (sp?), so I didn't go buy anymore at Sherwin Williams yesterday.  But it turned out to be so thick and gunky I don't think I can use it!  I googled "thick latex paint" and discovered that you can thin latex paint with water so I tried that.  I finally got it thinned down, but it has the consistency of tomato sauce.  Ugh.  It should be perfectly smooth, not grainy.  I let it sit overnight and I'll stir it up again today.  Maybe a miracle will have happened overnight and it will be smooth again.  I've got half a mind to try pouring some in my blender or food processor and trying that!  LOL!

Anyway, Chris and Mike and the boys are all coming back this afternoon.  Chris is going to do more painting and Butch has some outdoor chores for Mike.  So I'm cooking the roast for a family supper tonight.

Chris and a friend of hers at work are going to interview a babysitter together on Tuesday.  Cross your fingers.  Amanda's little girl goes to the same preschool as Benny and Budder.  The new babysitter would pick them up from the school and care for them in her own home for $15/hr.  But Chris and Amanda would split the cost.  This could be wonderful if it works out!  This woman has excellent references, so we're all really hopeful about this one.  I'm sure all the money I'm paying Christie to paint will go towards paying the sitter--which is a good deal all around because I'd probably have to lend Christie the money anyway.  This way I get my painting done, Chris doesn't feel so beholden to me, and the money is there to pay for the sitter as needed.  

Butch is feeling really really tired today.  I tell him that is normal for post-chemo.  And he doesn't feel bad or anything.  He's not in pain.  His appetite is good.  He's just so very tired.  From everything I've read, that's a pretty normal reaction to chemo.  Jen, don't you think so?  

Also I've noticed it's hard for him to remember the ends of his sentences.  He'll start to say something, get hung up on remembering a word, and then he forgets the rest of his sentence.  I think this is referred to as "chemo brain".  I've started finishing his sentences for him.  I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing for me to do.  I don't seem to have much patience with him this weekend.  I guess I've got "caretaker-itis" right now.  It's hard not to snap at him this morning.  I feel very guilty today.

Carrie is coming down next weekend and we're having Butch's 70th birthday party next weekend.  She wasn't sure if Leo would be coming with her or not.  He works a lot on the weekends for the overtime.  (Can't fault the man for his work ethic.)  Anyway, we're going to have ribs cooked on the smoker, potato salad, baked beans, French bread, and strawberry shortcake.  That's Butch's favorite meal.  

I baked some pumpkin pecan biscotti yesterday morning and they really were easy to make!  I've never made biscotti before.  But they turned out great.  Now I'm thinking about making some chocolate almond ones.  All of this baking is not good for me.  I can feel my clothes getting tight!  Funny how we fall back into bad habits, isn't it?  I have always baked and played around in the kitchen during times of stress.  And of course I eat what I bake!  

Well, I had better close and get started on the laundry or the dishes or something productive today.  Love you all!




Connie D.
on 11/9/14 2:09 am

Hello Vickie...we must have been posting at about the same time.

You and Judy are copycats...LOL....I made roast and all the fixin's yesterday. Kyleigh and Mitch really enjoyed it. Thank goodness Pam was here to help. I was weak as a kitten these last few days. I feel for Butch and mine isn't even from chemo related.

There is nothing wrong with you needing some time away. Is Butch having a PT and a Nurse? He should as that would give you a break. There are organizations and churches and such that have volunteers to sit and play cards or talk or whatever with cancer patients. I am sure someone could find a man to sit with Butch a couple hours a week. He might even enjoy the company. Just a thought!

I want to come over for Butch's Birthday meal...that sounds like my favorite meal too!!!! LOL!!!

I am sure that the chemo has to do with Butch's problem with finishing sentences. You are an angel!!!

I hope the daycare works out for Chris and her friend. I think it is wonderful that Chris is helping with the painting. The money would help with daycare costs.

I am sure the biscotti was yummy. You are an amazing chef/baker!!

Much love to you and oodles of hugs too....connie d

on 11/9/14 2:25 am - Canada

Yes, chemo causes fatigue ( radiation too but not same super tiredness) and chemo brain/fog can last for months after chemo ends...but as a spouse you are allowed to finish hubbie's sentences, especially if married a long time!


Connie D.
on 11/9/14 7:12 am nice to see your post. I hope you are doing well. I think of you so often!

Much love and lots of hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/9/14 3:32 am - Galion, OH

Vic...can you ASK if there is HELP available for Butch and YOU at this time?? IF there IS TAKE IT!!!!!!!!! Gosh woman you need some TIME for YOU!!!!!!!  HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS

I have been through it myself years ago with mom, sister and husband at the time...YES IT IS HARD!!!!!!!!! Please ask!!!!!!!

You have a lot going on there girlfriend!!! WOW!!!! Lots of people helping painting and wonder you are worn out!!!

Prayers continue!!!!

And my beef roast is smelling goooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I am sure yours is also!!!


Connie D.
on 11/9/14 1:51 am

Good morning Judy and everyone...... roast and all the extras turned out really good yesterday. It was so tender and everyone loved it!!!! I am sorry you can't go to  your sister's for Thanksgiving. It gets too expensive when you have to stay in motels all the time. 

I sent all the leftovers except a few veggies and a little chicken home with the kids. My pouch doesn't care much for roast beef. I gave Kyleigh and Mitch one of my extra crock pots. It is a nice one that goes to warm when the number of cooking hours are up. They can't over cook that way. They sat around and went through some of my cookbooks looking for things to make. They borrowed a few of those too. They were so excited!!!

GUESS WHAT everyone.....Praise the Lord for answered prayers!!!!! My Amanda and Tyler are moving back to MN at then of the month!!! They have job offers!! I just cried when she called me yesterday. Amanda is Kyleigh and Lucas' sister. I am so happy they can all be together in the same areas again!!! 

I don't have any thing planned for this sunny Sunday. I will relax, read and watch TV. Tonight is the Walking Dead!!! I am glad Pam was here to help serve the meal They all did the clean up. They said I looked ghostly white and they made me rest. 

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!!!

Prayers for our amazing OFF Family and their families.

Much love and many hugs to all.....connie d




Judy G.
on 11/9/14 3:35 am - Galion, OH

Connie I am doing happy dance with you!!! Oh gosh you have to be soooooooooo excited now!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

I bought different meats yesterday and Rick picked the beef roast for he loves my roast so much!!!

I am also waiting for The Walking Dead tonight!!! Love that show!!!!

Hope you are feeling better today...worry about you!!!


Connie D.
on 11/9/14 7:08 am

Hi Judy....I am very excited about Amanda and Tyler moving to MN!!!!!!!  I have been very emotional about it all day. It is all such a dream come true!!!!! Answered prayers for sure!!

I hope you enjoyed your dinner. I know Roast beef is yummy.....I just can't eat it anymore.

I am so looking forward to watching the Walking Dead. I just love that show. I love that they show last weeks show and hour before the recent one. I like to watch it and see what details I missed!!!

Have a great know I love you!!!!

on 11/9/14 5:07 am - Cibolo, TX

Oh, Connie!  I'm so happy for you!  That's great news about Amanda and Tyler.  You always perk up and do so much better when your family is around you.  You, my sweet darlin' sista, were not meant to be a solitary creature!  So hurray for your family dinner with Kyleigh and Mitch, and hurray for Amanda and Tyler moving back to MN.    


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