Awww, crap! Friday

Judy G.
on 7/18/14 7:37 am - Galion, OH better be careful or you will get in trouble with grass being so deep!!! OMG!!!!


Cindy P.
on 7/18/14 5:51 am

Hi, all.

Vickie, I'm guessing that if Butch's dr. knew how badly he is suffering, they would prescribe something stronger.  He shouldn't have to suffer like he is.  Since you can't get in to MDA before July 28, I'm thinking you should consider calling the dr. or make a trip to the ER.  I'm sorry you have company coming, but maybe Butch wants the distraction -- something to get his mind off his endless and relentless pain. 

Judy, did you get to talk to your mom last night?  I hope her PT went well and that she's doing good at the new place.

Grrrrr -- now I can't remember what else I was going to say.  I sure wish you could scroll up to the posts while in the REPLY window. 

We went to Agility this morning.  Logan had a great time greeting all his doggie buddies.  We had missed a couple classes because of my MIL's failing health and weren't sure how he would do today -- but he did just great!  He was able to run off-leash and followed my hubby's commands.  Now, he's tuckered out and is napping at my feet.

Since I didn't go grocery shopping yet this week and the tourists are swelling our small coastal town to the max, I'm thinking of going either late tonight or early in the morning to try to miss the crowds.  Usually, I opt for an early morning shop but last week, when we did that, the store didn't have everything out on the shelves (like their bananas weren't out).  I need bananas for hubby's smoothies and so I either time our shopping for the least crowded time when they will be fully stocked or stop at another store for just bananas tomorrow when we go to the Post Office to pick up our mail. 

I continue to think positive thoughts and send up prayers for many of our OFF family.

Cindy P.

Judy G.
on 7/18/14 7:38 am - Galion, OH

Hi Cindy...WOOOHOOO!!! Glad Logan did good today!!!! WOW!!!! Congrats!!!!

Oh I hate going to the grocery store!!!! YUCK!!! Usually end up buying things I don't need or use!!! LOL

Thanks for those prayers!!!!


on 7/18/14 6:42 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello again!

Whew, our company just left.  They stayed 2 hours!  I would never dream of imposing on a sick person for so long, would you?  Ann just about talked my ear off the whole time.  I'm not like that.  I was brought up that conversation was supposed to be a give and take affair between two people, not a one person talk the whole time affair.  I could tell Brian was talking Butch's ear off, too!  

Anyway, they're gone and Butch just took 2 pain pills and he's trying to settle back down into his recliner and get comfortable.  When Butch takes 1 pain pill at a time, it doesn't work very well, but if he'll take 2 at a time, he gets some relief.  Only he doesn't like to take 2 because then he falls asleep.  Also, he can never quite make the full 4 hours before the next dose.  He always starts hurting again around hour #3.  

Y'all ought to know by now that I can't make him go to the ER.  He just won't do it.  At least we are going to the pain doctor next Tuesday.  He didn't really want to even do that, but I insisted we go and at least get established with the pain doc here.  As far as taking something stronger, he won't ask the doctor for stronger drugs, and he won't let me call and ask about any other drugs either.  He's very stubborn!  

Well, I'm pooped and I'm going to lie down and take a nap.  I just want to hide my head under the covers and never come out again for the rest of the day.  


Judy G.
on 7/18/14 7:40 am - Galion, OH

Vic...I wonder if YOU called the dr and told them how much pain Butch is in if they would give him stronger meds?? Just a thought. Won't hurt to try you know?

Shame on that company!!!! But if he takes 2 and sleeps atleast he isn't hurting...poor guy!!!

You get some rest now also!!!


Connie D.
on 7/18/14 10:13 am

Vickie....I can't believe the company stayed that long or that they talked the whole time!! That is very inconsiderate!!

Maybe you need to ask Butch to discuss company together before he says okay. You are the one that has to do the work. You should be in agreement as to what times and days will work the best for both of you. I know he is stubborn. Just a thought.  

So if you do call a doctor for stronger meds what can he do about it?? It is for his best interest. Silly men sometimes they would rather everyone suffers!!  I am still sending prayers!! 

I hope you managed a nap this afternoon. 

