Sunday Blessings

Patricia R.
on 8/9/14 10:30 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF Family,

I'm exhausted because I had insomnia again last night.  Got about four hours of sleep, or so, but not much more.  

I have church this morning.  Then, this afternoon, I am going to drive up to the lake at the state park, and test the water.  If it's decent, I'll take a swim.  Need a change of scenery, and some exercise.  Plus, I need some Vitamin D.  I take a supplement, plus calcium, vitamins and magnesium.  

I also have a sink full of dishes, and some laundry to put away.

Must scoot.

Love, Prayers and Hugs,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 8/10/14 12:18 am - Galion, OH

Morning Trish...Maybe you need to take a day and REST for YOU!!! Mt goodness all you do is RUN!!!!! WOW!!!! I am happy that you got the cake yesterday!!!! That was nice that they could do that seeing as they wrote the wrong date down!! Gezzz.

Today all I am doing is relaxing!!! I am going to color my hair soon as I am done posting on here and then just sit around all day. Put Bandit outside the door to go potty when I first got up today and it feels muggy out. YUCK!

Have appointment for resigning at chiro dr tomorrow. Supposed to be cheaper if we do that. Wonder how much cheaper. If its not a lot not sure if we will do it or card can only handle so much...haha. I try to pay what is charged but it never seems to cover it...weird...not sure what else I bought but oh well. Vicious cycle when using credit cards!!!

Wonder how Butch is doing today? Poor guy having to go through all that pain! Praying so hard for him and Vicki...just not fair!!! Hopefully he gets better SOON!!!!

Well that's it for me...need to get my hair

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 8/10/14 1:43 am

Good morning Trish and everyone.....

Trish....I just posted on the post you wrote yesterday. I am so glad you got the cake done right!! Prayers continue for Colleen. I am sorry to hear you had insomnia last night. So many of us had a hard night on Friday. I hope you can get in a nap or two today. Take time and just relax. The lake sounds like a perfect place to do that!! I agree with need a day for you!! The heck with the dishes and laundry!! 

Judy.....I am happy to hear you are taking a day for yourself as well!! I pray all the crazy tenants leave you alone!!! Have fun coloring your hair. I wish I could do mine. It needs to be done soon!!!  I have my daughter do mine as it is highlighted. I am still keeping your mom in my prayers. I hope all is well with her. prayers continue all through the day for Butch and you as well. I hope you both had a good nights sleep last night. Take good care of you my sweet friend!! 

As for me....I had nothing scheduled but one appointment this week. Somehow it ended up being a really crazy week!! I had people coming and going all the time. My phone was going off like crazy. I guess I shouldn't complain at least I know people love me!! Kyleigh got moved yesterday. They stopped in for a little while on their way out of town. I will miss her. They promise to come up and visit. They will only be about an hour away. 

My lunches here are being paid for me so I decided I might as well go eat with everyone. I know I don't always eat as I should. Many times I just have protein drinks and protein bars. I just hurt too much to make anything else. Going out to eat will get me out of my apartment and I will get to meet new people. Both our buildings eat in the same dining room. We are connected by a walkway. I went yesterday and it was fun. The only thing I don't like is that they eat at noon. I prefer to eat more like 1:00 to 1:30. Oh well...I will get used to it!

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!!

Prayers for our special OFF Family. Special prayers for some.

Much love and bunches of hugs to all...connie d


Judy G.
on 8/10/14 1:56 am - Galion, OH

Hi Connie...I just slap the color on and wait 25 minutes and wa**** I don't do the says it has them in it? Yeah OK...LOL This color I used said it was a warm golden brown...looks dark to me...oh well...gray is gone now!!!

You go eat those PAID FOR LUNCHES!!!! Can you take them back to your apartment?? Take some zip lock bags with you and sneak them back if you can't take them I know I would!!! ROFL!!!

Did you see Tony Stewart had an accident last night and killed another driver that got out of his car? OMG!! So sad.

Now that Michael has a girlfriend he isn't over much anymore. She keeps him on a VERY short lea****hey have been seeing each other now for just about a month now and she is already wanting a ring and talking marriage!!! OMG!!!! I told him I would take his leg off and hit him over the head with it beat some sense into him if he did that so soon!!!! Rick said the same thing!!! She sure is in a hurry!!! WOW!!!

I am so worried about Butch...hope Vicki called for some help on his pain!!! Praying a lot for them both!!

Have a great day!!


Connie D.
on 8/10/14 4:29 am

Hi Judy....Yes... I can bring the lunches back to my room. I keep some Tupperware in the seat of my walker. So far I have been staying in the dining room to visit. I only eat part of the meal and bring the rest to my apartment for later. Or I can order the whole meal to be packaged to take to my apartment. They just want us eating they don't care where.

I am just sick about Tony Stewart!! It wasn't his fault. That kid should not have gotten out of his car. It was a tragic outcome. I am sure this will haunt Tony for the rest of his life.  

Michael better be careful....she may get pregnant if she isn't by someone else already. You know how some girls can be.

I am very worried about Vickie and Butch too. Always praying for them.

