Monday, Monday

Cindy P.
on 10/27/14 3:00 am

Good morning, everyone.  How are you today?

Slept good last night and awoke refreshed.  Hope you did too.

It's cool here this morning --- can definitely feel November in the air!

We are having our countertops and sinks removed today in preparation for the new ones to be installed Tuesday and Wednesday.  The dog and I are holed up in the "office" for a while until the dog settles down with all the noise going on.

What are you up to?


Cindy P.

on 10/27/14 3:34 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Cindy and my lovely sistas!

Oh, Cindy, I am pea green with envy over your new countertops and sinks!!!   I'm so excited for you.  I wish I could do that here.

I am trying to do a bit of work around here today.  I've just got to deal with some of this laundry and such.  My lazy days are over this week.  Got home health care coming out this afternoon it readmit Butch and get him started on his physical therapy again.  He needs it!  He is so weak he can't get out of bed by himself.  We have the potty and the shower set up and he can do those.  We also have the lift chair in the living room, so he can do that.  But once he lays down in bed, he can't get back up unless I'm here to help him.

I am still crocheting.  I'm working on a variety of projects.  Last night I made a winter cap for Carrie.  My daughter has a BIG head and BIG hair.  LOL!  I always tell her it's because her brain is so big!  Anyway, normal sized caps are always too tight for her.  So I got the new cap made last night.  I'm going to make a matching cowl (those are all the rage now) and fingerless gloves, so she can text while wearing them.  It will be part of her Christmas present from me.

I'm thinking I might need to make Butch a cap, too.  They said he would lose his hair with this new chemo.  I'll have to look at some patterns for men.

Anyway, with all this crocheting, my fingers are getting so skinny!  My rings just roll around and around on my fingers.  I already had several of them sized down to a 7 last year, but even those are getting too loose now.  And I can just forget about wearing any of the ones I never had sized.  My fingers have gone from a size 8 to a size 6!  Those big ones don't even fit on my middle finger now.

Today I am wearing my new "I crochet so I don't unravel" tee shirt.  I like it!  I saw another one that says "yarned and dangerous" that was pretty cute, but I like this one the best.

Tomorrow we are going to see our regular doctor.  Butch really needs some relief in his bad shoulder.  We are going to ask for a cortisone shot.  Also, he's going to run out of his pain pills before we make it back to MDA next week, so we need a small prescription of those to tide us over.

Also, I need to call the vet today and get an appointment for Maybelle.  Hopefully I can work that in this week.  I need to get her established at the vet and get her started on her monthly heartworm treatments.

So, lots to do and no more time to be a lazy daisy this week!  I had my rest last week.  Time to get back to work.

Love you all!





Connie D.
on 10/27/14 9:08 am

Hi Vickie.....I love your new cute!!

I am glad Butch is starting PT again!!! I hope the doctor can do something for his shoulder.

I hope you are doing okay...I still worry about you. I am so glad you have your crocheting to keep you occupied.

My thinking is scattered and I am having a hard time typing. You know I love you and am so happy to have you in my life. Take good care of you too!!

Much love and many hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 10/27/14 4:20 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Cindy and Vickie and my OFF family to come:

Boy, you folks are way too busy for me. I just sit here and watch TV and read. I feel like a real slug. My big activity today was washing my hair. Felt so good afterward. I have gotten through the first two Harry Potter books and whittled down my DVR shows. 

Juliette is napping on her tower by the front window. It's her space. She moves when I move. She follows me around, mostly behind me, almost making sure I don't fall, I think. 

So not much else for me today. There's an NFL game tonight, so I'll start Harry Potter Book 3. I need to watch the movies again, too. 

Vickie, I wish I could crochet. It would give me something to do with my hands. 

Have a good day, everyone

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 10/27/14 9:12 am

Hi Eileen....I have been reading all your posts I just haven't been able to reply. I feel like a slug too!!!

I am glad you are getting along better with your foot pain. 

I haven't read all the Harry Potter books. I did see the movies. Someday if and when I can think clearer I will add them to my Nook. 

Have a good and hugs....connie d

Connie D.
on 10/27/14 6:05 am

Good afternoon Cindy and everyone... must be so excited about your new sinks and counter tops!! Good for you!

As for me I am just checking in. I saw my Psychiatrist today. He is worried about me but does feel  like I am handling things well...considering all my body is going through. We had a nice talk. 

Wishing you all a beautiful day!

Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.

Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d

Judy G.
on 10/27/14 7:03 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family!!! Got some GOOD news today!!!! FLOOR WILL BE PUT IN FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!       Am I happy??? Not a bit...LMAO Oh yes I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sick and tired of working in a pig sty!!!!!!!!!! Can't find diddly squat when I need it either!!!!!! Hopefully after this is all said and done things will get back to normal!!!!!!!!!! NORMAL??????? What the heck is that??????  LOL

Trying to get my last RECERT done before all this takes place and the office is NOT sending me my NEW leases to get signed...I have them all (but one) sent in and done the NEW whats the hold up?????? another call to her in the morning I guess. GRRRRRR

Well Rick is wanting supper so need to go for now...just had to stop in and let you all my great news!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 10/27/14 8:41 am

Hi Judy....I am so excited to know that flooring will be done soon!!! I love all your happy little characters. 



Love and hugs sweetie.....connie d 

Patricia R.
on 10/27/14 12:01 pm - Perry, MI

Hi Cindy, and Family,

Cindy, I remember when my ex let me make all the decisions for certain areas of our remodel way back when.  I chose gorgeous granite countertops.  We kept the sink we had, but got new faucets.  I also got to pick the bedroom carpet, and what kind of windows, when he changed the siding.  We had windows that were high up, that slid sideways.  I wanted double hung, with false window panes.  We got the same windows in the front room.  It was great on nice days to just open the bottom windows and let the breeze come in.  The false window panes were inside two panes of glass, making them easy to clean.  Plus, the upper and lower panes tilted in for cleaning.

I had an extremely busy day.  This morning Frankie and I watched "Cars" and then played with his and Lincolns cars.  Colleen came home at lunch, so I went home, put out Utley, brought him in, then went back over.  I read some books to him.  One of them was a Little Golden Book, with my ex's name in it.  It was "The Little Red Caboose."  It was so old, it had pictures of cars from the 1950's throughout it.  The price on it was 29 cents.  After books, I laid down with him in Mommy's bed, and he fell asleep.  Then I read Facebook till Colleen and the kids came home.  Went home again for 30 minutes, then back over.  It was reading time for Isabel and Lincoln.  After that, I fixed supper, leftover chili for Trent and the big kids.  Pasta and sauce for Frankie and me.  My stomach can't handle Colleen's chili.  It's practically atomic.  I grew up with a Dad who always had ulcers.  So, Mom's cooking was bland and boring for him.  We never had garlic in the house.  After I married, I learned to cook real food.  My ex loved lots of garlic, and so do I.  But, since I've had ulcers in the past, I shy away from a lot of heat in my food.

Now, I'm watching football.  I'm about to find some yarn I bought years ago, and begin some presents for the Munchkins.

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