Judy G.
on 10/30/14 5:55 am - Galion, OH

Boss just called me just as the guys were going to start taking the washers and dryers out of the laundry room and my desk out of my office... the guy that is doing our floor just fell down a flight of stairs at one of the other complexes carrying a load...  said he will NOT be here to do our floors now til the 4th and 5th!!!!!! I told her I was NOT holding my breath!!!!!!!!  She said she knows how I feel...but on the bright side she said...I will be a pro at packing my desk and things up...(trying hard to make me LOL here and NOT getting one either!!!) So I called Rick and told him the great news...he was not happy either...neither was Chase. After all the work they did to get ready once again...Rick said floor guy was probably "HIGH" again...he knows this guy from working at other place we lived before. Nice I said.  So I sent Chase home and we went home after I posted club house WAS OPEN NOW. And MAYBE on the 4th or 5th we MIGHT get the floor in. MAYBE. So now to get ready for the Halloween party tomorrow. YIPPEEEEEE  

Sorry to vent but who else do I have that will listen??  Love you ALL!!!!


on 10/30/14 6:20 am - Cibolo, TX

Awww, Judy!  That sucks.  But what can you do?  Take a deep breath, shake it off, and go have a drink--or a piece of chocolate--or both!  (I know, I know--food and alcohol don't solve our problems! Y'all don't unload on me!)

Okay, have sex instead.   

The point is, you can't change it, so roll with it. LOL!  

Sorry for the frustration you're feeling.  Hope I made you laugh! 


Judy G.
on 10/30/14 7:42 am - Galion, OH

Vic...I unloaded HERE on OFF I am NOT drinking...only thing I have been drinking is TONIC WATER with QUININE in it sometimes lime...that's it!!!!!!! Chocolate...yeah I have some once in awhile...SEX????? What is that????? Lets see now...last time for that was November 8th 2013!!!!! Yes that is right!!!!!!! Long story........Love him to death though!!!!!!!!!!!! Just mad as hell having to work in all that dam dust and things heaven knows where with everything in an uproar!!!!!!!! Been over TWO WEEKS since we were supposed to have the new floor!!!!!!!! Now another stall!!!!!!!! And I am betting and so is Rick the guy never did really fall!!!!!!!!!

The bad part is these IDIOTS that live here that we have to put up with is all.......  You know what I mean? Just need to get tomorrow over with and have some fun I hope!!!!!!!  


Connie D.
on 10/30/14 8:39 am

Oh No..Judy...that is awful news!!!! Maybe your boss should try another company. That is crazy!! I would be so mad and I am sure Rick has smoke coming out of his ears!! 

Try to enjoy your Halloween Party tomorrow. I pray all goes well!! What are you dressing up as???? I love dressing up. I have lots of costumes. They are very sexy!!! I have patent leather thigh high boots with 5 inch heels...so fun!!! I wouldn't dare wear them here!!

Take a deep breath or two and enjoy your evening!!

Sending much love and oodles of hugs....connie d


Judy G.
on 10/30/14 9:59 am - Galion, OH

Connie this guy has worked??? LOL for them for YEARS...he is CHEAP that is why they keep him!!! Trust me if I had a voice in the matter....LONG GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Yeah!!!!!!!! But I don't so have to deal with it...or is it him??? LOL

I am not dressing up...I am the ***** remember? I do not have to dress up!!! LOL   Rick IS going to dress up...you see the State Farm ad...the one where the girls are looking at the purses? Then the one gets the purse and the other the old man in the fishing get up with the dollar on the fishing pole? Yup that is Rick!!!! OMG He IS going to be him!!!! I bought him the hat at Oktoberfest and he has the waders...he has the vest...the pole...lol not sure what Chase will be yet or IF he will dress up. He said he was...$20 best dressed. Michael said he was going as Larry the cable guy...nobody else is talking....lol Last time I dressed up I was Mimi from Drew Carey show!!! I took 2nd place!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Just made my brownies in the form of a ghost for tomorrow and the Ghoulash...LOL Have to frost the brownies yet. Not cool enough so maybe in the morning I will do that. Back is screaming!!!!!!! Sink is FULL of dirty dishes and I know Rick is pissed about that...well he is laying on the couch sleeping....like I have to do EVERYTHING HERE???????? Yeah!!!!!!

OK going to check out a couple more things then off to bed and MAYBE sleep myself!!!!! LONG ass day tomorrow!!!!


Cindy P.
on 10/30/14 9:59 am

Gosh, I'm sorry Judy.  I feel your pain -- really.  Remember the old days when people who provide a service made a commitment and KEPT it?  I'm sorry the guy fell -- but you'd think they'd have more than one person who could do the install, huh?

We have dust everywhere at home and it will be this way until mid-November.  Ugh. 

Keep a stiff upper lip if you can.

Cindy P.

Judy G.
on 10/31/14 10:11 am - Galion, OH

Cindy...they have had this guy for years and he works CHEAP!!!!!! That is WHY they keep him...GRRRRRRRRR

I feel for you with all the dust...It keeps up here there will NOT be a Christmas tree in a certain club house!!!!!!


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