Good morning is your Saturday??
Good morning everyone.....
I noticed Vickie put her today's post on Judy's yesterday post. So if you want to check in with Vickie that is where you need to go.
Vickie....did they say why they aren't starting Butch's Chemo Monday as originally planned?? I know they need to do those aspirates and blood work ever so often. Nic still has it done. As for the property, my opinion would be to wait until he is doing better for a longer stretch of time. Only because I don't think he will be up to it for a while yet. It is okay to look and plan and dream in the mean time. That isn't something you can do all by yourself if he is still not up to par. You know how much I love you!! Like I said this is just my thought. I am sure Butch will come out of this just fine. I think getting through the chemo and such will be all he can handle for right now.
As for is cloudy and cold today. My body doesn't like it. I better toughen up because it will be getting worse very soon.
I did my laundry yesterday and I canceled my lunch today. I am staying home watching movies and reading all day. I need it. I have had so many appointments and such lately I am just worn out!
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!!
Prayers for our special OFF Family and their families too.
Loads of love and bunches of hugs
Hi Connie...and OFF family yet to come in...Vic you posted on my 8 year post lol sorry...I agree with Connie....just do some dreaming right now on that new property!!! When Butch gets all better then go for it!!! You have LOTS of time!!! HUGSSSSSSSSS
Well wanted to say more but Rick is ready now to go back later on....SIGHS......
OK back again...FOUND the tools!!!!!!!! OMG how they got tangled up in my sweater is any ones guess!!!!! But there they were all wrapped up in my sweater!!! GRRRRRRRRR Oh well So he got them for Sweetest day today!!! LOL
Connie it is getting COLD here also!!! Now they are talking chance of SNOW here!!!!! WTH????????? I am NOT ready for that ****!!!!! Sorry!!!! Leaves are just starting to fall off the trees for heavens sake!!!
Late yesterday afternoon one of the tenants called asked when are the guys going to cut the grass? Ummmm you know they have been busy ripping out carpet in the club house don't you? Yes. Well can they also cut grass and do this also??????? Grass is the least of their worries right now!!!!!! BYEEEEEE!!!! WTH is wrong with people? Then I am hearing how come we are getting new flooring? How come they aren't??? OMG Can't do it all at one time!!!!! I give up on these people here!!!!!!! One can't have without the other...just like little kids!!!!!!
Had a transformer I believe it was blow up yesterday not far from us. Two guys hurt. One released the other in hospital yet. I posted on FB what they had so far on news of it. A lot lost power most of the day. We had huge power surge here. Far as I know all ok. Heard the one guy that was relaeased has a burn mark on his cheek. Not sure about other guy in hospital. He is ok I heard but not sure of his injuries.
Going to Bingo tonight. Hope I can win!!! Money is getting tight again for my fun and games!!! LOL Starts early tonight because they have a band there and some party I guess so need to get going here and get ready.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Hi Judy......those people around there get on my nerves. I am glad I don't have to deal with lucky I am not dealing with them!!
So glad you found the sweater with the tools inside!!! LMAO!!
Have fun at Bingo and win big!!!!!!
My day to rest was squashed!! Pam called and today is the day she offered to run me around. I needed to deposit a couple checks at the bank. I needed to go to the drug store for Boost. And I needed 5 small items at Target. Left here at 1:00 home at 5:30 PM. Way too much for me. I am hurting and so tired I could go to bed now. I guess I will have my quite day tomorrow!!
Love you you know....hugs too....connie d
Hi Connie and Judy and my OFF family:
I slept til 11:30 a.m. today and it felt so good. But then I didn't get a newspaper. Since they only redeliver until 11 a.m., that meant no newspaper. So I got no newspaper.
Yeah, it's cooler here too. I did laundry and am considering washing my hair in the kitchen sink since I can't get my foot wet. I haven't washed it since last Sunday and it is dirty. I keep wondering if it is cold or hot ... at one point this morning I was cold, now I'm too warm. Can't find my thermometer so can't check. I feel fine actually. I've been hobbling around with my cane and I'm doing OK (to do laundry I have to use my cane ... because I need both hands to carry things).
