Happy Sunday Everyone....what is new with you.......
Good morning everyone.....
It is Sunday and the sun is shining brightly....another beautiful day!! It is 52 degrees with a high of 62. I have all my windows open again.
Carrie and I watched the DVD of Gone With the Wind last night. We laughed and cried together. This is one of our family traditions. It was wonderful!!! My wish one day is to watch it together with both my daughters...it has been a long time!!
She is taking a shower so thought I would check in here.
Vickie...prayers and love to you and Butch! I am so happy things are progressing and Butch is getting better every day!
Eileen...I was totally surprised that Richard is leaving already. Oh well, I wish him luck!! Lucky you getting that Big TV!! You have been a really great friend to him!!!
I will check back in later. Wishing you all a beautiful day!!
Prayers for our amazing OFF Family!!
Loads of love and many hugs.....connie d
Good Afternoon Connie and OFF,
I had a lovely time visiting with my friend, Becky, in Nursery at church this morning. We could talk all day long. Also got to play with nine month old Natalia, and two month old Tenley. They are cousins of my Munchkins. Then I came home to have lunch, and take care of some stuff in the house, and on my laptop.
Must scoot.
Love and Prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Afternoon Connie and OFF family...I see 2 posts today????? LOL
Anyhow my family left a bit ago and OMG what fun we had!!! Bandit HATES Duncan so much we had to lock him (Bandit) up n the bedroom the whole time!!! Nothing we did made him like him at all!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! Talk about mean and nasty!!!!!!!! Bandit takes the crown!!!!!!! Little 12 pounder wants to take on almost 100 pound Duncan that looks at him like what is your problem little dog?? Take a chill pill and leave me alone!!!! LOL Gosh!!!!!!! So into the bedroom for Bandit!!!! His fault not Duncan's!!!!!!!! Went yesterday on a trip to buy Renee's new car and boy is it ever pretty!!! Has some bad things but its USED...have to expect that when buying used. But she loves it and so do we. I shared her picture of it on FB if you are one of my friends you can go see it there. Had a good time all weekend and sad to see them go home...Bandit happy to see them leave...lol. Had Duncan over to the clubhouse showing him to one of the tenants and another one came in and Duncan didn't care for him at all so he turned and we went FLYING out of there fast!!! OMG I didn't KNOW I could move that FAST!!!!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOO I am now having second thoughts on wanting a German Shepherd after Bandit is no longer with us. Not sure I can handle a larger dog anymore. WOW!!!!!!!!! Ofcourse David thought it was funny as all get out!!! NOT ME!!!! But so much fun together and can't wait til next time!!!! OH...and then last night Rick is going potty...his phone that is just a year old falls out of his pocket and into the toilet!!!!!!!!!! GREAT!!!!!!!!!! He now wants a NEW phone...I told him HELL NO!!!!!!!! You can use your phone that you had from before this new one til august!!!!!!! And WHY was the phone in your POCKET and NOT the CARRIER????????? No answer. Yeah. August he gets the new phone. Period.
Tomorrow NOT looking forward to that at all...have to pack up my office and get it ready for the guys to rip out my carpet...I just hate the thought of it!!! Going to be so much work after this floor is put in cleaning the DUST!!!!!!!!!
Well better go back and check out FB see what I messes since Friday night....LOL
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hello Judy....I am just thrilled that you had such a great time with your family!!! Poor Bandit....such trama and drama!!! I will look on Facebook to see the pic of the car they bought. I haven't been on Facebook all day!!
My daughter, Carrie just left for home. We had so much fun!! She wanted to get back home before all the traffic from the campers up north started arriving. Then it really gets crazy and slow going!
Good luck with the packing and such tomorrow!!
Love you...HUGS....connie d
Connie thanks...its going to be CRAZY tomorrow in my office!!!! What with tenants *****ing already that they can't do laundry for 2 WHOLE DAYS!!!!! LMAO It isn't like they didn't have a weeks notice or anything......Good grief!!!!!! And there ARE machines on the other side they can use plus we also have Laundromats here in town they can go to also!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ***** ***** *****!!! Guess they are not happy if they are not *****ing!!!
Glad you had some fun with your family!!!! Now for the next time huh?? LOL
Tonight starts new season of the WALKING DEAD!!!! I am excited to watch that!!! LOL Need to get back to working on the afghan again for Rick's aunt Peggy. My hands hurt so bad I thing this one might be the last one. Plus my back hurts a lot from sitting still so long. Not like sitting at pc...lol
OK best get going here...Bandit the grouch needs to go potty walking...I see we could have some nasty storms Tuesday again here...YIKES!!!
Love you too HUGSSSSSSSS