Love you sweetie....hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 8/10/14 8:00 am - Galion, OH

Connie this is their FIRST for each of them!!! He has never had a girlfriend and she has never had a boyfriend either!!! He is TRYING to take it SLOW but not her!!! We talk everyday til she comes over then they disappear into his apartment...then they come out and walk around holding hands and all...finally got them to stop playing kissy face all over the complex!!!! OMG!!!!! Told him I get enough phone calls and now I get calls on them!!!!!! He said they would cool it!! THANKYOU!!!!!!

Yes I feel bad for Tony!!! If that young driver never got out of his car he would still be alive right now!!! He was pissed off and look what happened!!! Hope Tony isn't going to be held for this!!! So far no...but it could change.

Looking forward to seeing your TONY!!!


on 8/10/14 3:11 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello my sweet sistas!

OMG, we had an absolutely horrible night.  It was just awful.  Butch threw up and threw up.  He couldn't keep even the tiniest sip of water down.  And he was in such pain!  I sat up beside him and rubbed his back, his shoulder, his hips, his feet--anything that he felt like would feel soothing--until about 3 a.m.  He finally managed to fall asleep in the recliner around 3 a.m. and slept until 8 a.m.  Then it was time for his pills.  I was so afraid he would throw them up again, but they stayed down and he fell back asleep until around 11 a.m.  

So far he hasn't thrown up today, and his pain level is down from the last two days.  I just got him to eat a canned pear half and sip a little of the juice.  He won't try anything else, but I always think cold canned pears taste good when you're sick.  If he tolerates that, I'll make him a scrambled egg.  He needs to drink some fluids because I'm afraid he's dehydrated, but I can't get him to do more than take a tiny sip of water.  He won't try the gatorade or the ginger ale.  I offered to make a cup of hot tea, too, but he refused it.

I have never seen anyone be so sick and so miserable for so long.  It's truly awful to stand by and not be able to help.  I just hope and pray the worst of it is behind us now until the next round of chemo.

I am exhausted, but Christie is coming to help this afternoon.  By herself, without the boys.  We want to see the boys, but we're just not up to the hullabaloo.  She would have come yesterday, but she had to work.  Her vacation week is over.  I'm so glad she's coming.  I need to recharge.  And I need to cry.  I am not going to cry in front of Butch.  He's dealing with enough as it is.  But I need to let some of this stress and emotion out.  

I did manage to get to the little local grocery store yesterday morning.  They don't have much there, but it was enough to restock my frig and pantry.  I'm ready to cook my husband some good healthy food if he ever feels like eating again.  

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all the sweet messages here and on FB.  It really does help to have your support.  I know that any one of you would come and help me if we lived close enough, and that means so much.  Please just continue to pray for my husband.  I love you all!


Connie D.
on 8/10/14 4:44 am, edited 8/10/14 4:56 am

Hello Vickie....I am so sorry Butch is feeling so awful. If it continues  it might be best for you to call his doctor in Houston. Will he ea****ermelon or cantaloupe....lots of water in those. Just suggestions as I know he isn't keen on eating right now. I certainly can't blame him. You could blend the melons and make it easier to eat. How about ice chips?? You could blend ice as well.The doctor might want to give him something for nausea so he doesn't get further dehydrated. 

I am glad Christie is coming over to help. That is very sweet! I am sure the boys miss you both. You are right, this isn't the time to come and play. 

You know if there was a way for me to get there to help I would have been there weeks ago!!! There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you and Butch!!! You can call and cry to me any time you want...I really mean this. I love you so much. My heart is just broken for both of you. 

Hopefully tonight will be better. PLEASE promise me you will call the doctor tomorrow if he isn't any better. Butch just can't get run down like this. He needs his strength to carry on. 

God Bless Butch, you and your precious family. You are all right here in my heart. 

More love and many more hugs too....connie d

on 8/10/14 5:20 am - Canada

Vickie: there's a reason why there's a 3 week interval between chemo sessions.  First week you are terribly sick, throwing up and feeling the chemo will kill you , second week you are progressively feeling better, third seek you are feeling fine, then get zapped with another chemo session which takes 24 hours or so before you feel incredibly sick again throwing up.....and the cycle goes on for however many sessions of chemo.


Plus Butch has his torn rotator cuff, so he can't grab the bucket by bedside and throw up, like normal chemo patients at home both have a very rough time ahead of you. My heart goes out to Butch, what a rotten time he must be having, towards end of this week things will get better and he will sleep more if his pains can be controlled.

Sending good healing vibes to both of you with tons of love.


on 8/10/14 5:25 am, edited 8/10/14 5:25 am


I am so so sorry that your Butch and you are going through this.   When I had chemotherapy, I can tell you that I was so sick that nothing stayed down and then my doctor said if I knew someone who could get me some pot, it might make a difference.   I tried it and it did make a difference but it was so harsh on my lungs that I only used it when I was so sick that I was throwing up pure liquid that my body was getting from my cells.   It can help with the pain too.   I don't know how you guys feel about trying it out but it can help him sleep, get rid of the nausea, and in conjunction with his pain meds, give him some pain free time.   Also, he might get an appetite.   

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