It is Monday.....Good Morning!!!

Connie D.
on 11/2/14 5:39 pm

Good morning everyone......

Well that sleeping so late on Sunday has kicked me in the butt. I haven't slept yet. It is 3:30 AM. I have tried everything. Part of the problem is my RLS. As much as I don't want another medication, I may have to ask for something. I have been out of bananas for almost a week. That helps me a lot. I may have to call the bus and go get some later. This is crazy!!!

I need to wash some clothes today. I have it all ready. I wish we could wash anytime!

I bought some new tops at WalMart last week. I finally got around to trying them on. They all fit. I will wash them before I wear them. Nothing special, just some long sleeve tops with designs on the front for every day wear. I bought one really cute black top with bling and a hoodie too. I have so many really dressy clothes. Too fancy to wear around here daily. I also bought a couple more pairs of legging. I live in leggings in the winter. I can get by with it because I have a tiny butt and thin legs. I like to wear them with longer tops/tunics. They are so comfy!!!

Well I will try to go back to bed again soon. About the time I need to get up I will be sleeping soundly!!

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!!

Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families.

Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d

on 11/2/14 10:39 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Connie and my lovely sistas!

Connie, I hope you are sleeping soundly right now!  I hate nights when I can't go to sleep all night.  Don't have them very often, but when I do, it's quite frustrating.

I'm up and getting our stuff together to travel back to Houston today.  We'll be there for two nights, and come home on Wednesday.  Butch has chemo tomorrow.  

So, little Maybelle is doing better this morning.  She still favors her left front leg a bit, but she's definitely moving around better today.  So now I don't think I'm going to make that emergency run to the vet this morning after all.  I moved Benny's toddler bed to the foot of our big bed and she's sleeping on that and/or using it as a soft place to jump off our bed to the floor.  It's not quite ideal, as it makes our room a bit crowded, but it's working for now.  

You know, Connie, I really can't wear leggings all day like you do.  I have the thin legs and fairly small butt, but I always end up feeling the same way I did when I wore control top pantyhose--stuffed and uncomfortable.  I can wear them for an hour or two, but then I have to peel out of them!  LOL!  That's a shame because I really like the look of leggings and a tunic top.  I'm quite tall and can carry it off, but I just can't stand that restricted feeling.

(I also can't stand turtlenecks for that same reason.  Ugh!  They make me feel like I can't breathe.  I can only wear mock turtlenecks in the winter.  It's a good thing I live in the south!)

So, I need to get going with my packing and such.  I'll try to check in over the next couple of days, but it will probably be a bit sketchy as always when we travel. 

Love you all!



Cindy P.
on 11/3/14 12:43 am

  Vickie, I will be praying for you and Butch (as always) and thinking nothing but positive thoughts that this round of chemo will go as well as the last one did.  Safe travels.


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 11/3/14 1:24 am

Hi Vickie....I wish Butch and you the very best. I hope the chemo goes well. I pray Butch feels good again this week. Praying too for safe travels for you both. God Bless. I love you bunches!!

I love my leggings....they are not restricting at all. I always buy them in a larger size, but still fitting well. Maybe that is what's different. I can hardly feel they are on. COMFY!!!!

I have never been able to wear turtlenecks. I can't have anything touching the base of my neck. Many years ago I was raped and choked. I can't stand the slightest touching on that part of my neck.

I am so happy to hear Maybelle is feeling better. I have been worried about her. That is a great idea to use the toddler bed for now. Who cares how it looks!!! She is more important.  I think she will adapt to those steps very quickly. 

Know that you and Butch are always in my thoughts and prayers. You are so important to me!!

Lots of love and oodles of hugs....connie d

on 11/3/14 1:32 am - Cibolo, TX


I really don't have time to reply to this, but I just have to!

So, once I worked as the PR person for a counseling center.  The head psychologist specialized in incest and rape.  One day I mentioned to him how I couldn't stand turtlenecks.  He got the strangest expression on his face!  Later he told me that one of the classic symptoms of a victim of incest or rape is not being able to stand the sensation of being choked or restricted about the neck in any way.  I think he was gently trying to open the door for me to tell him something--but I had nothing to tell.  For which I thank God, of course, but I thoroughly understand your aversion to turtlenecks!  I don't know why I can't stand it, but I can't.  

I love you so much sweetest sista!  I pray that you will get some good rest today.



Connie D.
on 11/3/14 6:53 am

Thank you for the support on this. I was abused and raped lucky me ....I qualify!!

I hope you never have to deal with anything like that. 

Love you much!!!  connie d

Cindy P.
on 11/3/14 12:39 am

Connie, I hope you got some rest.  Those nights without sleep are very LONG.  I don't know about you but the more I can't sleep, the more I watch the clock.  Sometimes, if I get up and watch TV or do something else, I will finally get tired enough to be able to rest.  I get the restless legs once in a while too. 

Take it easy today. 


Cindy P.

Connie D.
on 11/3/14 1:10 am

Hi Cindy....I am right with you....I used to look at the clock every hour. Now I get up and do something and then try to sleep once again. On nights like that even getting out of bed and doing something doesn't help. I was still awake at 5 AM. I finally fell asleep and my 9:00 alarm went off. I am so overtired again. I need to find something else that works for me!!

Have a great day!! I hope all is going well for you!!! I think of you so often!!

Love and lots of hugs.....connie d

Patricia R.
on 11/3/14 2:45 am - Perry, MI

Hello Connie, and my OFF Friends,

I slept till 11:30 this morning.  I was extremely sleep deprived yesterday.  But, I had a great time.  Turns out, Trent and the boys came along.  First, we went to Bronners.  I got some ornaments, very personal ones.  I also got each of the kids chocolate advent calendars.  They were only $4 each.  Then, we went to Zehnder's.  I'm so glad we had reservations.  Colleen is so smart.  We had the buffet.  I got mostly proteins, and veggies.  No starch.  Had their yummy chicken, and some roast beef.  After dinner, we went to the outlets.  Found the cutest outfit for my niece's baby, when I go out there at Thanksgiving.  Couldn't find a jacket I want.  The kids were wonderful the whole day.  Colleen and the family gave me Taylor Swift's latest CD.

Must scoot,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 11/3/14 6:56 am

Hi Trish.....I am so happy that your day was amazing!!!

I wish I could have been there with you!! I am glad everyone came and that you had a great time together!!

Love ya and more hugs....connie d

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