Happy Friday!
Hi everyone. No one has started the thread today so I guess I will since I'm awake and here on the computer.
We're about to leave for an appointment with my PCP re my recent pelvic fracture. Just a follow up. I still have a bit of pain but it's so much better that I'm HAPPY.
The sun is shining and it's 59 degrees. I think we're supposed to reach the upper 70's today.
No big plans for the weekend but to relax and rest. We've had a busy week and can certainly use a couple days of doing nothing but that which we choose to do.
We've made all the color and texture choices for our remodel/update and now we're waiting for bids to come in to see what the damages are. I know that we'll be shocked. It's been so long since we've done anything like this. In our younger days, we did everything ourselves to save money and make the most profit when we sold a house. We built this house over 11 years ago.
Anyway, I hope you all have a pleasant weekend.
Cindy P.
I'm not doing well. I'm in the hospital. I've been here since Monday. My labs have come back weird, I've had an edg, upper GI, still nausea dry leaves, they r thinking adhesions and open surgery. Maybe that's the best thing.
So we won't be going to see my baby.I'll wait till October 16th and fly.
Gently got his cast off this morning! So that's a good thing.
Well that's my story!!!
Hi Carla...I am sorry you are still in the hospital. I was hoping it was all figured out by now. If they do surgery, like you said it may be for the best. Please keep us updated!!
I am sorry too that you won't be able to go see Vinnie as planned. I know how mush you are missing her and she is missing you too!!
YAY...Bently got his cast off today!! He must be so happy!!!!
I always have you in my thoughts and wish you the very best.
Lots of love and bunches of hugs to you.....connie d
Carla, I'm so sorry you are still in the hospital and possibly facing open surgery. Best to get the problem taken care of ASAP, though. I bet you are tired of feeling miserable. If they have to operate, I hope they can do it right away so you can be on the road to recovery. I'll pray for you.
Cindy P.
Oh Carla,
I'm so sorry you are stuck in the hospital, not sure of what is wrong. I hope whatever they do, you get better fast. I know how you were looking forward to Vinnie's party. I know how you feel missing it. I missed Izzy and Lincoln's first birthdays. It's hard being a long distance Grandma.
I'm praying for you.
Albert Schweitzer

Good afternoon Cindy and everyone!!
Cindy...I am so glad you're finally healing and feeling better!! I am excited that you got to pick out your remodel/update choices! That must have been fun!! Like you said now for bids to come in...that is the tough part!
As for me....feeling a bit better today...I still have a headache but not near as bad as it was. My doctor always wants me to get those darn Flu shots. They always give me headaches, fevers, and achy for about three days afterwards. Tomorrow I should feel better.
Nothing new with me...same old things just another day. I need to do laundry but it will have to wait another day. The temps at night have been in the 40s. Today it is supposed to make it to 73 so far it is only 68. It is cloudy and there is a fine mist and no breeze. Too humid, so I had to put the A/C on for a while.
Wishing you all a good day!!
Prayers for our special OFF Family. Still praying for Butch and Vickie. They are always on my mind. I hope the radiation helps!!
Much love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d
Afternoon OFF family...Cindy good luck on your dr visit and also on your remodeling!!!
Carla...OMG!!! What you do to get attention!!! (JOKE) I tell that to my mom every time she ends up in hospital!!! Seriously I hope you will be ok soon!!! OPEN surgery?? WOW!!! Can't be done LAP?????? Loads of prayers for you my friend!!! Happy for Bentley that he has his cast off today!!! Sad that you had to miss going to see Vinnie!!! HUGSSSS
Connie gosh oh Friday!!!! You need to get feeling better girlfriend!!!! How you going to help me kick butts here???? LOL HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS
Well I found out more that I am doing here...now I am letting the neighbors Beagles out of their pen!!! WTH?????? Oh yeah and I am putting the feral cats in the dumpsters and shutting the lids!!! Boy I sure don't know where these people get their pipe dreams from...GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just sick of all the lies about me is all...wish they would tell me to my face just once!!!!!!!!!!!
Showed apartments today. Lady is very interested and took application. Her daughter had to get to work so had to go. Will drop it off soon. OK. Another woman that I had ready to move in called and changed her mind...AGAIN!!!!! I took her off the list!!! I am tired of playing her games!!!!!!! This is twice now!!!!!!!!! Another one is waiting for the apartment to get done that trouble maker moved out of.
Got email from office they now want me to take pictures of the complex and send in to them by WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!! ON THE COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!! I can't even do that on my own!!!!!!!!!! I have a headache now.....My only choice is take some pictures and put them on a disc and MAIL it to the office!!!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOO how do you like me now?????????? AND I am STILL waiting for that manager to call me back to finish what she is teaching me!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I am now waiting for Mommy dearest to arrive along with aunt Peggy...oh he got a phone call they stopped at Joey's and will be her tomorrow now. FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KMA!!!!!!!!!!!! Another HURT for Rick!!!!!!!!! *****!!!!!!!
OK going to find some food for the grill!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!!!!!!
Hi sistas!
We are home for the next 48 hours. We go back to Houston on Sunday afternoon. Long drive home today through some rain and such. I have a headache and the thought of driving back on Sunday just gives me the willies. But it is what it is.
I'll post more later on when my head doesn't ache so much.
Good Evening Cindy and Friends,
I'm late again. Crazy busy day.
Woke up with a killer sinus infection. My head has felt like it's going to explode all day. Went yard sale shopping before going to Colleen's to watch Frankie, while he slept. He woke up crying uncontrollably. I couldn't calm him down for a long time. I carried him out to the couch, put PBS on, and gave him a huge chocolate chip cookie I'd gotten him from Burger King. We watched The Cat in the Hat, and Curious George till Colleen, Daddy and Lincoln got home. Lincoln needed lab work, and it was his first time. They took him to Toys R Us, and he got Lego sets.
After that, I scooted to the Urgent Care in Lansing, and got seen right away. I then scooted to Rite Aid to drop off the scripts, and then picked up WonTon Soup for dinner. Gulped down some, and went back to get the prescriptions, pick up the kids, to see the parade on Main Street. They throw candy from the floats. It was the high school homecoming parade. Now, I'm heading to the church to get ready for tomorrow's Perry Fest activities.
Albert Schweitzer