Good Monday Morning....what's new with you?

Connie D.
on 10/6/14 1:02 am

Good morning everyone.....

I hope everyone had a really nice weekend!! 

Kyleigh and Mitch stopped by yesterday afternoon and spent a couple hours with me. Then they went to Kyleigh's old apartment to pack up the kitchen and bathroom items. They moved into their new apartment in St Paul on Saturday. 

I am doing okay. My balance so far today is good. I have other things I need to work through. I will be okay. 

I will check back in later to see what everyone is up to.

Prayers for all of our amazing OFF Family. I love you all!!!!! 

Wishing you all good day!!

Much love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d


Judy G.
on 10/6/14 2:40 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon Connie...well I just had a few MINUTES of training today...LMAO!!!! Trying to put in the work orders HAHAHA ok sorry...My boss called told me to get the guys busy tearing out the carpet in our club house get it ready for our new flooring next Wednesday!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! She didn't expect it to be that fast!!!!! Neither did we!!!!! OMG my office is also getting is the laundry room and bathrooms...all the flooring will be looking like hardwood floor!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!! And NO the walls and ceilings are NOT painted yet!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Looking forward to the new flooring but OMG what a rush to get things tore apart!!!!!!!! Tenants have to use the other laundry room for a couple days or so...that is going to be fun...LOL NOT!!!!!!!!

Well just had a call from my calls....OMG this is going to be fun!!!!!!!! Got to go!!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them...Including me right now!!!


Connie D.
on 10/6/14 9:01 am

Judy...a few minutes of training??? You can't even get to where you need to be on the PC in that length of time. 

I am glad you are getting the carpet replaced including your office!!! It will look and smell so much better without that carpeting.....especially with the people you have around there. Much easier to clean up. Not much time to get the carpet pulled up. The guys will get it done!!


I am not sure what you meant by "work calls" but I hope it all went well.

Love you...hugs... prayers .....connie d

Patricia R.
on 10/6/14 4:41 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Connie and OFF,

Connie, I'm glad you had a visit from Kyleigh and her beau.  I hope they don't live too far from you.  I also hope you start feeling some relief from the depression and fibro.  I do pray for you, and the rest of our sweet family.  

Judy, wow, that is short notice to get ready for the new flooring.  Hope the guys are able to get it all done.  

I've had a very busy day.  And, it's not over yet.  I had to get my labwork done, to check my Coumadin level.  God the results, and it's good.  Go back in two weeks.  Then, I came home and started cleaning in the kitchen.  In addition to the dishes, I worked on getting gunk off the my white appliances.  Utley has OCD, and he licks walls and appliances and acts crazy when he's doing it.  It leaves a darker mark on the white appliances, and the only thing that gets rid of it is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, and then I rinse.  Plus, I mopped the floor, after sweeping it.  Then, I vaccuumed my living room, after cleaning part of my vaccuum cleaner.  Affter that, I gave Utley a good brushing and then a bath.  Now, I am resting before I go watch the Munchkins.  I did put a pot of soup in the crockpot earlier.  I hope to enjoy it later.  I improvised a recipe.

I migh****ch the football game tonight.  Redskins are in the same division as the Eagles, who won yesterday.  

Must scoot.  

Love and Prayers,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 10/6/14 9:11 am

Trish....thank you for the prayers. I know I can always count on you for prayers!! Kyleigh and Mitch live about an hour away. I know they will be here as often as they can. 

I do feel better today. Physically I have more energy. I went for a couple walks today. I am so happy my balance has improved!! my depression is better too. Not great but better. I always have problems this time of year. I am not good when the weather is dark and gloomy. I am working on it. I have my lamp out for SAD. It works pretty well if I use it often enough. 

I am glad your  "levels" came out  so well!!

You did a lot of cleaning and things today. I so envy all you can do. My cleaning fairy comes tomorrow afternoon. Thank you GOD!!

I hope you can relax and watch some TV tonight. Be good to you!!

Love you...HUGS...and always prayers....connie d


on 10/6/14 11:43 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sistas!

I am trying to post again.  I had a long post earlier today and I lost it!  Grrrr!  I was so disgusted I just walked away from the computer.

