Cool weather Monday!

on 9/15/14 2:23 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning my sistas!

Oh my, it is so nice and COOL here today.  Has been all weekend.  Such a welcome relief from the heat.  It won't last long, but it sure is pleasant out there right now.

Today is packing day for us.  We leave for Houston tomorrow.  Butch's appointments start at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, so we'll go down tomorrow and spend the night.  We don't come bac****il Friday, so don't worry if I'm not on FB or OFF much this week.

We had Carrie and Leo here for the weekend.  We like Leo very much.  Yes, I know, it's a shock: we actually like one of Carrie's boyfriends!  LOL!  No, really, he's a very nice young man.  I can get past the fact that he's younger than her and that he's Hispanic and that he has a child already--none of that matters to me.  What I care about is that he's good to my girl!  He's obviously intelligent and well spoken and very well mannered.  And Carrie is crazy about him.  So good.  We got the first meeting over with and now it will be easier on all of us from now on.

We went to Budder's birthday party yesterday.  It was fun!  And noisy!  And chaotic!  And fun!  Butch was able to stay until all the presents were opened, but then he got tired, so we left early.  Still I was so proud that he could be there and he enjoyed it so much.  He wore his jeans for the first time.  In fact, they were a size 36 and he had never been able to wear them before, but he can now, he's so skinny.  

However we came home and I had such an awful headache, I just went straight to bed.  Still have that mean sucker hanging on today, although it's much reduced in intensity.  Nothing I take seems to knock it. 

Got a dentist appointment this afternoon, but it's just for my regular cleaning.  Not much else going on today.  

Love you all!


Judy G.
on 9/15/14 2:44 am - Galion, OH

Hi Vic and OFF family!!!

Oh Vic I am so happy that Butch was able to feel well enough to go to that party!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!! Now for him to make it through the next go round!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD IS GREAT!!!!!!!!! Prayers are being answered!!!!

My internet was down almost ALL weekend and man I was going insane here!!!! Went to Verizon to see about how much it would be to get texting on our phones...LOL Cost would be about the same as what I am paying now...go for it I told her!!! GOSH!!!!!!! Now what about the internet? She said we nee the smart phone and to get FREE phones we have to wait til August. DAMIT!! Oh we wait now...LOL But I finally got my internet back and then I get the most awful gas!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about smelly...I know TMI...woke up this morning and I must have had a "wet fart" didn't even know it til I turned over and KNEW something was not right....OMG!!!!!!!!!! I will not eat anymore of that venison soup/stew I made that's for sure!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if I grossed you out was just bad!!!!!!!!!! Trust me!!!!

Today I have everyone wanting me to do their RECERT and I told them...MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT!!!!!!!! I have things to do here!!!! WTH??????!!!!!!!!! So tired of them just thinking they can just walk in and I do it!!! NOT ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially if it is one that has a knife in my back!!!!!!!!! LOL

OK lunch is about over so back to work I must go...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


Connie D.
on 9/15/14 4:05 am

Good morning Vickie and everyone.......

Vickie....I am so glad Butch made it to the party and actually enjoyed himself!! I know you are concerned about his weight. When he is done with all this you will have plenty of time to fatten him up!!!! So sorry you are still having headaches. Are you drinking enough water?? If it continues you need to go see your doctor.

I am so glad you like Carrie's boyfriend. He sounds really nice. If he adores your daughter and treats her right. That is great!! 

It sounds like everyone had fun at Budder's Party....especially Budder!!!

Please drive safely on your way to Houston. Sending even more prayers!! I won't worry if we don't hear much from you this week. Take good care of each other!! I love you always!!

Good luck at the dentist. I really just love my dentist!! Cleanings are great. I never want to eat afterwards!!!

Judy....I am glad you are posting today. I was worried you up and blew away!!  I am glad you have texting now!!! 

I am glad you are sticking with your rules that people need to make appointments for recerts and such. If they end up having things turned in late they will have to deal with it!! Keep strong!!! 

Awesome that you won at Bingo....that was quite a win!!!!

As for me....PAIN.....need to contact my doctor....these meds aren't working good enough for me!! It was helping at first. Now I am only pain free for a couple hours a day. That is right after I take my meds. I can't get anything done!!

I am going to go out and work on the puzzle for a little while. I can't sit there very long anymore. But, I want to get out of my apartment some.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!!

Prayers for our sweet OFF family. I would be lost without you!!

Much love and bunches of hugs.....connie d



Eileen Briesch
on 9/15/14 4:11 am - Evansville, IN

Connie, sorry you are in pain ... hope your doc can help. Maybe some alternate therapies can help (massage, acupuncture, etc.)

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 9/15/14 6:01 am

Eileen....thank you!! You are so kind and thoughtful!!!

I have tried ever kind of therapies there are. Remember last spring I had 18 procedures done all over my body. That was at a pain management clinic. It worked for a while but not long enough. I won't go through anything like that again!! I have had so much pool therapy and massage that I can't handle anymore. I was told not to go see a Chiropractor because of my neck and back disc issues. I do all I can for my hands and feet. My arthritis is just horrible. I use heat and cold on my hands and feet, I have a wax treatment done on them at least 3 times a week. I still can't control them very well.

My doctor is being a BUTT!! I see a new doctor, an Internist, in December. I heard from other people that she is really good. 

Love you...hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 9/15/14 7:34 am - Galion, OH

Connie Rick was also told not to see any more chiro drs!! BUT he went anyhow and is almost normal in his spine after a year!!! What is wrong with yours if I can ask...Rick has a bulging disc and a herniated disc...almost healed!!!!!

I hope this new internist can help you!!!!


Connie D.
on 9/15/14 9:32 am discs are basically disintegrating....2 in my neck and 2 or 3 in my low back. SUCKS!!!!!

Love you....HUGS.....connie d

Judy G.
on 9/15/14 7:26 am - Galion, OH

Connie, have you ever tried SAVELLA? When I was having all that pain when I worked the food court that really helped me a lot!! If you haven't tried it yet...please DO!!!

The guy that wanted his done today came back at 1...he had his award letter...FROM LAST YEAR!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Told him I need THIS YEARS!!!!!!!! He said well I will have to call them and see if they can send me a new one...ya think?????? DUH!!!!!!!!! It was right on the paper I sent out when I gave the notice 2 months ago!!!!!!!!!! I am SO done being their babysitters!!!!!!!

Bingo again Saturday night....LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can't wait to go!!!!!!!!! Rick can entertain HIS mom and aunt for a couple hours!!!! LOL

Love you too Connie!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSS

Connie D.
on 9/15/14 9:41 am

Hi Judy....yes I was on Savella....I was allergic to it....I have allergies to many medications. Thanks for asking!! 

People that live on your Funny Farm just can't read!!!!!

Love and more hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 9/15/14 4:09 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Vickie and Judy and my OFF family to come:

It's cooled off here, too, has been all weekend. Last night was quiet at work. Other than the late Bears' game, not much happened. Bears game was great, though ... at last, a Chicago team that can win!

I'm glad Butch was able to enjoy the birthday party and he's feeling OK. Good luck with the chemo this week.

I too have a bit of a headache and also some crud in my throat. It's better now that I'm up and moving around. Kind of tired, though ... think it has to do with my new med (Lyrica) ... body is getting used to it. 

Well, got to get into the shower and have lunch. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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