Monday Blessings
Good Morning OFF,
Prayers for Eileen this morning. Hope her surgery goes well.
Also, praying for Butch and Vickie. Vickie, I think you need a spa day, for some R&R.
Colleen just texted to let me know that I don't need to watch the Munchkins today. So, I have the whole day to work on this disaster of a house.
Stayed up late last night. Eagles shut out the Giants.
They are archrivals. Love it.
Must scoot. Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Good Morning, Trish. Hope you get to spend some time doing something fun today in addition to cleaning your house. I always feel better when my house is presentable. Happy your Eagles won. It's so much fun watching a game where the team your rooting for comes out the winners.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Cindy P.
Good morning Trish and everyone...
Trish....please don't overdo with your cleaning. You need some down time too!! are in my thoughts and prayers!!
I am so excited for Vickie and Butch!! YAY....they are going home today!! Thank you Lord for answered prayers!!
I just came from lunch. I really don't have much of anything to do today. I am a bit of a perfectionist so everything is where it needs to be. I thought I would check in here for a bit and then go read for a while!! A couple of the ladies are just finishing the puzzle now. They only have about 12 pieces left to put in.
I had such a great time this weekend with my daughter!! We laughed until we cried!! I was sad when she had to leave.
I will check in again later. Wishing you all a great day!!
Lots of love and bunches of hugs.....connie d
Hello Trish, Cindy, and Connie, and all my other sistas!
Oh my! Ask me if we are happy to be HOME! Butch is doing ever so much better today. Thank you, sweet sistas, for all the prayers and support this past week. I just don't know what I would do without all of you.
So, I talked with MDA and we are going next week on Tuesday to see Dr. Tu and possibly get started back on chemo then. Yes, we are definitely out of the trial. Sigh. But Dr. Tu can still order the same chemo for Butch as is in the trial. The question then becomes one of payment. We'll just have to see what Medicare will cover. At $60,000 a pop, we sure as hell can't afford it. But, God is in control. I have faith He will put us where we need to be.
Hope that our sweet sista Eileen is doing okay this afternoon and will be feeling better soon! Get well soon, Eileen!
I ordered MORE yarn yesterday! OMG. I have an obsession with the stuff! But geez, it was 50% off when I ordered a discontinued color from Lion Brand Yarns. Now how could I resist that???
I think I have decided that I want a spinning wheel and a small loom for Christmas. I have always been interested in fiber and yarn. Butch is back talking about us hunting for another farm again. (Did I tell y'all that someone else put in an offer on that old Victorian house and farm in Waelder? If not, someone did last week and I told the Realtor we weren't ready to make an offer yet. Let it go.) Anyway, I am starting to do a little research into what kind of spinning wheel and loom I would like.
Trish, if you are looking for a Christmas project for your Munchkins, I highly recommend this fox scarf and hat. They are super easy and go very fast! Here's the link:
I am even going to have enough yarn left over to make mittens for the boys. I made a few adjustments for Budder's size, but I could tell you what I did to make the original set smaller, if you want.
(Wish I could post a picture of the ones I made here, but this is the picture from the website!)
Well, I need to go. Butch and I are settling down in the living room for a relaxing afternoon of crochet and TV. Love you all!
Hi Vickie....I am glad you and Butch are now home!!
I knew all those prayers had to help....I had a bunch of people praying for Butch and you too. Not to mention all of our OFF Family praying too!! We will continue!!
So now do you have Patty Kate at home too???? I am anxious to hear how she accepts Maybelle!!
I think it will be great for you to get a spinning wheel and loom. I could really see you doing that!!!
If someone else gets those properties, it is not GOD's will. Those properties were not what he had in mind. The right place will come along when GOD is ready for you to take those steps. Just keep believing!!
Have a wonderful and peaceful evening tonight. I love you!!
I am going to bed early myself. My pain is so bad today....darn weather changes!!
Much love and many hugs....connie d