Happy Saturday....what do you have planned today??
Good morning everyone.....
I decided I might as well start the thread as I can't sleep anyway.
Well Halloween came and went another year. No children around here. I miss seeing the little ones dressed up. Quite a few friends posted pictures on Facebook of their children and grandchildren. They were all so cute!!
Judy....I can't wait to find out how your party went. From the message on Facebook I couldn't tell if it was good or bad.
Vickie....how are things with Butch today? I am so glad he is feeling better this time around. I hope you or Michael post pics of Benny and Budder on Facebook. I always look so forward to the pics of the boys!! Hope Maybelle and Patty Kate are enjoying being together.
Trish....I hope you made it through Halloween!! You had a lot going on yesterday!! Time for a day of rest for you!!
Eileen....I hope you are getting along with less pain these days. I am sure it hasn't been easy working with a sore foot. Any news on how Richard's mother is doing? I am still praying for her.
As for me...it sure has been getting colder. Lows in the 20's highs barely in the 40's. I am looking outside and all the cars are covered with frost....brrrrrrr!! I am so not ready for this colder weather. I am grateful I have no car to worry about scraping off ice and snow. I feel like baking but I know I can't as I would eat it all!!!
I guess I better go try to sleep again for the third time tonight!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!
Prayers for our special OFF family and their families.
Tons of love and oodles of hugs for all...connie d
Afternoon...party yesterday was good...had several that dressed up and we ended up having a tie for the winner!!! So they split the winnings!! I posted the photos of the winners on FB so if you are one of my friends on FB you can see them. One is Sharon a Sunflower and the other is Pam a Trash lady...Lots of good food had by all...
Depressed right now all I can say.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them.
Hello Connie and Judy and all my lovely sistas!
Connie, I am SO glad you don't have to go through the HELL of moving your car at 4 a.m., and going out to start it every couple of days, and scraping off the ice again this winter! I'm sorry you don't have your own transportation, but that stuff you had to go through every winter just wasn't worth it! Wish I lived close enough to take you shopping once a week. We would have a ball!
Judy, honey, what's wrong? I don't like it when you have the blue funk!
As for me, we are having a lovely peaceful Saturday. It's cool and sunny and we don't have to be anywhere today. Love it!
We didn't have any trick-or-treaters last night either. Didn't really expect to, since this is mostly a retired folks or weekenders' neighborhood. Besides, who would want to climb up our hill in a costume? Not me!
I am waiting to see some pictures of my boys last night in their costumes. Benny was the Green Hulk, and Budder was Baby Frankenstein. I really did miss getting to go with them. Chris texted me and said they had a good time. And Carrie sent me a picture of herself, Leo and Nicolette (his 2 year old daughter) on their way out to trick or treat. Nicolette was dressed like Minnie Mouse and she's a cute little thing. I wish I could make them all costumes next year. I always sewed costumes for my girls when they were little.
I have some almost too ripe bananas, so I think I'll make banana nut bread today and take a loaf to my SIL when we go to Houston next week. Last night I made baked brie in puff pastry and that's what we had for our dinner, along with apple slices and grapes. It was very good! And so easy. I don't know why I've never tried that before. Another new dish for our holiday eating, I think. We may just have an entire meal of appetizers! LOL! Crab won tons, baked brie, turkey balls, sliced ham, etc. Sounds delicious and easy to me!
Butch is still feeling good today, although his leg muscles are a bit sore from all the walking he did with the PT yesterday.
But my poor little Maybelle is not doing so well this morning. She was fine all day yesterday. In fact, she and I went for a long walk yesterday afternoon. But sometime in the night, she jumped down off the bed (our bed is extra high) and I guess she landed wrong, because she's limping and favoring her left leg this morning. I have felt all up and down the leg and there's no swelling and I don't feel a break, so we think it is just a sprain. Butch said she wouldn't be able to walk if it were broken. I have also checked her paw for stickers, since this is the season for those gd ****leburs, but I can't find any stickers. So I am picking her up and down a lot today. My poor little darling. I think I will move the cushions from the love seat into our bedroom and put them on the floor for a soft landing spot for her. Has anyone here ever bought some of those doggie steps to help older dogs get up and down off the bed or the couch?
I worked some on my sweater yesterday, but my wrist was hurting, so I didn't get the first sleeve completely finished. I'll try to fini**** today.
I had a really good coupon yesterday from Land's End for 31% off my entire order (a Halloween thing), so I ordered Butch some new clothes. So many of his clothes are just falling off of him now. (Yes, once again my husband weighs LESS than I do! Grrr! I thought those days were gone for good!) Anyway, he's sick and tired of wearing pajama pants, so I ordered him some knit trousers--like sweat pants, only without the elastic at the ankles and a bit more tailored looking. Also got him some new long-sleeved pocket tees. Pocket tees are getting so hard to find these days.
While I was at it, I ordered myself a new pair of winter shoes and a new sleep shirt. I always hesitate to order shoes on-line, but I really don't have time to go shoe shopping right now, so I'll give these a try. They're like a tennis shoe, but they're suede and they zip up the front instead of shoe laces.
Well, that's all the news from the lake today. It's a beautiful Saturday. I hope you all enjoy it!
Love you all!
Hello Vickie...I will be waiting for pics to be posted of your grands too!! I am sure they were just adorable!!
I always made my girls their costumes too. They have even saved some. That was always so much fun!!
I like the idea of appetizers and fruit and such. That big meal always tires everyone out and you feel nasty afterwards. We started that long ago. We even had things like Lasagna and tacos and such. Everyone liked it so much better. I plan on staying here this Thanksgiving. I just can't go this time! I am okay with that.
Sorry about poor little Maybelle. I do know people that have those steps for dogs. Pam even had them for her cat. They are a great help!!
Glad you got some needed shopping done. I am sure Butch swims in all his clothes. Those shoes sound cute!!!
Still keeping Butch and you in my prayers....always!
I love you very much...HUGS...connie d
Good Evening Connie and Gang,
Sorry I'm so late. Busy day today. Got my hair cut. Basically, a long, overdue trim. Same style..Did some shopping for necessities. Came home, and played in the kitchen. Then, I went to Joanns, and bought yarn and fleece to make Christmas presents. Found some pattern books. One is for hats. It has the cutest kids hat, long and pointed, with a tassel. One is for scarves. It has the cutest cowl pattern. Got Michigan State fleece on sale, to make throw blankets for the kids, and extra to make to sell. I'm going to start making things to be able to set up a craft table at a flea market, or craft show. I'm looking for a pattern for boys crochet vests. Vickie, if you happen to come across one, could you send me the link? Thanks.
Vickie, my former landlord has a golden retriever. When he was a pup, he went to jump upp on their bed, missed, and broke his front leg in the fall. Poor little guy had a cast on it for weeks. You probably could find those steps online. Maybe Petsmart's website, or Amazon would have them.
Connie, we had that white stuff yesterday, for about an hour, before the Trick-or-Treaters started to arrive. I had a slew of kids last night, in spite of the wicked temps.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a great day. Tomorrow, Colleen and Izzy, plus me, are going to Frankenmuth to shop, and get my free birthday dinner at a restaurant that has the best roasted chicken dinners. Plus, there's a huge Christmas store we like to go to. It's must be at least two football fields under one roof. Then, there are outlets right off the interstate.
Must scoot,
Albert Schweitzer