Anyway, we had a busy day.  I spent most of this morning trying to finish up those baby crochet things for the baby shower on Saturday.  I hand sewed 28 little cotton tails onto the bunnies on that darn bunny afghan.  It's very cute, but I won't be making that one again!  Those darn bunnies liked to have drove me crazy.  I did take pics, but I'm not going to post them on FB until after the shower on Saturday, of course.  I also made two little sweater sets with a sweater, cap and booties, and then a few misc. pieces.  Got it all wrapped up and sent this afternoon.  Supposed to be in Dallas by Wednesday.

Butch isn't feeling just real energetic right now.  That radiation zapped him more than he knew.  At least I managed to talk him out of making that trip home to Nacogdoches this week.  As much as I would love to visit with my mother, it's more important that he stay home and rest up this week before he goes back for chemo next week.  He's stubborn, but he did finally listen to reason.  The man does NOT need to go fishing right now.  He needs to rest.

I am trying some of the vegetarian recipes that Dr. Garth gave me.  We had a tofu scramble for breakfast this morning.  Eh.  It was okay.  Didn't taste much like breakfast to me or Butch, but it was edible.  Tonight I made stuffed bell peppers, roasted Brussels sprouts and melon slices.  Again, it was okay, definitely edible, but not what we're used to.  Neither one of us have been brave enough to try the Almond Milk or the Soy Milk yet!  LOL!

And, BTW, I cut the hell out of my finger when I was cutting up the veggies tonight!  It wasn't a very big cut, but it would NOT stop bleeding.  Must have cut a little vein or artery or whatever.  I couldn't help but think about my clotting disorder (von Willebrand's disease) and wonder if that was why I couldn't stop bleeding.  We finally got a bandaid on tight enough to stop the bleeding, only now the end of my thumb feels numb from the pressure.  

So, our adventures with Maybelle continue.  She is a scavenger!!!  She climbs up on the kitchen table and gets into the trash.  OMG.  Patty Kate doesn't do that as a rule.  I mean, she will occasionally steal something from the table or the trash, but pretty much she leaves them alone.  Not Maybelle!  Judy said on FB that ****er spaniels are like that.  IDK.  I've never had one before.  

But she is growing more and more affectionate every day.  Last night she rolled over on her back for me to scratch her belly for the first time.  So sweet!  And this morning she jumped up into Butch's lap while we were out on the deck having our coffee and just settled there for the longest time.  When we came back from running errands today she just jumped all over us, she was so excited that we were home.

So, I just have to learn not to leave food on the table, which is a bad habit anyway.  I need to get a kitchen trash can with a tight fitting lid.  No big deal.  I just have to remember that she's going to always be on the lookout for a handout.  LOL!

I started one of those little fox scarf and hat sets for Benny and Budder tonight.  Oh, those are going to be so cute for my little boys!  And it is such a relief to be working on something as simple as a scarf!  Just really mindless crochet.  I love it.  Those baby things were cute but complicated.  

Talked to both my girls today and they are both sick.  Carrie went to the doctor and she has walking pneumonia.  She's been on antibiotics for a week (and she didn't call to tell me she was sick either!)  AND they had a tornado in Waco last week and it knocked her power out for 2 whole days and she didn't call to tell me about THAT either!  I told her, "I don't care if you are 32; I'm still your MAMA and you have to tell me these things!"  LOL!  She said that her boyfriend, Leo, was taking care of her.  Hmph!  I don't know how I feel about that.  I'm feeling a bit displaced.

Chris is sick, too, but so far Mike and the boys don't have it, so I'm hoping it's just allergies and not a bad cold, or--God forbid--more walking pneumonia.  Although they both sound absolutely cruddy to me.  Anyway, I told Chris to stay away.  The last thing we need is for Butch to get sick.

Well, that's all the news of the day.  I have a new book on raising yard birds and I'm headed to bed to learn more about raising biddies and eggs!  Doesn't that sound fun?  The next chapter is on raising goats.  Butch says we need a milch goat.  I said, "I ain't milkin' no goats!" (But you never know; I might!)  

Love you all!


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