Awww, crap! Friday

on 7/18/14 1:56 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sistas!

I am in a very disgruntled state at the moment.  I was so looking forward to having a whole day with NOTHING to do, no appointments to keep, no errands to run, nothing.  Instead we are having more company this afternoon.  Crap.  Now I have to get dressed and run through the house again, picking up and straightening for company.

Today's company are some more of Butch's people, 2nd or 3rd cousins I think.  I don't know why the hell they are down here in this part of Texas, but they want to stop by for a visit.  I do know Ann slightly.  We both worked at the university together for a number of years, although we never worked together in the same department.  I don't know Brian at all.

Butch is not doing very well.  He's having a lot of pain, even with the pain pills.  I have the horrible gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach that we're making a mistake by waiting another week+ to get to the oncologists.  I just can't stand to see him hurting.  Especially since I can't really do anything for him except hold his hand and murmur sympathetic noises.  It's just tearing me up inside.

Well, I'd better get my shower and get dressed.  More hair and makeup today.  Dammit.  I was planning to spend the day in my jammies watching movies and cross-stitching.

Hope y'all are all having a good Friday.  Hope everyone is feeling well today.  Trish, I hope your sinuses are better.  Connie and Eileen, praying for pain-free days for both of you.  Judy, I hope your mom continues to improve.  Carla, loved the pics on FB of the camping and beach.  Looks like fun.  Everyone else, I love you all!


Judy G.
on 7/18/14 2:39 am - Galion, OH

Vic...tell these DISTANT relatives Butch is NOT up to COMPANY at this time!! They should understand and if they don't...too bad!!! Why are you bothering with makeup again?? You do NOT need it!!! You are pretty without it!!! So call these people back and tell them you are not up to company right now and hang up...they show up do not answer the door...and if Butch is in that bad of pain...take him to ER for pain meds...they SHOULD be able to help him out again for COMFORT!!!!


on 7/18/14 2:51 am - Cibolo, TX

Oh, bother, Judy, they called Butch, not me, and HE told them we would love to see them.  So I'm stuck.  It'll probably perk him up to see someone besides me.  I'm just being selfish and don't want to have the trouble of getting ready for company right now.  


Judy G.
on 7/18/14 7:25 am - Galion, OH

Well POOP!!!!!! So don't bother getting all dolled up then...RELAX!!!!!!!! YOU didn't invite them over HE did!!!!! LOL You want to it!!!!!! Hope he doesn't over do it with a lot of guests...and HOPEFULLY they don't have COLDS!!!! Don't need him getting sick right now!!!!!!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 7/18/14 3:46 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Vickie and Judy and my OFF family:

For some reason, I got up at 9 this morning. So I got out of bed and started my day. Decided since I was up, I was going to shred some zucchini and make a chocolate zucchini cake to bring into work. I couldn't find my shredding disc for my food processor, so I had to do it manually. But got that done, made the cake and it smells heavenly in the house (although it heated the place up and I have chocolate all over my nightshirt). Still have about a cup of zucchini left plus two more in the fridge. I'll have to make my zucchini bread some other day. The cake is not WLS-friendly; the bread is (low-fat, low-carb, etc.).

Wish you weren't having company, Vickie. Sounds like you could use a day to rest. Could you get something stronger for him if he's in that much pain? Call the doctor. 

Not much happening here. Had to change my foot surgery because I picked the wrong week. Did that yesterday afternoon. 

Have a good day, everyone

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 7/18/14 7:34 am - Galion, OH

Eileen that sounds good to me...LOL but you live to far

ANYHOW...about a job offer for Richard...was thinking but might not be up his boss is looking for a manager at a small complex a few miles from where I live...does he know light maintenance? Would he be able to do office work like computer to rent out apartments? I thought with it being a SMALL place he could maybe handle both ends of the job himself? Doesn't pay a lot...But if he interested I can PM you the number for him to call my boss and talk to her about it...just a thought...Let me know what you think.

Hope you have a good night!!!


Connie D.
on 7/18/14 4:27 am

Awwwww just can't catch a break!!! I am so sorry!!! I agree with look great without makeup. Put on something comfy and try to relax. No need to run around doing so much. They know you are busy taking care of Butch. You need a break!!! Sending many more prayers for both of you!!

