It's Wednesday again
Good morning sistas!
How is everyone doing today? Better all around I hope! This group needs to have some good days.
I am having a lazy morning, but my afternoon will more than make up for it. So I'm trying to enjoy my quiet time right now.
I'll check back later on to see what everyone is up to today.
Love you all!
Good Afternoon Vickie and OFF,
Where is everybody? I hope everyone is having a good day. I've been busy, till now.
First, I went to Colleen's to help her make Isabel's Halloween costume. Izzy is going to be Betsy Ross. When they were back home, in July, Colleen's Dad and stepmother took them into Philly, to visit Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, Ben Franklin's print shop, and the Betsy Ross House. There they got Izzy a white cap, and apron, like women wore back then. So, Colleen went to a thrift store, and found a white blouse, with a Peter Pan collar, with lace edging, and adult size, blue skirt, and a red Snuggi. We cut the skirt to fit Izzy's waist. The length is perfect, coz she has such long legs. Then, we cut the Snuggi to make a shawl. Then, she made a scallop edge on the part that goes down the back. This way, her arms won't get cold. When Colleen, or Trent, take them Trick-or-Treating, they usually don't go door to door. They visit the grandparents, and maybe an aunt and uncle. Also, there's a church in town that does Trunk-or-Treat. It's a newer thing, where members gather at the church parking lot, and open their trunks, decorate them, sit in a lawn chair, and hand out treats, as kids walk from car to car. My church back home had a preschool/daycare, and they had it for the children. I had no clue, what it was, till I moved here. Had I known, I'd have participated. I love Halloween. Here, I get a fair amount of kids, because this neighborhood has a lot of families with kids.
Lincoln's going to be Superman, and Colleen got his costume from Amazon. Frankie is Spiderman, using Lincoln's costume from when he was 2.
I then did laundry, and got to sit down for a few minutes. Now, I have to pick Izzy up from piano lessons. Then, I head to church this evening for the kids' program. Busy day. I'm glad I don't have a sinus headache this week. I'll probably have a headache tonight though. The kids are loud in the gym.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish...I love Halloween and dressing up and having fun. Most of all, I love the children in their costumes and being so excited!! We also have a couple different areas in town that do the Trunk or Treat. The college has a big party for the children with games and such. The mall also lets children go around to all the stores for treats. It is really a fun night for children and much safer too!
Your grandchildren's costumes sound so sweet....especially "Betsy Ross".
Have a good and hugs....connie d
For the past couple of years, we've taken the kids to the Halloween Carnival at one of the big churches in New Braunfels. They have very simple easy games for the little ones and lots of prizes. Also they set up a Trunk or Treat in the back parking lot. I sure wish we could go this year, but we'll stay home to keep Butch away from the crowds. I don't get any trick or treaters here, but I have some candy on hand, just in case.
My favorite game is the Cake Walk! I have always loved that one. Y'all have fun! Hope to see some pictures of the munchkins!
Hi Vickie,
I'm not allowed to post pics of the kids on the Internet anymore. Practically got cut off by Trent before I found out it was upsetting him. So, I told Colleen all they had to do was tell me it was a problem, and I stopped. He's not good at talking to me about stuff I do that upsets him, so he gets upset, and tells Colleen. Then, she puts off telling me, coz she's afraid of how I'll take it. It's remnants from when I was a crazy ***** When she finally told me, she was in tears, and I told her I value her and Trent much more than posting pics. I'll be happy to email pics to you, or anyone else. I have a lot of email addresses from last year, including your's.
Must scoot.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

HI OFF Family....I have been busy working here!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! trying to do work in DUST is really getting to me!!!!!!!! Be so HAPPY when this is all over and DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boss showed up today also...didn't give a rats behind either that things were FULL of dust!!!! Let her see how we have been working!!!!! Sighs...Said she would be back next week to see the new floor!!! Told her yeah IF he really DOES show up!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!
Weather is sure getting COLD here today...especially this afternoon now!! BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! By Saturday they are talking 28* rain, sleet and maybe that naughty "S" word!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRR
So not ready for that!!!!!
Well Rick wants to go to the store so need to get going....
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi Judy....I will be so happy for you when those floors are done! I couldn't handle the dust! Your boss is usually so appreciative of all you do. I was surprised she didn't say anything. Maybe she was having a bad day.
This cold weather sucks....I am so not ready for it!!
Love you ....hugs.....connie d
Good afternoon Vickie and everyone....
Vickie....thanks for the delicious recipe!! I am glad you are having some quiet time. What is going on this afternoon to wear you out? Is Butch getting around any better?
I always have Butch and you too in my prayers. I am sorry I have been MIA....just needed the time. You two were still right here in my heart!! I love you!!
It sure is quiet on here right now. Come back ladies!!!
I had a busy morning. I am sure glad I canceled the grocery shopping this morning. They are killing me at Rehab. They don't care about my arthritis or Fibro or my crushed ribs etc.. All they want to do is work on my head. They bounce me around all over in that damn machine. I tell them I can't take the pain they are causing me. They look at me like a deer in the headlights. I have to go again tomorrow!! This is insane!! They better have a different plan for tomorrow...or I am leaving!! Here I go whining again...SORRY!!
My new cleaning fairy is wonderful. She does what ever I ask. She is very thorough. I like her a lot!! She will be here every Tuesday from 12:30 to 4:30. Thank the Lord for answered prayers. She will do shopping and run errands as needed. Cleaning and laundry. Changing my linens, just anything I need!!
I have nothing exciting planned for tonight. I was out earlier working on the puzzle. It has been awhile since I have done that!! More reading and relaxing so I feel better tomorrow.
Have a beautiful day everyone!
Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.
Tons of love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d