Happy Sunday from Elkhart Indiana.
Hi don't use Hotel.Com! They aren't customer friendly! I am staying at a Sleep Inn in Elkhart Indiana. An intruder entered our room at about 300am. We were switched rooms last night around 7pm cause someone smoked in the room so they didn't put it in the computer we were in here and gave the intruder a key. Scared me to death. Sleep Inn won't do anything for me cause the manager isn't here. I have to wait till tomorrow. The clerk won't even call him at home. I called Hotel.com they said they would comp the romm and then reniged. I won't use them again. If the room isn't comped I'll go to American Express.
And I'll put it all over the internet!
Otherwise my day is going well even though I don't have my morning brew!
Thanks for liking my pictures on Facebook. It makes me happy!
Vicki I am thinking of you and Butch.
Talk on I'm thinking of all of you.
OMG Carla!!! I would have **** bricks if someone came in my room while sleeping!!!!! OMG!!!!! I would DEMAND they get that manager NOW or else!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! Hope you get this settled fast!!! AND a refund!!!
Well last night we had a call from one of the tenants son's asking if I would please go check on his mother. Seems she fell the night before about 7pm and has been on the floor all this time!! OMG!!!! YES!!! I will go right over and see how she is and also call the squad to come check her out and send her to hospital also if needed!!! Will call him back to let know how she is doing...he was 2 hours away...well she was ok BUT....she is diabetic and has not had anything to drink or eat since before her fall the night before!!! Squad came and they took her in to be checked out by dr and said she should be ok and would bring her back home soon. I called her son back and told him that. He couldn't thank me enough. She didn't want to call for help because her door was locked and nobody could get in!! I told her YES they could because they would have called US!!!!! I told her to ALWAYS call for help no matte what!!! She said she would from now on!!! So she wet the floor a few times and we told her we would be over to clean that Monday morning for her. She is happy. So are we that she is OK!!!! She is 80 years old....OMG so scared...she is getting out walking around now a little bit and this is the FIRST time I have seen her since we have been here!!! She said her legs just felt like a ton of cement and she went down is all...poor lady.
Not much happening here today...just trying to RELAX...hahaha like that happens here???? Well sometimes it does.
Think I will take a drive to Mansfield to the stores and see what I can get into...yeah that's an idea...get out of here for awhile anyhow!!!!
Forgot to mention...mom did 60 feet yesterday walking!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Good Afternoon Carla, and OFF,
I hope you get your room comped. That's horrible that someone was given a key to your room.
I just got home from church, and must change to go over and water Colleen's garden. Then, back here to finish organizing that spare room. My living room is a disaster area right now. I have a ton of stuff to take down to the basement.
Must scoot.
Hugs and prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

OMG both Carla and Judy! Carla, I would have been scared to death, but at least your "intruder" was a hotel guest and not a burglar! One time a really swank hotel in Houston gave me the key to a room and when I opened the door, there was another guest wrapped in a towel standing in the bathroom!!! She and I both nearly died! So it does happen, even in the best of places, I guess.
And Judy, God bless you, sweetheart! Those old tenants of yours don't know what a treasure they have in you and Rick. I know you care for them and TAKE care of them, too.
I am feeling pretty blue again today. I think this will be my new normal for awhile. The prozac does help with feeling so irritable and snappish all the time, so that's a blessing. At least I can deal with Butch and my family calmly and without impatience or sarcasm. Of course, I do everything I can for Butch, but with the Prozac, I can do it much more TLC. I just feel so badly for him! He's bearing up as best as he can, and he rarely complains, but we are both just so anxious to get to MDA and find out what kind of a battle we are facing. And I want them to make him STOP HURTING. It just cuts me to ribbons to see him hurt.
So, today we are having a small family birthday party for Christie. Carrie is driving down from Waco for the party this afternoon. She'll spend one night, but has to be back early tomorrow. I'm making spaghetti supper and I baked a chocolate cake. I'll go ahead and ice it this morning, but I promised Benny he could help me decorate it. I have all sorts of sprinkles and colored sugars he can use.
I did go swimming with Chris and the boys yesterday and it did lift my spirits a bit to spend time with the babies. I am hoping today's family get-together will do the same for Butch.
Not much else to report. I've got a lot to do, so I'll close. Love you all!
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
I got up way too early this morning ... at 8 a.m. ... finally got out of bed and made my breakfast protein shake. I started falling asleep drinking it, so I just gave up and took a nap in my recliner for an hour. Just got off the phone with my mom and before that, off Skype with my brother. Still sleepy ... going to take my shower and maybe another nap.
Carla, I know you will complain until you get satisfaction on your room.
Judy, you take good care of your tenants ... they're lucky to have you.
Vickie, enjoy the birthday celebration. I hope Butch can relax and maybe be a little out of pain. I know it must be tough for you. He finally retires, and now this.
Trish, I know you posted but can't remember what you said. Sorry.
Well, off to the shower, lunch and maybe a nap. Have a good day.
Good Afternoon Carla and everyone....
Carla....I would have been scared to death. I am glad that it wasn't someone just breaking in!! I still would have insisted the manager at least called me on the phone!!!! I ope you get that room for FREE!!!! I always love all your pictures on Facebook. Thanks for sharing!
Judy....Thank God that apartment complex has you...and Rick too. You are so good to those people. Some of them don't know how good they have it!! That poor lady on the floor like that. I am so glad they called you. She needs to get a Life Alert necklace or something else like it!! The Elderly Waver Program here gives them out for free!! YAY for your mom!!! She is doing great walking....are you sure it was her hip...that seems like far to walk so soon. Maybe it is just in a different place on her hip.
Trish...Be careful outside watering the garden. It is really hot here and very humid. I would guess it isn't much different where you are. Hope you get the things taken to the basement. Just take your time.
Vickie....I am glad you have Prozac to help you through this hard time. I know you must need something like that. I know you hate seeing Butch like this. I hope he will soon be getting better drugs to control the pain more. I know how this is tearing you up. I hope the party helped bring some joy to all of you today. Love you!!!
Eileen...I think the weather must have something to do with how tired you are. My Fibro has kicked in. Between that and the humidity I am so tired all the time. I wish you didn't have to work tonight. If you have to be there I hope your shift goes by quickly and easily too.
As for me...doing nothing. I still haven't done my laundry. I don't have much so it will just have to wait until I feel better. Nothing else new here. I am going to watch a movie now and just relax.
Wishing you all a relaxing day!!
Prayers for our sweet OFF family and there families as well.
Lots of love and many hugs to all....connie d
Just got a call from the tenants son (the one that fell last night) and he said it was a good thing I made her go to ER to be checked out last night!! She had a small STROKE!!! OMG!!!!!!!! He wanted to update me and let me know she would be in hospital for a while...I told him she was fine last night just hungry and thirsty and even the squad guy said the same thing...but yes I am also glad we made her go get checked out!!! Told him we would still be going in to clean the carpet for her tomorrow morning. He thanked up again...
Connie my mom said it was her FEMOUR? Not sure if I spelled that right or not but that is what she broke...she finally told me last night forgot to tell you all...sorry.
Just ate grilled chicken, zucchini and no room for the ear of corn that is calling my name...that has to wait til later on!!! Rick didn't burn it this time!!! LOL Was really good!!! I am stuffed and I only ate one thigh! Had about a cup of the zucchini. Need to take Bandit fr a walk and see if tat helps it go down some!!!!
Had some wind blow through here and the leaves made a little tornado!! WOW!!!
OK that's my update...