Thursday Morning
Good Morning OFF,
Had a good night's sleep and am ready to tackle the day. Busy day, cleaning. Plus, I have to make some changes to the nursery schedule. We had taken Colleen off the schedule during Sunday School, coz she also teaches older kids then. Turns out she wants to stay on the schedule. Yikes. So, I have to fix it and then hand them out to the mailboxes at church. Plus, I have to put laundry away in the nursery.
Connie, I wish you weren't suffering so much these days. I know you want to be with Nick in Memphis when he goes. But, he will be with you, and you with him, while he's there. He will love that you let him take the horse with him.
Judy, breath. I have learned to repeat the Serenity Prayer, so I don't get upset with the things totally out of my control. I drop back and *****nd regroup. It takes tons of practice. I had horrific days teaching in Philly, with stuff happening with the lack of support with discipline issues. I had weeks where I wanted to quit, and couldn't. It tooks months of prayer and practice, but eventually, I was able to go with the flow, as insane and out of control as my class and the school was, I was able to go home and relax each day, sober except for my two years of relapse. I taught for 18 years there.
Vickie, I hope Butch and you are better each day. You, and all the gals here are in my prayers.
Can't remember who else I need to mention, but I think of, and pray regularly for everyone.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning, Trish and my sistas!
Trish, you are always so busy! We're going to have to nickname you "Busy Bee"!
We are having a fairly quiet day today. My new alpaca yarn came yesterday. Oooo! Love it! I ordered the navy blue. It is so soft! I finally picked a pattern (I had several that I liked; hard to narrow it down to one) that I think will suit the weight and drape of the yarn. I've played around with gauges and swatches and I think I'm finally ready to start on it.
This afternoon I need to go to town and do a few things, but this morning I'm just enjoying being quiet.
Butch is searching out property on the internet. I think tomorrow, if he feels like it, we may do a little driving around and check some of them out. Today would be a pretty day for that, but he just doesn't quite feel like it (and frankly neither do I; I want to play with my new yarn!).
Not much else to report. Patty Kate and Maybelle are tolerating one another. They both just kind of ignore the fact that there's another dog in the house. PK curls up in Butch's lap, and MB curls up on the ottoman at my feet, since I have crochet in my lap. So far, so good. And we've all been sleeping okay in the king sized bed, too. MB stays with me on my side. PK stays with Butch on his side. I'm waiting for them to acknowledge each other and make friends! LOL!
Love you all!
Hello Vickie.....I think that name suits Trish really well...LOL!
So happy to hear your yarn has arrived. I can't wait to see how that will all come together. I know how wonderful that yarn feels!!!
I am glad you and Butch are having a quiet day. You need that! I hope and pray Burch feels better soon.
As for PK and MB they are scoping out their territories. I guess they have decided who goes with whom. As long as they are content, I guess you will be too. They will be great friends before you know it!
Have a restful evening....I love you!!
More love and bunches of hugs....connie d
Hi Vickie,
Enjoy your new yarn. I made Frankie's baby blanket with alpaca yarn from Plymouth. It was expensive, but worth it. Colleen had me make smaller than the ones I made the other two kids. What frustrated me was that I bought it here in Michigan, when he was born, but had no clue how much to get, so I didn't have enough to fini**** Turns out it is made just blocks from where I lived in PA. I was hoping they had an outlet store, like some yarn manufacturing places do, but they didn't. So, I found a great yarn store about a half hour away, in Jersey. Took my sis-in-law, who loves to go to different yarn stores, and got it. Kathy loved the store. She'll drive hours to check out a yarn store. When we flew to St.Louis, to see a play Casey was in, we found a yarn store we loved.
I forgot to thank you for the link for for the fox pattern. I plan to order it, and the yarn, on payday. I hope it's easy. I sometimes have trouble with some patterns. The boys will love it. I think I'll also make a poncho for Izzy. I need to think of a girl at church about her size. I don't follow a pattern for this kind of poncho. It starts with a chain, which I join at the ends, then check to make sure that it fits over the person's head, without being too big. It's only double crochet, with an increase of five stitches at equal opposite sides, and three at what would be opposite sides, equally between the five stitches. I keep increasing that way to the end. I usually add fringe when I'm done. It was my first project, when I learned to crochet at 14. I made that one in my school colors. I've made quite a few as gifts over the years. One of Colleen's friends once hired me to make one for her aunt who was in a nursing home. I had no clue what to charge her for it, so I took the cost of the yarn and just doubled it. I'd never sold one of my pieces. The yarn wasn't expensive, so she didn't think I over charged her. Colleen thinks it was worth more. She has suggested I try to sell baby blankets and other things on Etsy, but I'm so busy and backed up on gifts, I'd have to crochet full time in order to do both. Of course that would be more fun than going to work part time to make extra money. Maybe I'll post some pics of finished projects on the website, and see if I have any takers.
