Happy Thursday everyone....what's new today?
Good morning everyone.....
I am not sure what else I will be doing today. I have to go in to my clinic for a balance test this afternoon. I am not looking forward to that! I was told they put you in a three sided like box thing and harness you in. I am so claustrophobic I feel just sick about it already. Anyone here ever have one done??
Yesterday was a tiring day. I had too much going on in one day. I started at 7:30 AM and didn't hardly stop until 4:30 PM. It was just one thing after the other!! I was asleep early last night!!
I am wishing you all a beautiful day!!
Prayers for our lovely OFF Family. I know you will all be remembering Vickie and Butch throughout the day. God Bless them.
I will check back in later to see what everyone is up to today.
Lots of love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d
Hi there,
Im getting ready to go see Vinnie! Packing and trying to see what I can take for her! Not much as I am flying not driving!
It is hot today!!!!! I haven't been out for a couple of days! Just chillin!
I need to go out and get refills on medication. Plus I'm going to shop for Vinnie today!
Thinking of Vickie and Butch.
Afternoon OFF family...just a fast drop in right now...trying to eat a quick lunch feel like I am covered in dust...EWWWWWWWW boss coming next week and so are the guys to lay the new flooring!!!! Be glad when this is all over with!!! But what a clean up it will be getting all this dam dust out!!!!! WOW!!!!!
Prayers for Butch and Vicki!! Hope things happen fast for him!!! I had one of those tubes after my hernia surgery and it was not fun to have!!!!! Hang in ther Butch!!!! you too Vic!!! HUGSSSSSSSS
Well best get going here...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Hi Judy....that box made me literally sick to my stomach. She did all the manual testing and she thought I was off balance. Then she put me in that BOX!! OMG!! She sets it to move...the floor and the sides. I fell a couple times but the harness caught me. She said I only pasted one part. Most of my imbalance is in my brain and ears. I can't believe how accurate the test was. I am sad because now I can't walk any longer without my walker. Not even around my apartment. No using the cane at all. Now I really feel like an "Old Lady". I just want to cry!!! But, then I remember at least it isn't cancer!! I will continue to do what I can do. Rehab starts in a week or so. If that doesn't help then they will know something else is wrong.
I can only imagine the nasty amount of dust under those rugs. I hope you are all using face masks. I am worried about you!!!
I am still praying for our dear friends Vickie and Butch too. I pray all goes quickly and smoothly for them.
Love you girl.....hugs....connie d
Connie!!! NEVER!!! And I mean NEVER feel that you are an OLD lady now because you have to use a walker!!!!!!!! Be thankful that you HAVE the use of a walker to help you walk and catch you if you start to fall!!!!!!!! I have several people here that use them and let me tell you those walkers are a godsend!!!!!! Now let me ask you this...they can't readjust your balance? They did my mom's easy...they took her head and moved it around and like I mentioned before it made her eyes go funny and then they adjusted and her balance was good again!! It took a couple visits to this dr and she has been fine for several years now since they did that to her!!! I pray for you all the time Connie...I worry about you also!!!
As for the dust...OMG!!!!!! That carpet was from the day they built this place!!! Dry rot and all!!! Still have my office to go yet and the dust is still in the air and the guys have been so careful pulling it up too!!! My black desk is gray again this morning!!! Everything is covered in dust no matter how many times I wipe it down!!! Sighs.....boss will be here next week guess to empty machines of quarters and see whats happening...had a fun thing happen today...served the drunk/druggie trespassing papers!!! He was supposed to be off the property since 6:30pm Monday night and she told me yesterday she has NOT heard oe seen him since!!! Well yesterday my guys seen him arriving and leaving her place!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!! So today we served him trespassing papers!!! He was sitting on HER couch in HER apartment smoking and told me come on in!!!!!! I handed him the envelope with the papers in it and said this is for you. I turned and walked out. Got in my car drove to police station handed them their copy told them he WAS on the property right now IN her apartment. They came 5 minutes too late!!!!! He was gone...they looked all over our property for him. Even blocked her truck off so he couldn't leave in that...LMAO!!! So now if we see him here we call and police come and they find him here they WILL arrest him!!!!!! See what happens when you lie to me????? Especially when we are trying to help her???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got some nice news...my grand furbaby is coming this weekend also to see me!!!! Oh yeah!!! Duncan!!!! Big baby Duncan!!! Can't wait til he gets here to see what Bandit does!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! He is NOT going to like this at all!!!! LOL Hope David gets some good pictures and can post them on FB of us!!! Talked to him last night and Renee's son Austin is also coming along. He said Hi GRANDMA!!!! OMG!!!! First time I have EVER been called GRANDMA!!!!!!!! Gave me tears!!!!! My own grand kids never call me grandma...they don't call me anything...sighs...oh well what do I expect after not being around them most of their life?
Well best get off here and back to cleaning house...grrrrrrrrrr
Judy...thanks for the support!! They can't adjust this because it is mostly the brain and a little of the ears. They are going to try to help me but she didn't know if there is much they can do. I will be going in and working with rehab. She said after so many tries and it doesn't improve there won't be anything else they can do. That will be more testing involving the brain. Thanks for the prayers and for caring so much!! I love you!!
I wish people around there would be nicer to you. They scare me!! Who knows what kind of retaliation they could do to you or that place.
YAY ...Duncan is coming to Grandma's!!! I am glad Austin is coming too...GRANDMA!!!
Have a great evening!! I am going to bed early. The last two days have worn me out.
More love and hugs....connie d
Good Afternoon Connie, and OFF Family,
I had a busy morning, and have been busy since lunch. I met with a friend from church first thing. We put together a new Nursery schedule. I need to type it out, and contact our current pastor before I finalize it. I have a quick question for him. We had breakfast at a little place here in town, called Tammy's. They serve breakfast and lunch only.
Then, I put a roast in the crock-pot for later, and loaded the dishwasher. Now, I have to get back to tidying, and making this place more presentable.
Well, I must scoot.
Special prayers for Butch and Vickie.
Albert Schweitzer