We made it to another Tuesday!

on 9/1/14 9:43 pm - Bradenton, FL

Good Morning

Its 0738 and I'm up! Can u believe that? I can't? 

Bentley is better but is acting sluggish. I'm hopping he will be out of the bandage by the time we go to Chicago on the 22nd. It is Vinnie's Birthday on the 26th.I can't believe she will be a year old.

Hope everyone is doing well today after the holiday weekend.


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Eileen Briesch
on 9/2/14 3:47 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

I'm sluggish, too. I'm having a "me" day ... not doing anything. Just hanging around the house. Well, I did strip the bed. But other than that, not going anywhere, just vegging. No running around for Richard. We'll do that tomorrow. I just want one day for myself. I do plan to make zucchini bread and maybe some apple muffins. But other than that, nothing (that sounds ambitious, but like I said, it's a "me" day). 

I hope Bentley's going to be better, too, Carla. Poor baby! And I can't believe Miss Vinnie is a year old already ... but then I can hardly believe my big boy Ben is 14 years old and 6 feet tall and wearing size 16 shoes. Seems like yesterday he was a 10-pound bruiser of a baby. They grow up fast.

My cousin Doug, who I met in Georgia (his father was my Grandpa Briesch's brother), sent me a photo of our great-grandparents on their wedding day. I posted it on Facebook. It's so cool. I was trying to see resemblances ... My great-grandmother looks a lot like my cousin Mary Ann (my Aunt Bernice's oldest daughter, who died of a brain tumor a few years ago). I see my brother Ed in my great-grandfather; also my cousin Tom (Aunt Bernice's son). Anyway, interesting photo. I have a family photo with them and all the kids. Aunt Bernice gave it her daughter to give to me after she died. I treasure it. 

Work was crazy last night, so I'm glad I'm off today. We had four people and lots of pages. The guy in charge was having problems. ... he was making lots of mistakes. I hope all of them were caught. Sports was fine ... I only had one late story so I tried to pitch in when I was done. 

Anyway, not thinking about that place today ... just relaxing. Hope everyone has a good day.


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Patricia R.
on 9/2/14 6:23 am - Perry, MI

good afternoon Carla and OFF,

I'm having a great visit with family here in PA. I'm staying with a friend, because my Mom is always treating me like dirt. 

My niece's shower was great. She looks awesome. Monday we went bowling for my nephew's birthday. 

I took Sean out for cheesesteaks for lunch today. Tomorrow we're headed to New York to see Chris. 


Hugs and prayers,


on 9/2/14 6:51 am - Cibolo, TX

Hi everyone!

My daily chores are done.  Got soup cooking in the crockpot for dinner tonight.  Time to sit and crochet awhile.  

Nothing new to report today.  Same-o, same-o.  Butch's appetite is a little better today.  He's had some fruit, a scrambled egg sandwich, and a smoothie.  

Carla, my little Budder Bean will be ONE year old next week on the 9th!!!  Haven't we grannies had a fun year?  LOL!

Well, nothing else much to say.  Just checking in.  Love you all!


on 9/2/14 7:53 am - Bradenton, FL

Oh yes! I've had fun traveling up and back in those crazy highways!!!!! Once I get to Chicago I dont want to leave my Vinnie!!!!!!

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Connie D.
on 9/2/14 9:23 am

Good evening Carla and everyone.......

Carla...it is hard to believe Vinnie will be a year old already....that sure flew by!!! 

Eileen.....I am so happy you took a "ME" day today!!!! You have been needing one for awhile now!! You are always baking something good. I don't bake at all anymore. If I did I would eat it all!!! You have people at your job to share it with!!

Vickie....hello sweetheart!! I am so glad Butch is eating better today. I had quite a talk with the Lord last night and this morning about that subject. Thank you Lord for answered prayers. I hope you are taking it easy. I worry almost as much about you as I do Butch!! I know our Lord is watching over you too. I can't believe Budder will be a year old already. Gosh I was thinking he was about 9 months old. Time just slips away too fast. I can't even remember July or August!!! Have a good evening and a relaxing night's sleep. Love you much!

Tri**** sounds like you time away is going well. I am glad you are able to spend time with your family.

As for me....I can't shake this depression. I am trying everything I know how to do. I hope it passes soon. My pain is a bit better today even with doing so laundry yesterday...YAY!!

Tony just stopped by. I had him come over to help me move things away from my windows. I had to take my pretty ladies and doves off my window ledge. Tony took my curtains down in the living room and bedroom. He had to move my love seat in the living room and some things in the bedroom too.Window cleaners are going to be here tomorrow to clean the windows inside and out. They clean all the tracks and such too. 

I couldn't sleep last night so I was up late finishing a puzzle in the lounge area. I hope tonight I get a better nights sleep.

Wishing you all a good rest of the day!!!

Prayers for our precious OFF Family. Prayers for those who have requested special prayers.

Loads of love and many hugs to all....connie d


Judy G.
on 9/2/14 9:31 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF family....been a day from HELL today...weather held off so that was GREAT!!!!!! Only had a little rain nothing big to report on that at all...Prayers answered!!! Thankyou GOD!!!!

Tried to get tenants to sign the forms for the electric need 8 more signatures...they were home but wouldn't answer the door!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boss came today she will be sending me 4 letters for tenants that need to stop what they are doing here!!! One for leaving POOP in the washer AGAIN!!!!!!! This is her third and LAST warning and then if she does it again she is banned from the laundry use!! Two others for trash all over...another one for constant complaint on something wrong with her electric and won't leave it alone...she keeps playing with it!!!!!!!! Like I said...this IS the FUNNY FARM here!!!!!!!! sighs.....

Well one good thing did happen today...Michael FINALLY seen what we all have been seeing...he told his girlfriend he needed space!! He WAS going to let her move in with him after only a month of seeing her...she is a control freak...she got all pissy at him I guess and packed up her stuff...she went home with an attitude...oh well!!!!!!!! Michael is here now talking with Rick and having a beer like old times...he told me she didn't like us...he didn't know why either. I did. He asked why. I said because she is a control freak and she couldn't control us. He looked at me and shook his head yes. Sooooooooo see how long this lasts. He said he still wants to date her. Yeah ok.

Three more days and my son will be here!!! I am soooooooooooooo excited!!!! Can't wait to see him and Renee!!!! Did I tell you all they set the date?? Next year October 10th!!!! So that means I have til then to get this extra weight off me!!!! I can do it!!!!!!!! Just need to get my head on straight again!!!!

Well Bandit is after me to lock up already...1/2 hour early...darn dog!!! LOL so guess I ill go lock up now. They can't do laundry this late anyhow!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


Connie D.
on 9/2/14 10:52 am

Judy....I didn't know your son was now engaged....that is wonderful!!! Congratulations to them!!!

I am glad your boss is sending out letters. Maybe you can get the scum out of there for good!!! Poop in the washer....what the heck!!! Some people really are PIGS!!!!!

I am glad Michael has changed his mind about her moving in. You don't need her attitude around there!! I wouldn't okay her lease, if he lets her back, not with all you know about her. I hope he wises up real quick!!!! 

Love you much...HUGS....connie d

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