Have fun exploring properties tomorrow. It will probably be good for both of you, since thinking about the future gives both of you so much hope.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish and Vickie and my OFF family to come:
Got my money for payday and ugh, don't have enough to pay the second half of my rent. Well, I have most of it, just $15 short. That's after paying all of my other bills (honest!). I guess I'll pay what I have and let it go. Landlord never fixes anything around here anyway.
This morning, I get a call from the ortho place reminding me of my appointment on Monday. Hmm, I look in my calendar and I don't have an appointment there on Monday. I have an appointment on Friday with the podiatrist there. So I call back and ask what's going on. The person there said they called and cancelled all his Friday appointments (evidently not). And instead I had not only a Monday appt. but a Tuesday appt. This person screwed up royally. Got that cleared up, now I have it on Tuesday.
I thought I was getting some pep back, but I was wrong. It left as soon I thought it was back. Time for a nap.
Have a good day.
Hello Eileen....sorry you are short on cash. Can Richard send you some....board and care for the things he left there?? LOl....just kidding!!
The clinic cancelled your Friday appointment and failed to tell you....that is bad. I am glad after a little while you got it all cleared up.
I am sorry you are still so fatigued. It can be the anesthetic from surgery or a Fibro flare up. I hope you got some much needed rest.
Have a restful and lots of hugs....connie d
Hi Eileen,
I've been late paying my full rent before. Not here, but in PA. I usually just paid an extra fee, but I've never lived where the landlord didn't make repairs in a timely fashion. At least not till here. Since Trent usually works 10-12 hours a day, and is watching the kids three nights, I don't get upset. If the repair is seriously urgent, he's very prompt, if not, I don't really worry about it. It's worth it not to stress over it, coz the rent it so much less than back in PA. This place is so much bigger than my apartments back there, plus so close to Colleen and the kids. The best part is I love it here. If they were to sell it, I'd try to buy it. The location, even if they were to move, is great. My dream home, if I ever won the lottery, would be a place in the country, with the house set far enough back from the road, I wouldn't hear the cars going by. It'll have an indoor pool, a fireplace with a stove inset with glass doors, coz we had one when I was married, an area in the backyard that's fenced for Utley, and any foster pups I'd take in, extra bedrooms for company, and my crafts, an indoor garage, bigger than the one I have here. In that garage, I'd have a small tractor for cutting the grass, and an attachment I can put on it for plowing my long, paved driveway. My mother-in-law has a pool out back, and a fireplace like we had, which was great for the kids when they were younger, especially when they were old enough to ride their bikes over there to swim. She lived close enough for them to do that.
Love you.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish, this landlord allows us to split our rent into two payments. I had paid half the rent the other paycheck and planned to pay the other half this paycheck. But after paying car loan, recliner loan, washer loan and one other payment, I have $244 left, which is less than what I need. However, I learned that too much was taken out for our 401k, so some money will be redeposited by Tuesday. Not sure how much. It did look a little short. I'll pay what I can. I owe $265, I'll send $240. That's the best I can do.
I will never be a homeowner again. I botched that, plus with my job, I don't know when I will be laid off again. So I will be a renter for the rest of my life. I would love to have a place to live with lots of kitties, but that won't happen. The person I got Juliette from, Patricia in Louisiana, we had talked after her mom died that she was going to turn her mom's former home into a cat sanctuary. But she just couldn't afford the upkeep on it (Patricia is disabled and works part-time cleaning offices; she has MS and heart problems). While I would love to do that, I don't want to live in Monroe, La., again. Plus, they just had a tornado down there. She is OK, but there was some tree damage... lots of old big trees down. Even her little house that you'd think will blow over in the slightest wind was still standing.
Anyway, I'll get by. I have enough food.
My daughter is at work. Jared and Vinnie ar out and about looking for a pure white sweater for Vinnie. Can't find ine!
We need it by Saturday!
It is gloomy here and rained for two days straight.
Carl must be up to no good! He hasn't called all day. I think I'll have Vinnie call him! When I'm away I think he plays!
Well we r off!