Good morning Friday!
Hi Judy...that floor must look like some rednecks slapped it together. I wouldn't call them professional in any way. Good grief!! You are get what you pay for!!
As far as all the parties...I have been telling you for months that you go way above and beyond what is expected. You are a manager not a cruise director!! There is no reason they need all those dinners, parties and such nearly every month. I would put up a list for volunteers. You can tell them, if not more then three people volunteer there is no party. Stick with it....they need to give names by a certain date. If they don't then it is called off! Give them a list of things that need to be done. They can choose what they want to do. The people that do Christmas won't have to do the next holiday. They can learn to take turns. Just my opinion!
SLOW will have a heart attack!! I am glad to hear you will be cutting back. You are way too overloaded as it is. That isn't fair to you. HUGS!!!!!!!
I just worry about are so frazzled all the time. You aren't getting paid enough to do so much extra. They won't even offer you medical or dental insurance.
I love you....HUGS.....connie d
Connie I do have dental and vision just doesn't cover the caterat surgery that I need done...grrrrrrrrrrr
I like doing the parties and all but right now I AM WORN OUT AND WITH YOU KNOW WHAT NEXT WEEK....sighs...................I am at my limits with demands!!!!!!!!!
Also the government side now has to do their OWN recerts....I just make the forms out that they need is all and then file them into the office...yippee Lots of LESS work for me to do!!!
I do have SOME help but they just get in my way...if I sit down to relax things get done wrong and put in wrong places.........then I have twice as much work to do....soooooo
Judy....I know you love the parties....I just worry because no one helps you.
Yes....I do know why you are worn out....I am still praying for the best!! Just don't stretch yourself until you get sick!!
Things will settle down for you....just get through the next couple months!!!!
More love and hugs....prayers too....connie d
Hi Vickie and my OFF family:
Got a few minutes here at work while I'm waiting for pages to be designed. The one guy doing it is so slow, but if I offer to help, he gets huffy.
Vickie, maybe you could get some steps for Maybelle. I had some I ordered for my old cat, Nettie, from Drs. Foster & Smith; they were lightweight and she used them to get up on the bed. Now, your hubby when he's feeling better could probably make something, but for right now, you could probably find something in Big Lots or Walmart. Might help.
You are so creative. I'm fortunate to be able to order something for myself from Land's End.
Jennifer, we are tough down here about the weather (at least I know I am). Throw another sweater on, or a blanket. I just don't like the snow. I can handle the cold. I lived in SoDak for eight years; I can handle anything.
Judy, you do a lot for those folks; they ought to be grateful to you.
Can't remember who else posted. I have a little bit of a headache coming off my neck. It's making me a little sleepy and out of it. I guess I should try to concentrate on work. Have a good night.
Good Evening Vickie and Gang,
I've been like a crazy woman all day. I was at church, playing with the Bible study kids. Colleen isn't in it this semester, because she has her hands full. After I got home, Colleen asked me to come watch Frankie coz he was sleeping, and she needed to run an errand, and then pick up the kids. Then I went to Joanns to return the yarn, and get the right kind.'
Albert Schweitzer