Hi It's Tuesday!!!!
Good morning Carla and my OFF sistas!
Sitting here eating a Peanut Butter Power Bar for my breakfast. Man, these things are GOOD.
Busy day today. Got to pack for our journey to Houston tomorrow. Both the visiting nurse and the PT therapist are coming this afternoon. Got to get Patty Kate's stuff together for her stay at Christie's house. Need desperately to throw an eye at the state of my checkbook. Need to fill the car up. Etc., etc., etc.
So, sistas--how's YOUR day? LOL!
Carla, I hope Carl is all right. Good luck with your appt. tomorrow. Is it your annual checkup?
Connie, hope you are feeling better today. If not, get thee to a doctor, girl!
Judy, how are things at the Romper Room today. I sent you a funny on FB. Gotta hold on to your sense of humor, okay?
Eileen, glad Richard is out of the hospital. But remember, he is NOT yours to keep and maintain. I hope he will begin to take steps to help himself.
Jennifer, you've been quiet lately. Hope you are doing okay. Let us hear from you.
Trish, what fun things with the munchkins do you have planned for today?
Cindy P., I hope you are feeling much improved today! So sorry for the pain you've been having.
Fran, you've been quiet, too. Hope you are doing okay.
All of the rest of you, chime in this week and let us hear from you!
Love you all!
Hi Vickie...I guess we were posting at the same time.
Do you leave for Houston in the morning or yet today? I am praying all goes well this trip. How long will you be gone? I always have you right here in my heart...a special place just for you. Have a safe trip and know my prayers are following you.
God Bless you both!!
I am feeling better today. Still weak but that is normal. At least my horrible cough is about gone and no fever for a couple days...YAY!! I a heading in the right direction!!!
Much love and bunches of hugs my sweet friend....connie d
Good morning Carla and everyone.....
Carla....don't you hate waiting in doctor offices for someone else? I get so bored! Good luck at your appointment tomorrow.
I feel like my sinus/cold/cough is getting better today!! This is great!!! I sure have been resting and taking care of myself. What do you know....that actually works...LOL!!!
Tony came over yesterday to take me to get a couple keys made. I have tried twice at the same place and the keys don't work. I got my money back and went somewhere else. The new keys work well. I need them for my two emergency people. They need them in case they must get in here to check on me. We stopped at the grocery store for a few things too. Then we hung out for awhile just talking.
My cleaning fairy comes this afternoon. I am supposed to be getting a different one from another agency. They are supposedly lining that up now.This one is nice, but she does things her way not the way I want it done!! She misses a lot of things. Plus she is only here about an hour twice a month. The new one will be here 4 hours a month.
Otherwise nothing else planned for today other than making a couple phone calls.
Wishing you all a beautiful day!!
Prayers for our precious OFF Family. Special prayers for those in need.
Loads of love and many hugs to all.....connie d
Good Morning Carla and OFF Family,
I had an early appointment for a shot in my back this morning. Now, I'm getting ready to tackle my bedroom. Laundry needs to be put away, and I have some organizing to do.
Connie, I hope you're feeling better. Did you call the clinic yesterday?
Vickie, I am glad Butch has been doing better. Hope his next round of chemo is easier on him. Make sure the docs know how bad the vomiting was last time, and how he ended up hospitalized for deydration.
I hope Judy is having a good day at Romper Room. Hang in there Sweetie.
Prayers for everyone.
Love and Hugs,
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish....I guess we were posting at the same time too!!
I am so glad you got your shot. I know how much your back has been hurting you. Don't overdo today and make it hurt more.
I am feeling better...finally! Still a little ways to go but so much better!!
Have a great day my friend....love and hugs.....connie d
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
It's my weekend! It's hot and humid here, but I have things to do ... my psych appointment (and boy, do I have stuff to talk about!) and then I need to get to the chiro. My neck is hurting and so is my lower back. I had that epidural and still feel lousy. Hope the chiro can help.
Vickie, hope your trip to Houston is good. I know Richard has to help himself. I think he got a wake-up call ... he was drinking too much beer, for one, and that had something to do with the kidney failure. Plus, he wasn't drinking anything else so he was dehydrated. I told him he was lucky he wasn't dead. He's not a child; he has to be responsible for his own health. I have my own addictions to battle.
I slept well last night but am really tired today. Last week was a bear. I could use a mental health day but won't get one. So I'll take these two days off.
Have a good day everyone.
Eileen Briesch
lap rny 6-29-04
Chiro did help ... so did talking to my shrink. Ah, she was wonderful. Unleashed a lot of emotions. We talked about self-esteem. Good stuff. A few tears and drippy nose. But good for me. Getting rid of that voice of my mom inside, telling me I'm fat, I'm not good enough. Need to listen more to my voice.
Now, I'm doing laundry, going to have a beer and watch baseball and read.
Eileen Briesch
lap rny 6-29-04