Tuesday,Tuesday, Whatvis up for your day?
Vickie....of course I will send prayers for Lisa, her mom and all of her family!! I am so sorry they had to deal with this while on vacation. I am so sorry for your loss as well.
As far as not answering us....there is no need. You need to focus on Butch and your needs now. We know you love us and care very much about us. We are a special family. We care more then the average OH board. We are here threw think and thin!!!
I love you Vickie...more prayers...bunches of hugs...connie d
Hi Vickie,
So sorry about our friend's father. That's upsetting news.
Please don't feel bad about not replying to each of us. You are going through something that nobody ever wants to, or should have to, go through. We are a family. We help each other go through their personal trials and struggles. We're here for you now, just as you've been here for us. It's not being selfish at all.
Love you
Albert Schweitzer

Vickie, sorry to hear about your friend's parent (short attention span, can't remember if it's a dad or a mom, sorry).
Also, don't feel bad that you're talking about yourself. You need some place to come and vent. We are here for you. We are your shoulder to cry on. It's a safe place here.
You could almost buy new underwear for the price they charged you to clean them LOL.
As for karma, well, it does bounce back, but you have done wonderful things for other people, so that will come back to you, too. You just stay strong. Lean on us.
Hey everyone. Its almost 9pm and I finally had time to have some me time. So sorry to hear about that families lost. I have never had a b12 shot either. I hope I have labs done soon, I am curious to how things are going inside of my body. I have been so busy... I had to finish getting my 8th graders school stuff today, he starts back Thursday. Then I had to go renew my drivers license...the picture on this one is so much better than the last one and i'm so much closer to my dl weight lol. I didnt change it because I know I will get to it. Several more errands in this crazy hot hot day but the great things is it all got accomplished. I wish I knew how to cross stitch, its so pretty but looks so complicated. I'm glad you all are on here.