Its Friday I'm driving home from a holiday inn in mississippi

on 7/25/14 2:14 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla and Trish and all my sistas!

Carla, safe travels today!  I know you miss Vinnie.  She misses you, too!

Trish, so glad Colleen has you there to help celebrate her birthday.  I know the kids love having you there, too.  Mommy's birthday is a Really Big Deal to them!  Your cupcakes will be a smash hit.

As for us, we are simply enduring the wait until Monday.  Butch woke up in dreadful pain this last night and again this morning.  I called the pain doctor's office to find out if we could maybe have a different pain medication (you remember the damn insurance company denied him the cancer pain drug?), and I encountered an angel by the name of Jessica who literally went to WAR with WellCare on our behalf.  She was outraged that they denied a cancer patient pain relief and she has been battling with them all morning.  It's not 100% yet, but I believe we're going to get a delivery of that pain medicine today or tomorrow.  

In the meantime, we put yet another patch on Butch, plus a couple more Norco pain pills, and I gave him a massage and he's doing a bit better now.  I tell y'all, this is just tearing me up!  I can't stand to see him in so much pain.  It's horrible.  Please pray.

So, today Carrie and one of her friends are driving down from Waco.  Carrie wanted to see her dad again, and Kristen was with her, so they're both coming.  It's cool.  They're grown women.  I won't have to cater to them.  (I do have to make sure I have two clean guest rooms though.)

Then this evening, I'm on standby to pick up the boys from school.  Both Chris and Mike have to work late, but Mike might get off early enough to pick the boys up.  If not, I'll get them.  Butch wants to see them before we leave for Houston.  I won't have to keep them for very long this evening regardless, and it will be good for Butch to have a visit with them before we go to Houston.

I am fighting the blue funk pretty hard these days.  I feel scared and sad most of the time, but I'm trying to "walk the talk" and have faith and rely upon God to take care of us.  I think it's the uncertainty that's taking the most toll on both of us.  We just need to KNOW.  I think we can handle anything as long as we know what's coming.  But when you don't know, you imagine the worst all the time.  It will be better, no matter what they tell us, after next week.  

I made Butch some bran muffins and he ate 3 of them this morning.  Nothing wrong with his appetite!  I've started stirring fiber into everything he drinks.  He ate all of his power pudding.  And he's still constipated!  The pain patch is a stronger medicine and it has really slowed down his GI tract.  He had to drink another bottle of magnesium citrate yesterday to get things moving again.  I'm going to run to CVS and buy several more bottles of that stuff today.  I don't guess it will hurt him if he drinks a bottle of it every day.  I need to ask the doctor about that.

Well, I need to grab a shower and get going.  Love you all!



Judy G.
on 7/25/14 5:50 am - Galion, OH

Vicki I am SO glad that you have a cancer angel!!!! They can move mountains for you!!! Just hang in there girlfriend Monday is almost here!!!! Many prayers being said for Butch and tell him also to hang tight!!!! I know its hard but GOD is there....  


Connie D.
on 7/25/14 6:42 am

Hello Vickie....yes....we must have been posting at the same time.

I love you too!!!

I feel so bad for Butch...sorry those meds didn't help more. Being constipated makes him even more miserable. I am so glad you have Jessica (the Angel) there to go to bat for you. How they can deny cancer meds is beyond me! I hope she can get the drug!!

I am so happy to hear that Carrie and her friend are coming back. She is such a help to you!! Yes...the boys will do Butch good...I agree with that. Carrie will help with them too. 

I know how scared you must be. I can imagine the "Blue Funk" you are dealing with. I remember those feelings when going through Nic's cancer. Trying to hold on and stay positive can wear you down. Know the Lord is by your side. The uncertainty is very hard emotionally and physically. Hang in there. You have many friends that definitely included!! You and Butch are in my thoughts and prayers several times a day. I wish I could come and just hugs you so tight....I will just have to settle for sending them through cyber space. I love you much!!

I did post a note on Butch's Caring Bridge site last night. I am not sure you noticed it as the site was not completely set up yet. I just wanted you to know I am here for you.

Much love and many, many hugs......connie d




Eileen Briesch
on 7/26/14 3:51 am - Evansville, IN


Glad you got an advocate for Butch. Sometimes you need someone to speak up for you. 

