Good morning Friday!

on 11/6/14 10:48 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sweetest sistas!

We are up and ready to go to San Antonio to meet the new oncologist later this morning.  Silly me.  I thought our appointment was at 10 a.m., but it's not until 10:40 a.m., so we're ready an hour early.  

Actually, I've been up since about 4:30 a.m.  Grrrr.  Like always, if I don't take a Tylenol PM before I go to bed, I rarely sleep all night.  But if I take the Tylenol PMs every night, I get that RLS.  Everything is a trade-off these days.

Butch's diarrhea is better today.  And still no nausea, praise the Lord.  Today is Day 3 after chemo, so I don't need to give him anymore of the anti-nausea medicine after today. But I think I will continue with the anti-diarrhea meds another 24 hours.  

So, yesterday afternoon I ran to town to pick up a couple of prescriptions for Butch.  I also needed to go to Wal Mart for a couple of things.  Well, I had to pass by JoAnn's Fabrics on the way to Wal Mart and I couldn't resist.  Oh Lord, I was in there over an hour and came out with more yarn and a pattern and fabric, too!  It's an addiction with me!

Anyway, I bought some lovely lightweight fleece and a pattern for a hooded nightshirt.  Only I'm going to change it to a full length robe for myself.  I'm so tall that store-bought robes are never long enough.  I do better to make my own and add the necessary length to it.  I have a lovely robe that I made myself a few years back, but it's in a box somewhere (as are all my nice clothes).  So I'll just make a new one.  It'll be a fun project for next week.

Also yesterday I finally bit the bullet and bought some Rogaine for Women (or at least the Equate brand) for my thinning hair.  I hope it works.  My hair is so dry and brittle and THIN!  I feel like I'm going bald.  I also invested $20 in some L'oreal deep hydrating shampoo and conditioner.  I've never been one to buy expensive hair products, but I think the time has come.  When you start feeling bad about yourself every time you look in the mirror, it's time to do something.

Maybelle is limping again.  Not as badly as before, but she's definitely favoring her left front leg again.  I don't know how to stop her from jumping up and down off the furniture and the bed.  She and PK are using the toddler bed as a "stepping stone" up and down off our tall bed, but apparently that's not quite enough.  She also jumps up and down off the sofas and chairs.  I guess the floor without carpeting is just too much for her.  But I don't know what I can do about it.

Well, I have some time to get a little more crocheting done, so I guess I'll go spend the next half hour or so doing that.  I'm making myself a cowl and a pair of texting gloves.  Taking a brief break from my complicated sweater, although I do now have all the pieces made: front panels, back panel, and both sleeves.  I will tackle the assembly of it soon.

Love you all!



Cindy P.
on 11/6/14 11:53 pm

Vickie, good morning.  I hope your meeting with the new oncologist works out well and that you like the dr. very much.  I'm praying for the instant connection that can really make a difference in the fight against cancer.  My cancer doc was just the best and I kept in contact with him for many years after I graduated from his care.  I wish the same for Butch and you.

I wonder if Maybelle has arthritis.  Perhaps there is something that can be given to her to relieve the pain.  Our dog was limping sometimes when he gets up after laying down a while.  X-rays showed nothing and the doc thinks it's just that his leg falls asleep just like a human's would.  You just never know.

I've heard that Rogaine works -- I forget what the generic for that is.  Anyway, our hairdresser recommended that for my hubby and she said it really works.

I hope you get an opportunity to post after the doc appt.  I know I am very interested to hear how it went.

Have a good day everyone.  Guess I'd better get ready for the construction crew that will be here in about an hour or so.

Take care.


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 11/7/14 12:37 am

Good morning Vickie, Cindy and everyone.....

Vickie....I envy your talents for sewing and crocheting and things. I did sewing when my girls were young but I gave it up. I worked too much and never had enough time to do it anymore. Now my hands are to crippled to do much of anything. I too am anxious to see the finished products!!! I love you much!!

I am glad today is a better day for Butch. I pray all goes well at his new appointment today.

