Friday is everyone?????
Good morning everyone.....
The weather has turned again. It was sunny and 70 yesterday, now today a high of 57!!! Dark and gloomy outside. We may be getting rain as it is rumbling out there.
I finally have a day with no appointments. What a crazy week this was!!! I haven't planned anything for the weekend. The only thing I need to do is one load of laundry.
Eileen ....I hope you are feeling a bit better each day. I hope you are managing okay by yourself. I worry about you!!
Vickie...I am praying that you and Butch have a relaxing, good day. I am sure you have been having fun with your yarn!!!!
Trish....sorry you didn't feel the best yesterday. Hopefully today, you will be able to catch up on things you missed yesterday.
Judy....are you lost again?? I am sure all that mess around there has you pulling your hair out!!! Hang in there honey, today is finally Friday!!!!
There are others I wanted to comment to....darn know I love you all!!!!
Wishing you a happy day!!!
Prayers for our amazing OFF Family and their families too!
Loads of love and tons of hugs to all.....connie d
Good Morning Connie and OFF,
I was going to post earlier, but then I remembered I needed to get a cake made for tomorrow. There's a funeral for a long time member of our church, and I'm making a sheet cake, and tomorrow I'll be helping with the meal. I had planned to help with a car show fund raiser, for the park, but me church family comes first. It means so much to the grieving family to not have to worry about the luncheon after the funeral. I wish my church back home had done that for my brothers. Mom and Kathy spent over $1,000 to have a meal served to the friends and family who attended my brothers' funerals. When Dad died, when Colleen was a baby, the funeral was in his hometown, near where Mom lives now. My uncle, who was a chef, hosted the meal at his home, in his large, finished basement. I believe he also paid for it too.
I have a confession to make. I set a goal every morning to work on this disorganized mess I call home, unless I have a lot of errands, or appointments to go to. Unfortunately, between my arthritis, or sinus allergies, I sometimes am not able to complete everything. Plus, between my ADHD, and/or Bipolar Mania, I have to be the most disorganized person in Michigan. My sister gets that title for PA. So, while I may have plans to stay busy, and get this place together, I sometimes don't get much done. When I do, this place sometimes still doesn't look organized. Colleen is super organized. She got most of that from her Dad. Plus, she had an awesome fourth grade teacher, who I'd had in high school, who taught his classes how to organize their notebook, and study. I also taught her to study as well, as well how to write a report. I was working on my education degree then, so I helped her work on her binder, which he required each student to purchase. I used his method when I was teaching at a good school. I tried, but it was a waste with the students I had. Most of them didn't care one bit about supplies, or school work.
Vickie, I can't wait to hear about your outing exploring properties. I also hope Butch feels better than yesterday.
Eileen, forgive me, but I can't remember what type of surgery you had, on your feet. It was on your foot, right? I empathize if it was, coz I had six different surgeries on mine. First, it was the plantar fascitis on both, separately. Then, I had hammertoes on all but my big toes, in three different surgeries. Finally, my broken bone, right before I moved here. I couldn't drive when the surgery was on my right foot. I could hobble with all but the broken bone, the most recent. I was not supposed to put any weight on it, but my upper body couldn't use the crutches properly, though I tried every time I had to get up. The knee walker saved me.
Carla, any luck finding the white sweater? I sure hope so. If there were more time, you probably could have found one online. I've found practically everything there, if I couldn't find it in a store.
Judy, how's the funny farm today? I hope it''s getting better for you.
Well, my memory is acting up, and I must scoot. I love and pray for all of you.
Albert Schweitzer

Hello I say at least 3 times a week....YOU amaze me!!!
You are such a kind and caring lady.....I love you!! You make a lot of people in your town very happy!!
I wish I lived near you. I am overly organized....I would help you whip things together pretty quickly! I think you just need to feel better. Once you do, it will get done.
Have a great rest of the day!!