Didn't the power pudding help his constipation? There's also something called "smooth moves" tea. 

Fiber bulks things up, but you also need to make sure he's drinking enough water so it keeps everything moving through his system. Otherwise, it just blocks up (I learned that from when I had to start talking iron ... that'll block you up something terrible). 

I feel for you two. I can't imagine what it's like. I have back pain, but I'm sure it's nothing like what Butch is going through. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 7/25/14 5:51 am - Galion, OH

Carla we need to start calling you GYPSY!!!! You are never home!!! LOL I sure wish I could travel like that!!! Well sometimes anyhow!!! Lots of nasty weather popping up this weekend so please be careful!!!!!


on 7/25/14 12:05 pm - Cibolo, TX


I did call Carla "Carla on Wheels" one time, but then I realized that the initials for that spelled "C-O-W"!  I didn't think she would appreciate me calling her COW, so I dropped that right quick.  LOL!  I like Gypsy.  Maybe we'll nickname her that.

(Love you, Carla!  You are NOT a COW!)


Judy G.
on 7/25/14 6:01 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...took off work a little early for a change today!!! I needed it!!! OMG!!! Called my boss and asked her what she thought of the red color for the club house doors...dead silence....then she said SURE!!! WOW!!! So I went to hardware and bought the paint and tonight I start painting them!!! I am excited for them to get done!!! The color I got is ALMOST a redwood but brighter. The trim around it will be white. Also around the window panes will be white also. The rest of the building is sort of a grayish blue and some brick also. I think it will look fantastic!!! Plus I painted the wrought iron railing gloss black last week and that really looks great!!! So when I get the doors done...NICE!!!!!!!!!!

Showed apartments today I am so darn buy I have no clue if I am coming or going lately....I need time off!!! Then I am looking at the weather on my FB page...OMG!!!!!!!! This weekend we are in for it!!! Hopefully as a couple are showing its south of us...BUT some are still showing us in the RED!!! As I posted on red red chew tobacco chew tobacco chew tobacco SPIT!!!!!!!! Yeah that bad!!!!!! LOL I don't mind storms it is the heavy rain and flooding that I am worried about and that is what they are talking about...YIKES!!!!!!!

Mom is still in rehab til next Thursday because of the expensive antibiotic she is taking and the nurse has t give it to her everyday. Otherwise she would be home. Atleast that is what they told her.  I am happy she is there for another week to get stronger!!

Well that is it for me today...thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


Connie D.
on 7/25/14 6:58 am

Hi Judy....what did you do to **** off Mother Nature....she sure is mad at you folks in Ohio...LOL....just kidding. She was mad at us last winter....that was a rough one!! You sure have had some of the craziest weather this summer!! I pray that you don't get flooded! You need too keep a little inflatable boat near your door!!!  Just kidding!!!

I too am so glad your mom is staying put for awhile. She needs all the healing time she can get. Plus when she is there you know she is doing what she is supposed to do!! Less stress for you!!

You must have most of your empty units filled by now. I am so glad that loud mouth is moving out....she did give her notice didn't she? Is the idiot that parks in the grass done there yet? I can only imagine what a clean up mess that will be!!

I am super excited that you are going with "red" for those doors!! Red is my favorite color. You can think of me when you see them....LOL. I think it will really look awesome with the colors you mentioned.

Have a good and safe and hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 7/25/14 8:40 am - Galion, OH

Connie I didn't do anything to **** mother nature off!!! LOL We also had a heck of a winter here remember?? Rick has his waders ready for am staying in bed with the covers over my head!!! LOL

Loud mouth only TOLD me she was moving out...not written notice this point we don't care just LEAVE!!!!  Haven't seen the other idiot here so not sure if he is done yet or not...the AC is still in window I think so probably will wait til the 31st to grace us with his ugliness once again...

Going to start painting tonight I think not sure but Rick said I should so tenants don't "touch" the paint when wet. The red is sort of a redwood color but not as dark. Wish I could make this dumb PC post pictures!!! Should change my phone to be able to send but that costs more money so not sure if I should do that. I don't have texting either.  But YES!!! I will think of you when I look at the color!!!


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