Poor Maybelle...she probably things she can do anything Patty Kate can do. Hope she feels better soon.

As for me....nothing exciting planned today. Recovering from my rehab is about it. 

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!!

Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.

Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all.....connie d


Eileen Briesch
on 11/7/14 6:44 am - Evansville, IN

Sorry I forgot you, Connie ... hope rehab didn't knock you out. Are you reading in your Nook at least or going down to do puzzles with the women in your complex? 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 11/7/14 7:38 am

Hi Eileen....doing nothing today.....flat on my back with ice , pain meds and mucsle relaxers. I can hardly move. Rehab causes me more pain then anything. I canceled my first rehab for next week. I will call them next week and decide if I will continue. It is not helping me at all. I couldn't leave my apt. all day. Doubt I will tomorrow either. Sucks!!!!! Weather isn't helping....temps in the 20s and 30s. Rainy too. I hope you are doing better. Hugs and love...... connie d

Cindy P.
on 11/7/14 7:56 am

Connie, I'm so sorry you are in so much pain.  When do you get your new doc?  I bet you can't wait to be rid of the one who wants (insists) you to do rehab. 

I hope you feel better soon.  ((((((((hugs)))))))).


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 11/7/14 8:40 am new doctor starts on December 3rd. I can't wait!!

The doctor I have now does not understand chronic pain. She thinks it all amounts to exercise. Exercise is great and I was doing it every day. I can't do it now....I can hardly walk. So instead of controlling the pain she sends me to rehab!! Now I am even worse!!!

I don't know what the hell she is thinking!!! Maybe she thinks I am making this all up!! I wish that was the case. I wouldn't be laying here now!!

Have a great weekend!!!

More love and hugs....connie d


on 11/7/14 4:28 am - Canada

Good afternoon Everyone: 

Just want to apologize for sending cold arctic air your way, we too here in Canada are going to freeze.  Super Typhoon Nuri in the Pacific is interfering with air currents and pushing the cold southwards, we still have some leaves on trees here and I have been covering my balcony herbs at night, but we are getting really cold December temps in the coming week, and there is no way to avoid freezing temps.  We will be getting rain and snow in daytime, blac**** on roads at night, so think winter is here to really bother us..

Havent been posting but have been left hand is sprained at wrist or is advanced arthritis, luckily am right handed, but ripped off part of right thumbnail, bed is exposed and bleeding as I keep knocking it and it hurts constantly, so am typing this with one right forefinger....sorry, but not posting until one or other hand, preferably both, get(s) better....

Again: sorry for the cold weather Canada is sending you with snow and whatever, but blame Nuri in the Pacific, dont blame Canada!

Warm hugs,



Connie D.
on 11/7/14 8:00 am

Hi Jennifer....honey you would never send us cold weather. That is totally out of your hands. YOU keep warm!!

So sorry your wrist is sprained and your thumb is hurting. Why does everything happen at the same time? I hope that it all feels better soon.

Take care...Love and HUGS....connie d

Judy G.
on 11/7/14 4:53 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...guys are still in club house doing the part I do NOT like is the part in between the kitchen and the main flooring of community room...they had to put a piece over it to cover it because of the higher part of the tile there...looks like ****!!!!!!! But its not me paying for the dam floor...get what you pay for...can't tear up the tile to put the new over it...YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait til my boss sees how it looks!!!!!!!! She will ****!!!!!!! Next week she will be here...HAHA!!!!!

Bingo went good today...told them no Bingos in December because I was far to busy getting Christmas under way...did I hear any offers to HELP??????? Hell no!!!!!!!!! Then I don't even have thanksgiving over and done yet and they are asking me when I am having Christmas!!!!!!! WTH?!!!!!!! Can I do it this day or that day???? I will have it when I AM READY FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH do they think I can do here????? I am ONE person doing EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! Trust me...Christmas gets over...I AM cutting way back on things here!!!!!!! New Year...NEW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Ok done complaining here...going to FB to hide!!!!!!

Thoughts and prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!


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