Love and many hugs to you as always....connie d

Judy G.
on 7/18/14 8:02 am - Galion, OH

OK my turn on how my day went.......hope you are all ready because it was a doozie!!!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!! Morning went just fine...had an early morning appointment for Area on Aging to come look and see what new tenant will be needing when he moves in...mopped the floors (which I still have one left to do yet) went to lunch got back and received a phone call from another tenant that is more than ready to move in...can she move in today? Well I still need one more paper back yet...well don't really need that one...OK let me get papers sent in and get the lease done...then a couple of my tenants come rushing into my office to let me know someone was dumping trash into our dumpster that didn't live here...OK did they get plate number? NO...did they call police? time do that!!!!! I can't do anything without something to go on!!!!!!!!! Oh...then they left...pretty soon they are back someone is dumping a bunch of stuff on the ground NEXT to the dumpster!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! I was so BUSY I couldn't leave at that moment...Soon as I could I did and saw a HUGE pile of someones things.....I came back for my camera and called the police to come right now!!!!!! This is the SECOND time this week this happened!!!!!! Police came...the guys that the things belonged to was because he was there and his dad lived here there was nothing police could do...GRRRRRRRRRRR then I am told the lady that died her family was here moving he things out and they were parked on the grass!!!! OH HELL NO!!!!!!!! I told Rick and Chase to get over there and tell them get off the grass now!!!!! Soon as the policeman was done with the dumping incident we BOTH went over to that ordeal...I made it over there before the officer did...I was called a hard nosed *****!!!!! No I am doing my job and its a rule to NOT park on the grass moving IN or OUT no matter WHO you are!!!!!!!!! Officer told them to move the truck and trailer OFF the grass now. They moved it!!!!!! Officer said he would patrol to make sure they stayed OFF the grass!!! THANKYOU!!!!!! HBIC rules once again!!!!!!!! LOL So anyhow I get back to mu office for the new tenant and her lease...she comes in to sign it. Miss call the cops on Rick is parading all over trying to hear which apartment the new person is going in...I warned new tenant about miss call the cops that when she finds out she has a car she would be best of tenant said oh no she won't!!! I am on oxygen and my car is not a taxi!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOO Oh to be a fly on the wall when this happens!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO So anyhow I am still not done with work...need to work tomorrow as another new tenant needs to turn in paperwork that needs to get done ASAP and tomorrow is the only time she can get it in to me....OK...then we also have a refrigerator on the blink so repair is coming tomorrow morning also......can I scream yet??????????? LOL OH...need to o scrub that last floor yet....darn it!!!! Just might wait til lock up to make sure nobody walks on it as its in the laundry room!!!!!!! DAMIT!!!!!!

Talked to mom last night and she said she is doing therapy 3 or 4 times a day...WOW!!! Learning how to put her socks on and her pants and things like that...told her keep it up and soon she will be dancing...she said yeah right!!! LOL Said she was TIRED!!!!!!! I told her so was I so we said good night and hung up.

So that is my day today...wanted to go to the fair but I do not see that happening now.....I am beat!!!!!! Think I am going to order take out...good idea Judy!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!!


Connie D.
on 7/18/14 10:35 am do you deal with all this!!! It makes me crazy just reading about it!!

I hope you can relax at some point. I too just ordered out. I haven't in month's and I am too tired to care. I needed a treat. I will have plenty for tomorrow too!! 

I am glad your mom is still hanging in there and following directions as they ask her to do!!!

Love you....hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 7/18/14 12:05 pm - Galion, OH haven't figures it out yet? I LOVE this stuff....LOL When I got this job here my mom said OMG you sure got a good job right up your alley!!! HEAD ***** IN CHARGE...LOL Well she was RIGHT...I am in charge here until MY BOSS IS ON SITE...LOL That is what she told me...LOL Sure some days get me down but I love it!!! Really!!! Plus the police are on MY SIDE here!!! Might have one or two that see things differently but I have MORE on MY side than NOT. I noticed them driving by tonight ALOT while they idiots are moving things out yet...and I am sure they will be til they are done. They look out for me as I HELP them with the bad people that com around here also! One hand washes the other I guess you could call it.

We went out for dinner to that Mexican place we love. I ate a fried chicken burrito. Well about 1/2 of it. Had a banana magerita...YUCK!!!!!! Never get one again!!!! Was good but not with food!!!

Yes mom is doing great!!!!

Love you too!!!!


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