PLEASE consider taking Butch to ER. They can at least give him the meds he needs. There is no reason for him to sit around in pain like that. Either that or call his doctor and have him order something stronger. Butch doesn't need to suffer like that. 

You know how much I care....I hope I am not coming across bossy....that is not my intention. Love you my friend!! 

Eileen...that is an early wake up for you. You may need a nap at some point. I am sure the Zucchini cake and bread will be great!! You are so nice to your fellow employees. 

Judy....I missed the latest update on your mom I think. You were going to call last night. It sounds like she is accepting rehab and that is good!! I hope your day goes well and no crisis' with your tenants come up!! HUGS!!!!  

As for me....I slept in until about I am just dragging today. I am still in more pain today so I won't be leaving the building!! I am still so mad at myself for all the running around with Pam. I won't do it again!!!  Sorry to keep whining! 

My grandson, Lucas, was back at the Mayo clinic Wednesday. The doctor there feels he wasn't allergic to any weeds of anything in the woods. She and her colleagues feel he had a virus. They said it is very, very rare, but he was allergic to the virus. She said she personally hasn't had a patient with it but knows of other cases. Either that or they are running more tests to check for autoimmune diseases like Lupus and such. We do have relatives with Lupas....also MS. Lucas feels much better and the rash/bumps are all but gone now. He is pretty worn out but that is not a surprise. They wanted to do more allergy testing but want to wait. He has so many steroids and medication that the test won't be accurate now. We are waiting for more test results. Please send some prayers, swinging chickens, good vibes or what ever. Thank you!

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!! 

Prayers and more prayers for our blessed OFF family. 

Much love  and bunches of hugs  to all....connie d

Judy G.
on 7/18/14 7:36 am - Galion, OH

Connie I didn't post anything yet on mom since I talked to

Hope Lucas is going to be OK!!! That has to stink being sick most of the summer already!!! Prayers continue for him and family!!!!

My day...OMG will post separate on my day....LMAOOOOOOOOO


Connie D.
on 7/18/14 10:00 am

Judy...thanks for the prayers for Lucas....we really appreciate that very much!

Love and more hugs.....connie d

Patricia R.
on 7/18/14 4:29 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Vickie, and OFF,

Vickie, I know that there are stronger pain meds than Norco.  Percocet, is one.  I also know that some patients need as much as 80 mg. Oxycontin.  Ask his doc for stronger meds.  It may mean a trip to the doctor's to pick up the script, but it could give him some relief.  When I was in the hospital, with the horrible leg injury, I was on IV Dilaudid, and Oxycontin at the same time.  Neither alone helped.  As for the company, if Butch told them to come, he must want to visit with them.  Sorry it messes up your plans.  I'm sure the visit will help him.  I hope you are able to enjoy their visit.

As for me, my doc gave me a stronger antibiotic, and I'm hoping it helps.  I went out to get the backyard mowed, and needed to put gas in the mower.  That meant, going to Colleen's, to see if they had a gas can in their garage, which they didn't.  Trent uses his Grandpa's tractor to cut his grass.  Grandpa lives right next door to them.  So, I scooted to 7-11, three doors down, got a gas can, and put gas in it.  Came home, and filled the mower.  When I looked out back, I thought of the scene from the opening of "Little House on the Prairie."  That's how tall it was.  I raised the mower, and headed out back.  Thank the Lord, the mower has a transmission, and it will move without a ton of effort.  What a workout.  Then, I went to the farm stand around the corner, and got some fresh tomatoes, corn and green beans.  I just got out of the shower, and had lunch.  Now, I'm heading to continue tearing apart the spare bedroom.  I have boxes in there that haven't been unpacked since I moved here last year.  

Connie, I hope you're doing better today.  I was thinking about you during the All Star Game, and Home Run Derby.  I lived in California when it was in Philadelphia in 1976.  

Eileen, chocolate zucchini cake sounds yummy.  I have some zucchini I plan to make a bread with.  

Carla, I love the pics.  Vinnie is absolutely adorable.  I haven't been to Lake Michigan in ages.  I was there right after Colleen moved here, probably 10 years ago, or more.

Prayers and hugs,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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