good morning,
I'm on my iPhone. Frankie's asleep. Colleen went to get her MRA on her brain. Raining. Will post more later.
Albert Schweitzer

I'm back. Colleen had to be at the hospial for her test at 6:15 this morning. I couldn't sleep well, because I was terrified I wouldn't wake up early enough. Didn't have to be there that early, but in time for Trent to take the kids to school. Frankie hasn't been sleeping well at all, because of being sick all week. So, when I got there, he was asleep in Colleen's bed. He was asleep when she got home.
I'm going to take my car into Lansing to get the seat belt fixer put in. It's covered by the warranty, so I don't have to pay a thing.
Then, I'm resting. Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and everyone......
Trish....I really do hope you take a day to owe yourself that much!!
I hope Frankie feels better soon. The other two must be feeling better.
I am glad that part for your seat belt is under warranty. Even little things like that can be so expensive!
I feel better today. My balance seems better. That is good because that has worried me. I will still use my walker as I get wobbly and tired out so easy. My pain is about a 8 this morning so that has improved too. I pray it improves every day!!
I have nothing planned today. I am going to try to get down for lunch again today. Depending on how I feel this afternoon I may work a bit on the puzzle.
Last night as I was watching a little TV. I decided to do some organizing. I desperately needed to straighten out my makeup. When I moved here it all got tossed together in trays. Now I have all my mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow pencils and make up brushes in one. I have my eye shadows, blush and lipsticks in another. I have my tweezers and misc. things in another. I organized my makeup removers, face creams, moisturizers and things as well. I did it slowly and on a tray next to the couch. At least I feel like I accomplished something!
I need to go get ready to head down to the dining room. I will check back in later.
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!
Prayers for our amazing OFF Family. I also pray Butch and Vickie have a safe trip home this afternoon.
Much love and many hugs
to all.....connie d
Hi Judy....that feeling better lasted about 2 hours. By the time I came back from lunch I was stumbling again. My pain almost doubled me over. I just can't win. I have been resting most of the day. Pain is back up to 9 again....grrrrrr!!
My depression sucks!!! It seems like you and Maryann are depressed too. I finally got my SAD light out. It is a temporary fix, but it helps for awhile. I hate this time of year!!!!
Wishing you a great weekend!!!
I love you...HUGS... .connie d
Hi Trish and Connie and all my wonderful sistas!
We are home, we are home! Oh, happy day! It feels so good to be here at last. It's been a very long two weeks.
Butch got to ring the bell this morning when he finished his last radiation treatment. Pics on FB. I am so proud of him! He is so courageous.
Little Miss Maybelle is just about worn out with exploring her new home. She has been all over the house and the yard. She even got up on the kitchen table! I'm going to have to keep an eye on her until we learn her ways and she learns ours. At least Patty Kate isn't here right now (she's still with Carrie in Waco), so MB can acclimate a bit in peace. But I'm proud to report that she is a very good traveler. I didn't have one of my doggie car seats with us, so I just put a pillow in the back seat and tied her leash up kind of short to the neck rest and she rode just fine. Karen (SIL) lent me a small doggie crate, but I didn't have to use it.
We did a bit of exploring on our way home. We drove through a couple of the small towns near Waelder where the "new farm" is located, just to kind of see what stores and banks and things might be nearby if we do buy that farm. Then, of course, we had to detour and drive by the actual farm. So I met one of the neighbors, a very cranky older woman who immediately started complaining about the fence between our two properties! Whoa, lady, we haven't bought the place yet! LOL! Anyway, her home is huge, and while not a Victorian, is quite lovely. It's a 3-story old red brick home built in 1925, she said. I can't wait to do some research and find out when "our" home was built. She said she knew it was built before her home was built.
She also told me she hoped we bought it because "not many white people live here anymore." LOL! She's a character. At any rate, that's the case in the majority of small south Texas towns. The population is mostly Hispanic now. Sounds okay to me. I need a yard man and a cleaning fairy. I know y'all will think I sound awful, but we call that pair a "Don Juan" and a "Tia Maria". No offense intended. It's like calling two guys from Minnesota "Sven and Olaf" or two guys from Louisiana "Boudreaux and Thibedeaux". Anyway, I'm hoping there will be people we can offer employment to there.
So, tomorrow is Saturday and Chris and Mike both have to work, so we're babysitting the boys about half the day. But for this evening we don't have to take care of anyone or anything but ourselves. Whew! I have a new book to read and I'm about ready to crash. Butch is already snoozing away, sweet darling. He's worn out. I expect Little Miss Maybelle will want to join us on the bed. She slept right beside me again all night last night. She's handling all this change pretty well, I think.
I wanted to comment on each post, but all I can remember is Trish is getting to rest today and Connie's pain level is down some more. Sorry! CRS!
Love you all!
Hi I told improvement only lasted a couple hours. I am off balance and definitely in need of my walker. I just hope this gets better over time.
If you do buy that certainly will have someone to fill you in on all the gossip and things. She seems quite knowledgeable!!!
WELCOME HOME to you and Butch and Miss Maybelle!! It sounds like she is a great little girl!!!!
Have a good night's sleep tonight!! I love you!!
I am taking my meds and going to sleep soon.
Love and bunches of hugs.....connie d
Evening OFF Family....I am here...still not in a good of my newer tenants has her 80th birthday tomorrow and I was told today that yesterday her daughter went by bus in Columbus to take something somewhere to drop something off and has not been seen or heard from since...VERY worried!!!!! Hope they hear from her soon!!!! Another one of my tenants feel in the tub a few days ago...squad took her yesterday to hospital in severe pain!!! She is still there today.
Got a new tenant back again that left back in February and returned yesterday! That made me happy!!!
Lots going on with this new "learning" that has me spitting nails!!!!!!! Went off on one of the girls in the office when I needed HELP and was pushed off...well I was tired of being pushed off AGAIN and I lost it!!!!!! And NO I am NOT going to apologize to her either!!!!!!! This has been going on ever since we got these dam PC's!!!!!!!!! If I didn't have free rent and utilities and a pay check and all my bills to pay I would have quit yesterday I was that MAD!!!!!!!!!
Doing some laundry right now should be just about done so need to go check...getting some rain off and on today and temps dropping. Could see frost by morning?????? YUCK!!!!!!!!
Happy Butch got to Ring the Bell!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!! Prayers continue!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Oh Judy....I am sorry you are having a hard time getting the help you need with that PC. I am glad you finally spoke up to that girl!!! They should have someone there working with you until you completely have it figured out. My last job always paid for us to spend 3 days and 2 nights near the headquarters. They picked up the tab including all our meals. We trained and trained. I guarantee we knew all there was to know before we left. It seems they just keep throwing new thing at you. I prefer hands on training!! I would be losing my mind if I were you!!
I hope they find that tenant's daughter. I hate those damn buses. Anything can happen on them!! Sorry that other tenant fell and got hurt. I will be saying prayers for them both.
More love and more hugs....connie d