Sunday Blessings
Good Morning Sistas,
I'm all confused right now. When I woke up, and even now, my DVR time is an hour behind my phone and computer, which are correct. So, I have to stop looking at it till the cable company fixes it. Argh.
I got about 75% of the leaves out front raked yesterday. So, after church, I'm heading back out to finish. Then, I'm heading to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch my Eagles. I'm psyched.
Connie, I hope you're having a better day.
Vickie, I hope Butch continues to stay stable, and that his headache goes away soon.
Eileen, I hope your foot is improving. I got to watch both my teams win yesterday. Hope the Eagles make it three.
Judy, hope that creeper stops coming around. Better yet, I hope the police catch him.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Morning OFF family....
Trish LOL I think we KNOW who our Creeper is!!!! The guy we just served trespass on!!! He was spotted on the property last night and the tenant called the police but she didn't KNOW about the trespassing!!! Police found him across the street and ONLY could give him a misdemeanor for open container!!! Police didn't SEE him on property!!! BUT.....Another call that he was BACK later on!!!!! I called police and reminded them we HAD the trespass on him and she said they KNEW and they we all out there looking for him!!! I got my pants on and shoes and jacket and grabbed Bandit and went looking myself!!! Rick was sleeping!!! GRRRRRRRRRR BUT!!!!!!!!! I DID SEE HIM!!!!!!!! I yelled for the police he is here and were to find him!!! He took off running like crazy across the street like a shot!!!!!!!! Cops went after him and they never found him!!! They looked for over an hour!!!!!!! There had to be 6 cops out there and none found him!!! BUT because I DID see him on the property I have to fill out a report and I guess when they do find him again he WILL be charged with trespassing!!! I hope they also get him for peeping in the tenants windows and scaring her to death also!!!!!!! But then this woman needs to be scared out of this complex...did I say that here?? LOL She is nothing but trouble since she moved in here!!! Sighs!!!
Anyhow went to Bingo last night and I won $28 woohoo!!!!!!! More money for next week to go again...LOL The tenant that lives in apt behind me was calling and OMG this woman gives me one heck of a headache!!!!!!! I swore if she calls again I am NOT going when she calls!!! OMG she made up what games to be played and then screws up the numbers called!!! WTH??????!!!!!!!!!!! Example...we played just the B's and the O's. She says to mark off the N's we don't need them. Umm what about the I's and G's??? She can't figure that out why we are asking that...OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO???!!!! She had people so confused!!!!!! Then she starts calling numbers and calls a G!!!!!!!!!!! Then she calls an O-74 and she calls it as 0-74 ZERO 74 ??????????? OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Never knew BINGO had ZERO for letters!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO And NO she didn't do it to be funny....DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK enough of her as my head will start hurting again!!!!
Another beautiful day here so we will be BBQing steak on the charcoal grill...YUMMMMMMMMMM think I will make some potato salad to go with it. Might be the last time for that this year.
Today is Michael's birthday...tenant that lives across from us that has the idiot girlfriend....she shows up he is in lock down. We are going to go over to HIS place later on to have a birthday drink with him just to **** her off!!!! ROFLOAO!!!!!!!!!! She hates us with a passion!!!!!!!!! So YES we WILL go to HIS place to have a drink with him.... maybe
LMAO I know rick will have more than One!!! Me just one!!! All I can handle!!! She is so stupid she lost yet another client here because of her involvement with Michael. She doesn't know how to DO ANYTHING but laundry (not well either) and all she CAN do is use her cell phone to text him all dam day!!!!!!!! He is RIGHT there to HELP her do things also!!! NOT good!!!!!!! I have told him numerous times NOT to text her WHILE she is WORKING and STAY AWAY form her WHILE SHE IS WORKING but it falls on deaf ears!!!!!!! I just wish I knew what company she worked for because I would report her myself!!! So sick of listening to these tenants complain about her to me!!! Maybe I will ask one that really likes me what company it is...hahaha.
Well Rick FINALLY got up so better get off here and ready to go to the store for a few things.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi Trish and Judy and my OFF family to come:
Up earlier than usual with crap coming up when I'm coughing. Two nights of that. Just when I'm lying down. I took my last Mucinex DM, and that seemed to help. I'm out of allergy pills too. I also have just one left of my Lyrica; didn't realize I was that low. I refilled it online and I'm going to see if my coworker Joanie can pick it up and bring it in to me.
