Monday Blessings
Good Morning,
I am up to get ready to go play with Franklin, while Colleen prepares for her class, She's borrowing my laptop while I'm there. Then, later, I go over to watch all of them. In between I am visiting businesses to raise money for a car show fundraiser for our park in town.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and everyone......
Trish....I couldn't keep up with you for a day. You just go go go!!! I feel like a failure next to you!!! Have fun and I hope you get lots of money raised for the fundraiser!!
As for me...nothing much. I need to get quarters so I can get my bedding laundry done. Everything else is caught up.
I am hoping to see Amanda and Tyler today or tomorrow on their way back to Oregon. I pray he gets the job he is applying for here in MN. I would love to have them living in MN again!!
That is about it for me. I hope all is going well for Butch. Vickie hasn't posted much since they got back. I will keep the prayers flowing!
Wishing you all a lovely day!!!
Prayers for all of our sweet OFF Family. Special prays as requested by some.
Lots of love and many hugs to all...connie d
Sweet Connie,
Please do not compare yourself to me. I have had my share of days where I accomplished zip, and I will have them again. When I first got to AA, I was told to only compare myself to myself. Nobody else.
I know how you are struggling with the depression right now, and I wish there was something I could say, or do, to help you. I also know how discouraging it is to be immobilized by health issues. It has happened to me, many times. I hope you are in contact with your therapist and psych doc.
I'm praying for you, and I know that God has you in the palm of His hands, and He loves you more than anyone can comprehend.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish and Connie and my OFF family to come:
Not much happening here. Trying to check mail etc. but my computer is damn slow. Today is my Friday, so hopefully it will be easy. There is a late NFL game (Bears vs. Jets). Hope the Bears can win again. Still, that will make things hectic at the end.
I slept really well again ... in fact, I fell asleep in Episode 3 of "The Roosevelts." I think Lyrica has some awfully sedating properties, which is great at night. I think I might take it an hour after I get home so I can actually watch some of my shows. I'm far behind and the fall shows have started.
Trish, I envy your energy. About three months after WLS, I had lots of energy. Then I had my knee surgery, and it disappeared. And I haven't had it back. You are a lot like Carla ... now she is the energizer bunny .... go, go, go. I can't keep up with her.
Connie, hope you have a good day and can feel good about yourself.
Well, got to get back to the email. Have a good day.
Eileen...hello my dear friend....I am sorry I didn't reply to you or anyone lately. I am just going through a depression. We know how that goes!! Not liking me much these days!! Thanks for the kind words!! I love you bunches!!
Have a good night at work tonight. I pray it goes very smoothly for you.
My computer is really slow too....I don't know what is going on. I will run a defrag and a scan later.
It sounds like "The Roosevelts" is your new sleeping aide. Lyrica made me so tired too. Then I had other issues with it. It did work well for the Fibro pain. I hope you can get caught up on your TV shows!!
Time to get the sheets from the dryer!!
Love and many hugs...connie d
Hi Eileen,
Right now, I appear to be the Energizer Bunny. But, I'm not always that way. I'm having a good spell right now.
Hope the Bears win. My Eagles won yesterday, so I'm a happy camper.
Albert Schweitzer

hi sistas! we are here at MDA waiting for butch's first radiation treatment. We decided to wait and drive in to Houston this morning. It gave us another day at home yesterday which we really needed. We are going to try spending this week with butch's brother. I hate to impose on them but we'll try to be considerate guests. It sure will save us some money! I am going to try and get in to see my original wl surgeon dr Garth. I haven't been in to see him in a couple of years. (I have been having my annual checkups with a wl surgeon in San Antonio. ) I'm excited to see him again. Coming up on 4 years now. I will always feel like he saved my life. Butch is doing really well today. Hardly any pain at all today. We are both hoping to get really good results from the radiation treatments. And then back on the chemo to kick this cancer in the butt! Butch was full of talk about future plans on the drive down this morning. Makes me so happy to see him acting and feeling more like himself again. I just love that man beyond all reasonableness, you know? Well it's very hard typing on this little phone so I'll close now. Love you all!
Hi was nice that you got to stay home another day. I think it will be great to stay with Butch's brother. The less you two need to be in the hospital the better!!! Remember they offered their home to you a long time back. I love you....more and more prayers on the way!
Happy day....Butch is talking about the future again...that is a HUGE step!!! I can only imagine how happy that makes you. It is so wonderful that you found each other. I always wished I could find someone like that!!
I hope all goes well with your appointment with Dr Garth. I have heard so many wonderful things about him. I know you just love him!!
Have a good rest of the day!!!
Lots of love and oodles of hugs.....connie d
Hi Vickie,
I'm so happy that Butch is feeling well, and that he's talking about the future.
I'm sure you are very good guests. I'm also sure that your time at Butch's family's will be good for both of you.
Still praying for both of you.
Hugs and Love,
Albert Schweitzer