Good morning OFF family,
My morning starts wth prayers for each of you.
Vicki, i hope you and Butch got some much neede rest and that the medication will alleviate some of Butch's pain.
Judy, i hope your sister follows up like she agreed. Your mom's confusion at night may be a bit of sundowners. It happens with many elderly. I just hope they are able to get her up and moving and to a good rehab facility.
Eileen, so sorry work is such a difficult time for you rigbt now. I hope things straighten around so you can at least enjoy it a bit more.
My brain is having trouble tracking everybody's lives, but please know i read your dailyvposts and keep you in my thoughts.
I am muddling along. My knee is doing well as long as i do my daiy exercises, which i need to get too next. I see the surgeon Wednesday and hope to get releasef to drive. That will be good becausr claire is still having a terrible time with the gout in her knee and can barely walk to get to the car. At least if i can drive i can get to the store and run some simple errands.
Well, off to do my exercises. Will check back later.
thank you Francine. Butch was finally able to sleep all night last night, which was a bblessing. He is feeling better emotionally and mentally today, if not physically. I'm doing okay. Got a lot of details to tackle today. I get a bit overwhelmed if I think about it too much, so I just follow my list. One step at a time. I'll post more later on when I know more of the plan. Love you all!
Good Morning Francine, and OFF,
I'm keeping Vickie, Butch, Judy, and her Mom in my prayers, along with everyone else. It's always hard when the people we love are sick, and we can't get the help, or answers we need. I have to keep reminding myself that God is in control, and He loves them more than we could begin to imagine.
I'm doing more of the same, today. Cleaning, trying to get organized. Yard work too.
Must scoot.
Hugs and Love,
Albert Schweitzer
Hi Francine and my OFF family:
I understand about the knee exercises ... after three knee replacement surgeries, I too have issues. I do leg raises as often as possible but still have lots of knee pain. Guess it will always be there.
Not much going on here. Last night was a long night, with an hour meeting about our new online editing platform starting it off. So I'm going in late tonight. I had a talk with my boss about putting down overtime. ... guess I caught their attention at least. If you want me to come in early on Sunday, you have to pay me. Kind of petulant of me, I know, but I was pissed. Things are settled now for awhile. I'll ignore the jerk as long as I can.
I have some errands to run before work ... things I wanted to do yesterday but didn't have time for. ... post office, gas, drugstore. Little things but wanted to get them done before the weekend. I was tired last night and fell asleep in my recliner watching a DVR'd show before going to bed.
Vickie, glad Butch got some rest. Hope his drugs will help him ... I'm on norco (it's the standard of painkillers ... used to be vicodin but now they've cut back on the amount of tylenol). Pain management might be able to help with epidurals, etc.
Judy, I know you're under a lot of stress with your mom and work. I hope your mom will do OK and get into rehab, even though she doesn't want to go there.
Trish, enjoy laundry day. You should at least be home for most of the day and have a somewhat relaxing day.
Not much else happening here. Paid my bills yesterday other than the rest of my rent, which I'll do today. Have a good day.
YAY glad you are going in late....someone did something right for you around there! Good idea...ignore the Jerk!!
You are doing better then me got errands run...I did NOTHING!!
I never heard of Norco. I will be bringing it up to my doctor next week!! This Cymbalta just isn't enough!! It cuts some of the Fibro Pain but not nearly enough. It doesn't help with my rib/nerves at all. I can't hardly handle the pain anymore.
I hope your night at work goes well. I know how hard you work.
Love you...HUGS....connie d
They gave me Norco in the hospital after my hysterectomy and exploratory surgeries. It gave me hallucinations and nightmares. I couldn't take it! I became hysterical in the bathroom in the middle of the night one night. I kept telling Butch I couldn't find myself. He had NO idea what was going on with me!
Butch is taking it now, and he's not having hallucinations, but boy, is he out of it. He's just plain dopey. He can't even open his eyes all the way. They're at half-mast and unfocused most of the time. It's powerful stuff.
So if you get an Rx for it, be sure to take it with caution to start. You never know how it might affect you.
Connie, Norco is the new vicodin ... FDA said there was too much tylenol in vicodin so it had to be cut down. Pretty much same ingredients, just less tylenol. Smaller pill, too. Same amount of narcotic.
These things don't really affect me a lot. They cut down the pain enough when I have it, but I've been on them for so long, I don't have hallucinations or drowsiness or anything. The only thing I had when I had my knee replacements that affected me was something for nausea ... can't remember the name ... boy, it really knocked me for a loop. I was falling asleep while I did my therapy.
Eileen....Vicodin is the only med that can take all this pain away. This Cymbalta just isn't enough. I am having trouble sleeping and having bad dreams on this medication. At least with Vicodin I had a life!! Flexeril works for my spasms.
Thanks for the information!!
My clinic/hospital is trying to cut down on patients using narcotic's. I am pissed because I never once abused that drug.
I will get this straightened out next week when I see my doctor.
Love ya...hugs....connie d