I did catch up on some of my shows last night and today ... all caught up with "Resurrection" ... creepy show but interesting nonetheless. Going to work my way through the DVR. Just have football on now for background noise. Considering watching a movie tonight.
Well, have a good day.
Hi happy that you are managing to get around with your cane. I for the life of me can't remember what the surgery was for, I know it was your foot.
I am glad you got to sleep in. I know you don't do that too often. So sorry about another missed paper. Enjoy your movie tonight!!
I am exhausted....I was planning a quiet day....that all changed. Pam called and said she was coming over to take me to run errands. We left at 1:00 PM and got back here at 5:30 PM. If I didn't need to go to the bank and drug store so bad I wouldn't have went. Early to bed tonight!
Have a great night....I hope you pain is still minimal.
Love you.....HUGS....connie d
Hi Connie:
I had a bunionette, or tailor's bunion, removed from my right foot (on my little toe). After doing laundry, it was starting to bother me, so it was time to take a pain pill and get some ice on it.
Hope you can rest and not be in pain tonight. Take it easy. Juliette is on my chair with me and wants some loving.
Evening Connie and OFF,
I have been busy most of the day. Was at the church at 9:00 this morning. There were five of us preparing the food for the luncheon, three men were setting up tables and chairs in the church gym. After all the food we prepped was in the ovens, two of the ladies went to the service, and the rest of us got a chance to rest, and chat. We were concerned for a while, coz we were told a friend of the widow, who owns a restaurant with a catering service, was bringing macaroni and cheese fpr the lunchoen, but they didn't show before or during the service. Turns out they brought it to the kitchen immediately after the service. They had one of those big warming units for it. They made two huge trays of it. Plus, a friend of the family brought in seven jars of homemade pickles for us to put out. There were slews of desserts made by church and family members. We were told there were 200 people at the service, and the vast majority of them stayed for the luncheon. The service ran way over the expected time. Once people arrived, I was scooting back and forth making sure the plasticware was refilled, as well as the empty trays of food were replaced on the serving table. So, I got my exercise in. Once everyone got their food, we could rest again. Then the clean-up. I didn't leave the church till 2:45. Halfway through the clean-up, I took my shoes off. My feet aren't used to wearing shoes, so the tops of some of my toes were rubbing on my fairly new shoes. I got them in the winter, and haven't really broken them in.
To be honest, I hate shoes with a passion. Back when I was married, I discovered Birkenstocks, and other than sneakers, they are the only shoes I'll buy anymore. They are the most comfortable shoes, coz they have a wide toe area, and the soles are orthotic. They last forever, coz the upper part is leather, and they're made really well. I have a pair I bought before my divorce in 2001. Only catch is, they are not cheap. I've paid as much as $120 for a pair. Most I've had to order online, but I sometimes find them as some shoe stores. Last year's pair were at a sidewalk sale, and I got them for $50. I highly recommend them. Having a career where I spent the majority of the day on my feet, I appreciated each pair I own when I was working.
Vickie, I'm with the gals on the idea of waiting to buy a farmhouse. Dream and look, but focus all your energy on Butch's recovery. The dreaming and looking probably provides a ton of hope, and snippets of energy. But, as you have shared, the treatments wipe both of you out. Being a caregiver is absolutely exhausting.
Judy, I am so happy you found the tools, even if it was a day late. Hope you win big tonight.
Connie, I am right there with you in the cold and cloudy weather. My hands are killing me this weekend. I used a heating pad on them last night. Today, I used the parafin treatment on my right hand. I'm going to have to go back to wearing my hand splints again.
Well, I haven't accomplished anything since I got home. My feet ache terribly, like when I was teaching. So, I have them up, and I'm going to catch up on my DVR.
Love you all.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish....I was going to bed, I am so exhausted! I thought I should check in here once more. I am glad I did!
As usual you had a very busy day. You must feel good helping others like that. You are just so sweet!!!
I wear all the wrong kinds of shoes...high heals, stiletto heals, fashion boots, ballerina shoes and flip flops favorite is no shoes at all. I am trying to cut back and get to wearing lower heals....hmmmmm. I have two really nice pairs of sneakers...I wear them when I take walks. I always worked in offices at a desk. I was barely on my feet. Heals never bother me at all.
You have a good night...I am going to bed!!
Love you...hugs....connie d