Cool weather Thursday

on 10/30/14 1:26 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sweet sistas!

It's cool and overcast here this morning.  I have the AC turned OFF!  We're supposed to get our first real cold front this weekend.  Of course, our "cold front" means temps in the 40s at night.  That's cold for us.  LOL!

Today we don't have to go anywhere or meet anyone.  Heaven!  We are planning to do NOTHING today except what we want to do.  I'm already crocheting.  Butch is messing around in the kitchen.  He's making tamales today.  Sounds good for cold weather.

The puppies are happy because I've left the back door ajar and they can run in and out as they want to.  I truly love this time of year.

Hope everyone is happy and healthy today.  Love you all!


Cindy P.
on 10/30/14 1:44 am

Good Morning, Vickie!!  Sounds like Butch is doing pretty well with this version of chemo.  Praise The Lord!!  I'm glad you have a relaxing day ahead of you today.  How is your sweater coming along?  I sure hope you post pics when you're done.

Our countertops are in.  Faucets installed.  Interior painting going on and next week the floors start being installed.  It's going to be a noise, messy couple of weeks but then we'll be done.  Next year, we'll add on a deck and we'll be finished for a while. 

We're getting haircuts this morning and this afternoon hubby has a dental appt.  So today we have a reprieve from all the construction. 

The weather here is cloudy/rainy.  Our stormy season announced itself earlier this week with high winds and heavy rain.  I try not to complain about it because the wet weather is what makes it nice and green here. 

Hope everyone has a good day today. 


Cindy P.

on 10/30/14 2:19 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi Cindy!

You are always so sweet in all your comments!  I'm excited for you about your remodeling.  I hope YOU post some pictures, too!

I have been babying my cut thumb the past couple of days, so I haven't been working on my sweater.  It's a very intricate pattern and I just didn't feel quite up to it.  But this morning I did make the second texting glove for my daughter.  I wanted to get it made before I forgot how I made the first one!  (One of the hazards of making up your own patterns, don't ya know! LOL!)  

Anyway, I'm wearing them right now (just to test them out-ha!) and I like them.  I think I may have to make myself a pair of these.  

But I do plan on starting back on my sweater this afternoon.  I need to make the right front panel.  I have the back panel and the left front panel done.  This is a raglan sleeve sweater and I've never made one of those before.  At least not in crochet.  So I have some new things to learn with this one.  Which is good, because I like to learn new things and I find that learning something new keeps the blue funk away.  

I am taking pictures of everything, but I can't post pictures on FB of things are going to be gifts until after I give them.  Did that make sense?  If I could ever figure out how to post pics on, I would post them here.  

Love you!  Enjoy your day!


Connie D.
on 10/30/14 8:50 am

Hi Cindy....I am happy that the counter tops and faucets are installed. Now for the painting and getting the floor installed...yes... noisy but so worth it!! I would love to see a picture if possible. Kitchens are always my favorite room. Now they have so many awesome designs and so many cool things. My days of owning a home again are long gone. I just love to look at them now!!!

I hope you liked your haircuts!!!

Love you...HUGS....connie d

Connie D.
on 10/30/14 1:50 am

Good morning Vickie and everyone..... sounds like you have a perfect day planned. Enjoy every moment!! I am happy to hear that Burch is in the kitchen and cooking. That is a good sign!! 

I hate the idea of winter coming. It is 39 degrees right now. The high is supposed to get to 48. Last night it got down to 23. No more leaving the windows open. 

I have more rehab at 4:00 PM today. Not looking forward to it at all. 

I worked out on the puzzle with the ladies yesterday. It was fun!!

I need to get dressed and ready for my day. I will check back in later. I love you my friend! 

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!! Some of us will be battling to stay warm....brrrrrrr!!! 

Prayers for our lovely OFF family and their families. 

Loads of love  and bunches of hugs  to all..connie d

Judy G.
on 10/30/14 2:27 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...OK whats going on with OH again?? I see different format?? Or is it MY pc again?????? Sighs.......

Got the LAST of my November recerts done and lease signed and turned in...WOOHOOO!!! Now to get my office shut down and moved out and the laundry room also moved out for the new floor to be put in tomorrow!!!! OMG if he doesn't show up I WILL hunt him down!!!!  I feel like I have an inch of dust on me every day since that carpet has been torn up!!!! EWWW!!!!!!!!

We had to scrape the frost off the car and truck windows this morning!!! NOT ready for this at all!!!!!!! I want warm weather back!!!!!!!!

Well Bandit needs to go potty walking so need to get going...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 10/30/14 9:00 am

Hi Judy....I am so not ready for winter!! 

I am glad you got your recerts done.

Cleaning off the car windows and such is a pain in the butt!! I will be sitting in my window watching everyone else doing theirs. I won't miss that a bit!! 

High temp today was 46....low tonight is was 23 last night. High tomorrow will be 42. At least we don't have any of that white stuff floating around!! I want to go in reverse and head back to summer! 

Love you much.....bunches of hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 10/30/14 8:53 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Vickie and my OFF family:

Just a quick hello this evening ... geez, it's nearly 6 p.m. I'm at work, my first day back. So far it's OK. My coworkers are helping me by getting my pages at the printer and I'm calling people instead of getting up to talk to them. The worst thing was getting in and out of the shower. That hurt ... although the shower was nice. Oh, and putting the shoe on my foot to drive. That hurt, too. But everything else was fine. So far, I'm a little pain from having my foot down. I need to go to the bathroom soon, so I'll have to put my boot on. When I get back, I may see if there's anything to proof so I can elevate my legs.

I got up early this morning because I had put in a grocery order. There is one store that delivers and I asked for 8:30 p.m. to noon. They brought my groceries and some of the stuff wasn't exactly what I expected. I'll have to see if I can exchange it. The rest of the day was paying bills. 

Chatted a bit with Richard, who said his mom isn't doing really well, and he and his brother think the end isn't too far off. So I feel even better that I told him to go to see his family. Otherwise, he might not have gotten down there before she died. Even though he and his mom clash when he's down living with her (and I do the same with my mom), he loves her and will miss her when she's gone. 

Well, hope everyone is good today. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 10/30/14 9:07 am

Hi Eileen....back to work already....that went fast!! I hope you can manage to get it elevated. OUCH!!!! Sorry the shower was hard to do. They really do feel good though!!

I am glad Richard is there with his mom. I am glad you encouraged him to go. I will be sending prayers for her, Richard and the family.

Please don't overdo....I know I worry too much. I can't help it....I care too much what happens to you.

Have a good you...HUGS....connie d

Patricia R.
on 10/30/14 10:39 am - Perry, MI

Good Evening Vickie and OFF Family,

Busy day again today.  Took Trent's Grandpa to visit the two shut-ins we saw a few weeks ago.  He had me stay with the first woman while he went a few doors down to visit another.  These dear ladies had gone to our church years ago.  He always takes them a loaf of his special homemade bread.  He bought 100 pounds of flour, to make more bread.  He's 92 years old, and has an industrial mixer and oven in his basement.  He gives all the bread he makes away.  It's a ministry of his.

After he finished shopping we ate at the Chinese buffet.  

When I got home, I had a ton of phone calls to make.  Dr. stuff.

This evening I searched for a special Halloween shirt I beought.  Could not find it anywhere.  After 30 minutes, found it at the bottom of a laundry basket, wrinkled to Hell.  Threw it in the dryer, with a wet towel.  Have no clue how it got there.  It's brand new.  It's orange, and has Snoopy on it, holding a sign saying, "Boo."  

Must scoot.  Have a ton of crocheting to do.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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