It's Saturday and I am in Florida but not home yet!
Good Morning Carla and OFF,
Carla, I'm glad you're back in Florida, safe and sound. Poor Bentley. I hope he feels better soon. Utley had a bad sore on his paw this Winter. Took a while to heal. I hate it when our kids, furry or otherwise, are hurting.
I am almost done my spare bedroom. Colleen and Trent are giving me a twin bed for it. I've been using a double air mattress. It's twin size, but sits higher, like a mattress and box spring, without the frame.
I also have to plant some flowers.
Nothing else exciting.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Carla and everyone.....
Carla....almost home once again...YAY!! When is your next trip planned? LOL!!! Sorry about Bentley....hope he heals quickly!!
Trish....glad to know you are almost done with your spare bedroom. That must feel good!! It will be nice to have an extra bed in there.
As for me....I finally did my couple loads of laundry yesterday. I am going to the store with Pam later to get the extra groceries I will need for when Gracie is here. I never have cereal, milk, bread, all the things little ones like. Picking up lots more fruit and fresh veggies too. I will change the bedding in the morning so it is all fresh. I was looking on Pinterest and found some fun things for Gracie to cook....she loves her mom and Nana!!!
Wishing you all a wonderful day!!
Prayers for our awesome OFF family and also their families. Special prayers for Butch and Vickie. I pray their travels to Houston is a safe one. I pray the doctors and staff can help Butch and relieve that pain. I pray for strength for Vickie. God Bless them both. I also pray for Judy's mom that she gets stronger everyday.
Much love and bunches
of hugs for all....connie d
Good morning (barely!) Carla, Trish and Connie, and all to come later,
We are having a very lazy morning around here today. Carrie and her friend Kristen went out last night and they got home around 2 a.m. So they slept late. Butch and I slept pretty late for us as well. I finally slept all night last night, thanks to 2 Tylenol P.M. I'm not nearly as "headachey" today as I have been all week.
Today is my day to pack us up for our trip to Houston tomorrow. So I'll be fairly busy all day today. It's hard to plan what to pack when you don't know what to expect, but I'll do my best.
Carla, I'm sorry Bentley got hurt! Poor puppy! Hopefully his paw will heal soon. Little dogs' bones can be so fragile. Patty Kate is a little dog, too. I have to really watch the boys and make sure they don't play too rough with her, pulling on her legs and things.
Trish, you sound like you are feeling better now! Glad you are making progress on your place.
Connie, so happy for you that Gracie is coming for her visit! I know how much you've been looking forward to having her spend a week with you. Have lots of fun with your baby girl!
We are doing okay today. I put a third patch on Butch last night, so he's up to 75 mcg of the pain medication and he's doing better. We never did get that special cancer pain med yesterday, so I guess our "angel" at Dr. Miller's office lost her battle with the #*($&* insurance company! They make me so mad! I will have to see what I can do about switching Butch to a different Medicare prescription plan soon. WellCare is the pitts!
Hope all of our other sistas are doing well and that everyone has a nice weekend.
Love you all!
Hi Vickie....yes, I am so excited about getting Gracie tomorrow. It won't be until late afternoon or early evening. I will have to make it that long!! I can't hardly wait for all that love and hugs!!!
I am so glad you were able to get a decent nights sleep last night. I pray you have another good night tonight. I am so mad that those drugs didn't get there. That is just awful!! By tomorrow he should be able to get better meds. I hope and pray all goes well for your drive to Houston. (((((VICKIE))))) and lots of love too!!
God Bless you both.
Love and many hugs....connie d
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
Sorry about Bentley. Hope he'll be OK.
I woke up with a headache and a backache. I think there's some rain in the forecast. Battling both right now. Need to get in the shower and get ready for work. It's a Saturday and I got nothing ready for Sunday's paper. Got to get in earlier than usual.
Vickie, sorry you didn't get the pain meds you needed. I know when my dad was dying, I was appalled we couldn't get the doctor in to the hospital to give him pain relief (and he was dying at that point ... he's not going to get addicted! This was back in the 1980s). It's gotten better, but then the states put in laws because a few people abuse the drugs (I have to see my doctor every four months to be sure I'm not abusing my painkillers). I'm not the one who's abusing it, but I get penalized.
Anyway, as miserable as I am, I know Butch is worse. So Vickie, I'm thinking of you and Butch, swinging chickens and hoping he will be OK. At least his appetite is good. Make sure he gets salads in him, too ... that helps with the constipation. Oh, and dark chocolate works. (I speak from experience ... and it taste good and is good for your blood pressure.)
Got to go ... have a good day.