Happy Wednesday!
I'm back from eleven days in Chicago! I'm exhausted from the time! Vinnie is a joy but a handful!
Came home not feeling well. My dr office wouldn't see me cause of the Ebola stuff going on. Told me to go to the Er! I'm like areal u crazy! I just took my zophran and went to sleep last night!
Plus they couldn't find me in their files. They have a new girl everyother week! They called me back as the plane was taking off, I said I couldn't talk and to call Carl, they called Carl and told him that since I was flying and have been on a plane within the last ten days I had to go to the er! Crazy!
Anyway talk on I need to see if my medicine will stay down!!
Good morning Carla and everyone...
Carla....I am glad you had fun with Vinnie. She is so adorable!!
However, I agree with your doctor, you should go to ER. All those people in airports flying from who knows where. There are many virus' in the air. They are suggesting all people go to ER if they have been traveling and feel sick. If everyone decides they don't need to go we could have a serious issue pretty fast. This is just my opinion. Why take chances??
As for me...nothing planned. I wish the weather would quit changing so drastically from one day to the next.
Wishing you all a happy day!!
Prayers for our precious OFF Family and their families.
Loads of love and oodles of hugs
to all......connie d
Hi Carla, Connie and my OFF family:
This Ebola stuff has everyone scared. But the only way you can catch is through bodily fluids. It is not airborne like the flu. So unless someone sneezes right on you, or pees on you or vomits on you or bleeds on you, you're in the clear. Carla, I think you're in the clear unless you took a side trip to West Africa. Anyway, hope you are feeling better. If not, go to the ER.
Not much happening here. I just washed my hair in the kitchen sink ... feel so much better. Now that I've found my wheeled walker, I can get around so much better. Juliette is terrified of it (don't know why; she saw it before).
Just sitting around the apartmen****ching TV and reading. Finished the book I was reading last night. I'll have to pick out a new book. I want to read the Henry Potter books. I might start with book 1 tonight. World Series Game 2 is tonight. Go Royals!
That's all that's going on with me. Have a good day.
Good Afternoon Carla and OFF,
Colleen needed me to watch Frankie this morning, so she could watch Izzy in a race at the high school. While I was there, I called my doctor, coz my sinus infection is back. They didn't make me come in. I just picked up another antibiotic. My head is hurting bad.
I'm taking it easy, till have to leave for church. I'm doing the lesson tonight at Crosswalk. Not sure what we'll get done, because we have to do the Bible verse with each kid, and we have a lot of kids in our group.
I need to get going. Not on top of my game this afternoon.
Albert Schweitzer

hello sweet sistas!
We are home and ready for bed. Long day and we are both very tired. But chemo went fine this morning. Now to wait and see what happens. I already have him on the preventative doses of zofran. Please pray that he doesn't start throwing up and get dehydrated again! Too tired to think any more so I'll close. Love you all!