Judy G.
on 9/21/14 1:24 am - Galion, OH

Need for HOT coffee be right back...

Judy G.
on 9/21/14 1:37 am - Galion, OH

  Much better!!! So it is now almost 11:30 am and company has left...sighs.....on their way BACK to Joey's...WTH?! That woman just can't leave that grown KID alone????? He posted all over FB yesterday after she left him BOOHOOHOO how sad he was and hurt all because she was on her way HERE!!!!!!!! GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rick said what is he going to do if something happens to her???? My gosh he is what 40 years old now??  

Any how need to get some pictures taken of both complexes and sent to corporate by Wednesday!!! I can't even do that on MY PC and now they want me to do that on THEIRS?????? OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Only thing I can come up with is take some pictures and go to Walmart get them done on a disc? Then maybe send them to Corporate in the mail...LOL I have no idea how else to do them!!!The tower I have in the office has no hook up for a SIMS does have a CD place I THINK. If not they are getting MAILED for sure!!!!!!!! I am so PC stupid!!!!!!! And to give me only a couple days to do this yet!!!! WTH????????

Nothing else planned for today except for RELAXING........maybe I shouldn't have said that now the phone will start up...LOL Do need to call my mom see how she is doing though....always call her on Sundays...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!


Connie D.
on 9/21/14 2:00 am

Good morning Judy and everyone......

Judy...I am glad your company has left. I too wish Rick would cut back on his smoking and drinking. He is a prime candidate for lung cancer. I know he thinks that won't happen to him, but it will. I pray he at least considers it. What is the deal with Rick's brother...OMG....what a little mama's boy!! Does he live alone or does he have a family? You are right...he needs to grow up....mama won't be there forever!! 

I hope you figure out how to do the pictures. You are right you should have had more notice then on your days off to get that done! I am even more PC stupid!!!! 

I hope you do get to relax today. If anyone needs a break you do!!!!! I hope your mom is doing better.

As for me....I did two loads of laundry yesterday. I still have a load of sheets to do. I was too worn out to do them yesterday. I have nothing planned for the day. No desire to do anything. 

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!!!

Prayers for all of our amazing OFF Family. Special prayers for Butch and Vickie, also for those that have asked. 

Loads of love and bunches of hugs to all.....connie d


Judy G.
on 9/21/14 3:29 am - Galion, OH

Hi Connie...Joe IS a baby...mama's boy like you say...also gay...VERY gay has a "husband" now for 2 years and this "husband" is very uneducated to say the least! He does nothing but play games and is VERY sarcastic and VERY rude!!!! I will not answer anything on Joe's FB page because of his "friends" they do not take jokes at all and they cut you to pieces!!!!!!!!!!! Joe and I used to have fun but not anymore!!!!!!!! I refuse to talk to him unless PRIVATE!!!!!! I will not even LIKE any of his photos for fear of his "friends" starting stuff with me...yes its that bad!!! His GAY friends are that bad!!! Rick's mom said Joe is sponsoring some show next month and we are invited...LMAO like we will set foot into that situation??????? HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get me people are ok...but we will not have anything to do with his friends!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!! Its just a long story and not going into it here...just trust me its better this way.

Sun keeps going in and out here so hard to get outside shots for pictures!!! GRRRRRRRR Also why couldn't they ask for pictures when flowers were PRETTY???????????? Right now everyone has BLAH gardens...Need to do inside empty apartments one from each complex. Great. Glad I have one on each

Well better call my mom before I forget...sitting here playing on PC...duh!!!!!

I am like you...not feeling like doing anything!!! So upset over these tenants that I could scream!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a good day!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 9/21/14 4:26 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Judy and Connie and my OFF family:

Haven't had a chance to be on here lately. Been too busy with work. Last night was a bear ... 10 pages and a lot of it late. Thankfully, I got some help on my college football pages from the guys. I just feel drained after Saturday night. I fell asleep watching Episode 2 of "The Roosevelts" ... only saw half of it before I went to bed.

Other than that, it's just work, work, work. Hope everyone has a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 9/21/14 6:38 am - Galion, OH

Hi is the leg doing? Hope feeling LOTS better!!! I know what you mean about work work work!!! Seems like one day its nothing then the next its none stop!!! I am trying to take outdoor photos and this digital camera I have you can't see diddle squat outside!!! I HATE IT!!!!! So its in and out to see if the picture I took is good or not...Got a couple good ones and a few crappy!!! GRRRRRRRR Need to do inside ones tomorrow.

Browns lost at the last few seconds today...darn it!!!

Have a good day....HUGSSSSSSS

Eileen Briesch
on 9/21/14 8:59 am - Evansville, IN

Leg is better, just bruised. About the same as it usually is. Bears don't play until tomorrow. I watched the White Sox. They won for a change. 

I have problems looking through some of the viewfinders on the digital cameras especially outside. Hard to see in the sun.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 9/21/14 6:37 am - Bradenton, FL

Eileen are the Roosevelt's on Netflix? I'm not doing to great today. The started mecon if potassium today. Also when I get the potassium I get morphine cause the pain is so bad. I'm very loopy! 

Judy if I was around I would come take the pictures u need!


Bentley is back to his sweet little boy self! I hope he stays that way.


image hosting site

Judy G.
on 9/21/14 6:40 am - Galion, OH

Hi Carla!!!! That was nice of you to offer!!!! Thankyou!!! Are you still in the hospital? Any word on when your surgery is going to be? Worried about you!!!!

Glad Bentley is doing good!!!!

Prayers for you!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 9/21/14 8:23 am - Evansville, IN

Carla, "The Roosevelts" are on PBS. Oh, IV potassium is the worst! what have they found out about you other than low potassium?

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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