I got up early and there's a football game on already. I knew about it, of course. Got nothing else to do so I'm watching it. Lions just beat the Falcons. What a game. Not really a Lions fan, but it was a good game.
Judy, next time you're out at night and you see Mr. Trespasser, take a photo. Do you have a phone with a camera? A photo can prove he's on site.
Connie, hope you feel better.
Me, I'm just vegging, trying not to do a whole lot so my foot heals enough so I can go back to work. Even though it's been nice to have a break, I can't stand sitting at home this long. I need to get out once in a while. I know I will need to find something to do when I retire. I couldn't just sit at home like my mom does.
Well, I need to get up, so time to put on the boot and get walking. Have a good day, everyone.
Eileen I do but as far away as he was it would not have come out...the police KNOW he was here and there were others that DID see him so its our word against his...which he IS a LIAR and the police know it now!!!!!! Just heard on scanner his description seen in area...they are again looking for him!!!! Maybe they will get lucky this time...but he is not on my property right now...grrrr I catch his sorry ass he bes****ch out!!!!!!!!
Hope you feel better Eileen I worry about you!!!
Is Richard coming back to your place? He should be there helping you right now!!!! Darn it!!!!
Judy, Richard is coming back, probably late November, because he needs to get back to make some doctors' appointments. But eventually, he will be moving down South. I was expecting he would be here to help me out, but I couldn't tell him no, he couldn't go to his family reunion, especially since he had a ride and all. His mom is in her late 80s (although she is doing much better than my mom) and he got to see lots of old friends as well as cousins, etc. The next chance is for him to get down to Jacksonville so he can see is sons and former coworkers.
Yes, it would have been easier having someone here with me, but I'm used to doing things on my own. The main problem is not driving right now. Back in Michigan, I had a lot more friends to ask. I have to find new friends here. Joanie seems to be open, although I don't see us hanging out together. But it's nice to have someone to ask for help.
Hi my sistas!
Just having another lazy day here. It's pretty nice. Just got back from taking the puppies for a walk. Spent the morning watching movies (all George Clooney flicks for some reason) and crocheting. I've now finished the back panel and one of the front panels of my sweater. But I'm taking a little break from the dark navy yarn and I'm going to crochet a new cap pattern this evening from some leftover sage green yarn. The sweater pattern is quite intricate and I have to strain to see the dark navy color at night. I need a little vacay from it.
Butch is doing very well today! His headache came back for just a bit early this morning, but some coffee and fresh air out on the deck seemed to fix it. He's in the kitchen cooking right now. He's been finding recipes on the internet. He's making some kind of oatmeal and mashed banana concoction right now. Whatever. As long as it keeps him occupied! LOL! That man can think of more things for me to do . . . !
A couple of weeks ago, I cut my left thumb pretty badly and it wouldn't quit bleeding. Y'all remember this? It just finally healed up the past couple of days, and damn if I didn't cut it again this morning! Yowzers! At least it wasn't in the same place again and it was with a serrated bread knife today, so it hurt like the devil, but didn't bleed as much. Geez. I must be getting old to be so careless with my knives these days.
Chris and Mike took the boys to a corn maze today. I'm waiting for the pictures! Wish I could have gone with them. I wish I could go to the carnival with them on Halloween night, but we're keeping away from crowds right now. Can't risk Butch getting sick at this point.
Talked to Carrie last night. Leo carried her home with him to Houston to meet his entire family. She also got to meet his daughter, Nicolette, who is 2 years old and lives with her mother. (No, they never got married. What is it with young people these days?) Anyway, she said his mother liked her, even if she is Anglo and not Mexican. She told Leo, "I like this one; don't eff it up!" Hmmm. Can't wait to meet this woman. Ha!
Anyway, they are going back to Houston again next weekend for some big Halloween celebration. Carrie says she will probably be the only white person there. I just nod my head and murmur "Umm hmm" when she tells me these things. I don't know what I think about all of this yet. I mean, we did like Leo when we met him. And he is here legally, which is more than I can say for Christie's first husband, Hugo, who was here illegally. And if Carrie is comfortable marrying into a different culture, who am I to say anything about it? Not that they're engaged or anything right now. But she has told me in no uncertain terms that they are getting married as soon as she finishes her degree. So I might as well accept it, right?
Anyway, I guess I'd better start thinking of baby girl presents for Christmas. Carrie says she likes baby dolls and books. My kind of kiddo!
Mmmm. I can smell Butch's cookies. First batch must be just about done. I'd better go sample one! LOL!
Love you all!