Oodles of love and lots of hugs....connie d
Hi Connie,
I love doing for others, when I'm able. I remember people bringing food to the house when my Dad and brother died. My poor mother-in-law came to my parent's house the morning after Daddy died, with a huge bag of freshly baked bagels, with different kinds of cream cheese, and a huge jug of orange juice. She was shocked to find two of my uncles, and one of my cousins asleep on the living room floor. They'd been drinking, and sharing memories, with all of us the night before. Plus, Mom ran out of beds. I thought nothing of it, coz Dad slept there a lot, and so did they when they came to visit. I also had many people bless me with meals when I had my surgery in 2012, and again last year when I had my gall bladder surgery. But, Trent's grandfather puts me to shame. He bakes a multitude of bread each week, and gives it to just about everybody. Not sells, gives. And, he visits shut-ins weekly to deliver it. It was such a blessing to meet them, and see their joy as he walked into the room. He's had his share of health issues, and has a scooter to use around his property. When I'm at Colleen's, he comes over to her house on that, and parks it right outside her door. They live next door to him. Right after Colleen and Trent moved out here, in 2001, he took Trent to South America on a missions trip to help with construction on a church property. He's in his early 90's now, which means he was in his late 70's then. He built the four houses that surround Colleen's, along with his brother. He also built the house that Trent grew up in. When Trent was growing up, he took him and his brothers under his wing, to teach them carpentry and construction. Trent was the only one who actually got the hang of what he was doing. Now, that is his career.
I reread my original post, and am so upset with my lousy grammar, and misspelling
Colleen had called around lunch time, to borrow my food processor. She was making baby food for her nephew, the one whose Mama died in February. She puts it in ice cube trays, freezes it, and then puts the chunks in a freezer bag. Then, Toby can just heat it up in the microwave. They had a bumper crop of butternut squash this year.
Must scoot.
Love and Hugs,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi again Trish.....I can't imagine all those loaves of bread. It must smell heavenly in there!!!! He is paying it forward just as you are. The amount doesn't matter it is the gesture that counts. God Bless you both.
That is a great idea putting the baby food in ice cube trays. That is such a wonderful thing Colleen is doing to help that family. She is paying it forward too!!
I am just finishing up my laundry. I ended up with two loads. I forgot about the bedding and extra towels from last weekend when my daughter was here.
Have a good and hugs....connie d
Afternoon OFF family...OMG this Funny Farm is NUTS!!!!!!!!! One of the tenants teenage daughters stole her mothers truck and went joy riding in it last night....police came and caught her at the right time!!!!!!! She is 14!!! Was given sitation...mother was also given one...court is Tuesday morning. Not sure what is going on...daughter lied several times to police...oh and the truck was was called to pick daughter up at police station. Dad came and the fight was on at apartment of mother. OH yeah...this is the mother that we have trespass on the drunk caregiver...just gets better huh??? So many lies you just can't believe anyone anymore. Police are fed up with the whole bunch.
Floor still not in. He is also lying to my boss about it. Told her its back ordered. Now he told us the other night that he has 3 places to do and the order came in altogether and he had to measure it to see how much goes where. WTH???????? Been so busy this morning I have not had a chance to call her yet on this.
Today is Rick's birthday. Getting as old as I am almost...LOL 43 now!!! OLD MAN!!!! LOL Not sure what we will do tonight to celebrate. I know he will start drinking his SPECIAL beer he bought. Yippeee.
One of the tenants bought Bandit a tshirt that says I have issues. LOL He hates it!!! LOL
Well going to check out FB see whats happening there.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hi Judy.....I think a better name for that place is the Cookoo's Nest!! No one is sane around there....heck the whole town is a mess. Good luck sweetie!! If you continue to stay at that place, you will die young from all the added stress every day!!!!
Sorry Bandit doesn't like his gift!!
Happy Birthday Rick!!!
Hope you make it through the day!! I love you!!
Lots of love hugs
and prayers
......connie d
......I am so glad I am not the only one that does that!!! I have check blanks ordered because I can't find where I but the last I will have a bunch and I hardly ever use them.....Oh well!!!
Go have a couple stiff drinks and maybe it will come to you. I can't even imagine where to tell you to look. There are just too many places!! Look into more weird places you don't think you checked. Good Luck!!!
Love and hugs....connie d
Connie we just went through this LOOKING for his OHIO STATE zip front hoodie I bought him and he SWORE he never got one for Christmas!!! I thought maybe I didn't give it to him? Did I forget to wrap it and take it to Michigan with us? Soooooo every chance I had and every hiding place I thought it MIGHT be in I checked even when I woke up in middle of the night...nope not there!!! WTH????? Found out tonight HE FOUND THE DAM JACKET!!!!!!!!!!!! He never told me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could have killed the brat!!!!!!!!!! I swear Connie he makes me so dam mad at times!!!!!!! Now the tools are missing and if I find out HE HAS THEM.........GRRRRRRRRRRRRR he IS DEAD MEAT!!!!!!!!!!! I have looked all over this apartment!!!!!!!!! Trust me there is not that much room to look for things!!!!!!!